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SAPD - Leadership Intervention

Started by Zach, Apr 07, 2024, 11:36 AM

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The San Andreas Police Department (SAPD) is currently seeking a new leader to guide the organization. We are looking for individuals who are committed to professionalism, community engagement, and effective leadership. If you feel you possess the qualities and skills necessary to lead the SAPD to greater success, we encourage you to apply.

[b]Application Form:[/b]

[b]In game name:[/b]
[b]Discord Username (if applicable):[/b]
[b]Previous Leadership Experience (if any):[/b]
[b]Reasons for Applying:[/b]
[b]Qualities and Skills You Possess That Make You Suitable for Leadership:[/b]
[b]Ideas or Plans You Have for Improving the SAPD:[/b]

Please Reply to this topic with the app, will be locked in 24hrs to start voting process


Application Form: SAPD Leader Aplication

Name: Hammad
Age: 13
In game name: HammadTL
Discord Username (if applicable): hammad_legend
Previous Leadership Experience (if any): Yes currently lead of sapt n had leaded SAPD when other omt was on charge
Reasons for Applying: Actually i think now i am an older player as i am a leader of org rn n was leader of law and im expericned with law organizartions to lead so i was thinking to lead PD if possible.
Qualities and Skills You Possess That Make You Suitable for Leadership: Honesty, Experience.
Ideas or Plans You Have for Improving the SAPD: See first of all I'll hire members and give a chanse to everyone to be member or co leader so the motivation of new comers will be increased and they will look foward to play and I'll increase the security so it will give more duties to the free players in PD oo it will decrease boreness and make players enjoyayble and if i becoome leader I'll try my best to improve server and SAPD by my perfomance.
Certified Platinium Player


Application Form:Sapd Leader Application by Shadow.

SAMP Roleplay Server Username:Shadow.
Discord Username (if applicable):SHaDoW
Previous Leadership Experience (if any):I have led many orgs in another roleplay server called Coffee and SAMP, but in DG i have not till now.
Reasons for Applying:I saw that SAPD needed a new leader and therefore i am applying hoping that i might get a chance to lead SAPD. Atleast once here.
Qualities and Skills You Possess That Make You Suitable for Leadership:I have led many orgs in past but in another Roleplay Server so quality is that i have led orgs in past and have experience. Secondly i will treat my members nicely so that they can have more interest in the police department and roleplay's regarding it. Appreciating strength of other members and their work. If i make any mistakes i'll accept that rather then arguing on it. Looking for opportunites to learn and grow more. Without assuming that i know it all.
Ideas or Plans You Have for Improving the SAPD:My plans to improve SAPD is that we will roleplay with other organizations and this will develop interest of members in roleplay. Work like a family, roleplaying different scenerios with gangs and mafias which will make the roleplay more fun and interesting. I will try my best to make SAPD grow. Giving every member a chance to represent them selfs and improve them self.


b]Application Form:[/b]SAPD leadership application by Abu Huraira

Name:Abu huraira
In game name:Abu_.
Discord Username (if applicable):Abu_.
Previous Leadership Experience (if any):I was the leader of GSF, FYB and currently leading Dark Crime Family.Also i was co-leader in SAPD.
Reasons for Applying:I just want to lead an law org, because i think playing with a law org is better than a mafia or a gang. I was seeking an opportunity for it and now I got it and i cant let it go.
Qualities and Skills You Possess That Make You Suitable for Leadership:I can do quality rp as i have past experience of it, also i can manage new activities for SAPD to make it an active organization. I will do everything possible for SAPD.
Ideas or Plans You Have for Improving the SAPD:I will do various activities like weapons dealing with saaf, raiding mafias and gangs, and other activities which are possible. I will make my members engage more in rp other than just arresting wanted criminals I will make sure that the org should be at his peak performance. I will give my all efforts possible to make SAPD the best org.
Ex - Etmin


Application Form:

In game name:02STORME
Discord Username (if applicable):sabokhan1
Previous Leadership Experience iam SAAF co leader:
Reasons for Applying: help the server being without any rule breaker
Qualities and Skills You Possess That Make You Suitable for Leadership: noting special just want to be leader of a org.
Ideas or Plans You Have for Improving the SAPD getting better leos


Application Form: SAPD Leader application

Name: Emirhan
Age: 18
In game name: [DG]emo_gunis
Discord Username (if applicable):philips_.
Previous Leadership Experience (if any): from old servers
Reasons for Applying: The main reason why I want to be the leader of SAPD is that I really like government work and I will do it no matter what.
Qualities and Skills You Possess That Make You Suitable for Leadership: I am determined and I do not give up. I really love my job. What connects me to SAMP is the government work on the server.
Ideas or Plans You Have for Improving the SAPD: A  desire for a government job is required after a more rigorous and determined education. I think I can train civil servants well and manage LS, SF and LV well. I have done these duties a lot.


Application Form:

Name: Muzzammil
Age: 26
In game name: Enfield
Discord Username (if applicable): enfield_57
Previous Leadership Experience (if any): Led SAPD half a dozen times and many others multiple times
Reasons for Applying: I would hate to see the most important organization in the game fall into the wrong hands and become the butt of jokes for everyone around. Ergo, I wanna be the one to lead it and incorporate my vast knowledge into this organization and make it worth everyone's while. The PD has never failed under my command and never will. My longest tenure leading it was 7 months, which should speak for itself.
Qualities and Skills You Possess That Make You Suitable for Leadership: As one of the oldest and most experienced players in the server, I know what it takes to make the organization attractive and active. I know I haven't been active for the last few days but that's because I am in religious solitude, which ends in about 72 hours (or 48 hours). My track record leading organizations such as SAAF, SWAT, and SAPD has been flawless and it will be no different this time around either. I love the ideas incorporated by our previous leader Aiden, and would love to carry those on with some super lads such as joanus next to me.
Ideas or Plans You Have for Improving the SAPD: I don't wanna spoil it, otherwise people will only steal those and reword them in order to fill their application forms.


Application Form:Sapd application by Payne

Name: Ayaam
Age: 16
In game name: PayneTL
Discord Username (if applicable):paynetl
Previous Leadership Experience (if any):Currently I am leading Midnight Marauders as a Co-Leader.I have done various activities in the server with my members.I never been a leader of sapd but have much experience how things works there.
Reasons for Applying: I never had a chance of leading such a big organisation like sapd.if I will get a chance,I can probably lead sapd with full potential.I maybe look like that I cannot lead such a big org or cant even lead one but its totally opposite.I dont want to miss this chance.
Qualities and Skills You Possess That Make You Suitable for Leadership:Roleplay Skills and Abilities,Shooting skills,I never lose my confidence in any situation even if I am weak or smt.I will try to improve roleplay skills towards the new players in sapd who do not have that experience.
Ideas or Plans You Have for Improving: I would try to finish crimes from the city and criminal organisations.I will post various activities according to the situation and will be always active in the server.


You may now all start voting, use the form below please :

[b]In Game name :[/b]
[b]Your Vote:[/b]


In Game name : BiggieCheese
Score: ~360
Your Vote: Shadow


In Game name : PsychoAngel
Score: 750+
Your Vote: Enfield


In Game name : [DG]AreebTL
Score: 845
Your Vote: Shadow


In Game name : BossOfSanAndreas
Score: 777 - 2paki4me
Your Vote: Enfield


In Game name :[DG]feIony
Your Vote:Shadow


In Game name :HammadTL
Your Vote:Shadow
Certified Platinium Player

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