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SAPD application

Started by ishan11, Apr 10, 2024, 10:39 AM

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In-game Name:Ishan
Country of India
Discord Username: Ishan_jain00
Have you ever been banned from the server? If so, why?: never
In-game Score: 80


RP - Roleplay it is an acting or playing a role of an specific character

PG - Powergaming doing unrealistic things that cant be happen in real life
MG - Metagaming it is the mixing of occ with ic information

IC - In-Character Doing actions that your role-play character does In Characterly
OOC - Out-Of-Character the action's that are completely change and different from your roleplay character

IC Information

Full Name: Ishan jain
Date of Birth: 28th january 2009
Place of Birth: All Saints General Hospital, Los Santos
Height: 188cm
Weight: 50kg
Eye Color: Blue ( Natural No Lenses)
Hair Color: Black ( Without Any Shades)
Phone number: 84001174
Current Address: Ocean flats, sf

Questions (In-Character)

What is your background and why did you decide to become a SAPD officer?:"When I was five years old, I was highly injured in a bad car accident. I was confused and scared until a police officer picked me up.They assured me that everything was okay and made me feel safe and comfortable.Due to the fast response of their team, my mother also made it out of the crash alive.
Ever since then, I have wanted to give back and help others in dangerous situations. I want to be the person they call when they need help. Whether this means helping someone who broke their arm or pulling a victim from a crash site, I want to be the person they remember for the rest of their lives."
What qualities do you possess that would make you a good SAPD officer?:
The qualities i posses are uncountable and numerous a few are as follows...
Sharp-Shooter, Excellent Driver, Leadership Qualities, Professionality, Critical Thinking, Physically Fit, Problem Solving, Calmness, Perfect Communicator, Mature Judgement, Perfect Decision Maker, Brilliant Experience.
so, all of the above qualities untimately posses me as a Highly-Experienced + Skilled Law Enforcer

Do you have any past experience with law enforcement or emergency services? If so, please describe: Yes, i have joined SAPD before, i was a Swat Operator at that moment but left due to some personal issues but now i have polished myself and will love to serve the city again.
Why do you want to join the SAPD?: i want to be a police officer, To save lives,to build comradery among police officers, to try new things,to make communities safer, to give comfort and consolation to my citizen, to lower the crime rates, to serve the humanity, help people build trust and respect for the police department, make people feel safe and secure. i think my shoulders are now hard enough to handle this duty.
My decision to become a SAPD officer is to serve my people and protect my country and state.i am commited to upholding the law and creating a safer environment for the state. so they can walk, run, eat, sleep, play and live peacefully. All my civilians have the right for being lived in safety and freedom and that i'll provide them. I know this is a very big responsibility, I will try my best and will be a Nice Officer for my people and Hell bringing Officer for the criminals.


Whole application is copied post another application after 2 weeks. Lock this @Pantherr
People Know Me As King Of Pier Attack


Plagirism(Copying other people's applications and using them to fill you applications is prohibitted, therefore you are also blacklisted from PD.)

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