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Payne-Sapd Application

Started by lo, Feb 08, 2024, 12:37 PM

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In-game Name:Payne
Country of Residence:India
Discord Username:N/A
Have you ever been banned from the server? If so, why?:Yes,For using some hacks.
In-game Score:209


RP - Roleplay:Roleplay is act of a character which does not enter into surreal actions.

PG - Powergaming:Powergaming is doing things that aren't possible.
MG - Metagaming: Metagaming is mixing your OOC information with IC.

IC - In-Character:You are no longer freeroam player. You actions should be strictly done according to your character's personality.
OOC - Out-Of-Character:You are freeroam player. Nothing relates to your character.

IC Information

Full Name:Max Payne
Date of Birth:19/11/1998
Place of Birth:Saints General Hospital,Los Santos.
Eye Color:Black
Hair Color:Black
Phone Number:61000675
Current Address:Street no 567,Idlewood,Los Santos.

Questions (In-Character)

What is your background and why did you decide to become a SAPD officer?:I was born in Los Santos. My father was a police officer. My dream since childhood was to become a police officer like my father. My father's devotion was very strong. That's why in my childhood, I had thought that I would become a great police officer. A lot of crimes were committed in the city and even today. My father has retired from police service and it is very difficult to manage our household. To meet the expenses of my house, I started working hard to become a police officer.

What qualities do you possess that would make you a good SAPD officer?:I have many qualities that will help me to become a police officer. Physical fitness, Critical thinking, Sound judgement, Good aiming skills,Good driving experience and more.

Do you have any past experience with law enforcement or emergency services? If so, please describe:No, till now I do not have any experience in law enforcement, this could be my first experience if I become a police officer.

Why do you want to join the SAPD?:I want to join SAPD because I have patriotism inside me and I want to eliminate all the crimes in this city. I want to protect the people of my country and put the criminals inside the bars.


By submitting this application, I confirm that I have read and understand the SAPD guidelines and that I am willing to abide by them at all times. I understand that my application may be denied or my membership in the SAPD may be terminated at any time for any reason deemed necessary by the department leadership.


After reviewing your application and qualifications, I am pleased and delighted to inform you that you have been shortlisted for an interview. We would like to invite you for an interview at our San Fierro Police Department in order to proceed with your application.


The selection panel and I have determined that your qualifications are in line with the Department's standards and have granted you an Cadet position. We wish you the best of luck in your career.

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