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David Jackson - SAPD Aplication

Started by asaim, Jan 20, 2024, 04:45 PM

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In-game Name: SaimGamer128
Age: 14
Country of Residence: Pakistan
Timezone: GMT +5
Discord Username:
Have you ever been banned from the server? If so, why?: No
In-game Score:9


RP - Roleplay: Roleplay is a gaming state and in that state we have to do realestic things and if we do something like non realestic it will be counted as our personallity

PG - Powergaming: Power Gaming is disallowed it is like to force someone to rp or doing unrealestic actions like /me Gets his magic sword and killes him like this /me flies .
MG - Metagaming: Mixing IC and OOC like messaging OOC message in /s.

IC - In-Character: You are in character everything is counmted in your character persnallity
OOC - Out-Of-Character: You are free you can do anytrhing you want you cam even bunny hop YOU ARE FREE

IC Information

Full Name: David Jackson
Date of Birth: 11/11/1999
Place of Birth: Jefferson
Height: 5.3 FT
Weight: 60kg
Eye Color: Brownish
Hair Color: Black
Phone Number: 1700071
Current Address: Jefferson

Questions (In-Character)

What is your background and why did you decide to become a SAPD officer?: My uncle was an Sergeant and when some terrorist came to our home i called /911 and the same unit of Police came with my uncle actually on that time my father was also criminal then stopped everything and started buisness then it was my dream to join respective San Andreas Police Department.

What qualities do you possess that would make you a good SAPD officer?: Not greedy person

Do you have any past experience with law enforcement or emergency services? If so, please describe: No

Why do you want to join the SAPD?: I want to fulfill my and my uncles dream and save the San Andreas and give criminals prison and make people to live peacefully


By submitting this application, I confirm that I have read and understand the SAPD guidelines and that I am willing to abide by them at all times. I understand that my application may be denied or my membership in the SAPD may be terminated at any time for any reason deemed necessary by the department leadership.

Agreed for sure



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