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KANIKI - SAPD Application

Started by KANIKI, Sep 19, 2024, 09:12 PM

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  • Full Name: Ubaid Ilyas
  • Date of Birth: 14-11-2002
  • Gender: Male
  • Contact Number: 81001373
  • Email Address:
  • Home Address: Caltons heights
  • City: San feriero

  • Previous Law Enforcement Agency (if any): N/A
  • Position/Title: N/A

  • Why are you interested in joining the San Andreas Police Academy? (40 Minimum Words) Im interested in joining the SAPD to immerse myself in role playing as an officer contribute to a realistic and engaging community and help maintain order on the server
  • What is your background and what motivated you to pursue a career as a SAPD officer? (50 Minimum Words) I have a background in strategic games and a deep interest in law enforcement which has fueled my desire to join the San Andreas Police Department. My motivation comes from a passion for creating immersive role playing experiences and a commitment to upholding order and integrity within the game and I saw many of gangsters robing store Daily I want to arrest them
  • What qualities do you possess that you believe would make you an effective SAPD officer? I possess strong problem-solving skills, a commitment to fairness, and excellent communication abilities, which I believe will make me an effective SAPD officer

  • Your Ingame Name: KANIKI
  • Your Ingame Score: 180+
  • Have you ever been banned before? If yes, please provide details: Nope
  • Are you willing to undergo training and follow the guidelines set forth by the SAPD leadership for roleplaying as a police officer?: Yes

  • RP (Roleplay): Rp is basically like as acting to our players with others As Role of gangster, Police etc
  • PG (Powergame): Power gaming is prioritizing maximizing a characters abilities or advantages to dominate a game often at the expense of roleplaying
  • MG (Metagame): Meta gaming involves using external knowledge or strategies not intended by the game rules to gain an advantage
  • IC (In-character): IC means acting and speaking as your role playing character would adhering to their background personality and story within the game world
  • OOC (Out of character): OOC refers to speaking or acting in a way that is not aligned with your role playing character often for player to player communication or discussion unrelated to the game world

Oath to join the Department:
I, [Ubaid Ilyas], solemnly swear to uphold the laws and regulations of the San Andreas Police Department, to serve and protect the citizens of San Andreas with integrity and dedication.

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