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[ST]Stiforming - SAPD Application

Started by Stiforming, Aug 21, 2024, 02:27 PM

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  • Full Name: Alex Davis
  • Date of Birth: 28/6/2006
  • Gender: Male
  • Contact Number: 48001366
  • Email Address:
  • Home Address: The Golf Yellow Bell 
  • City: Las Venturas

  • Previous Law Enforcement Agency (if any): SAPD
  • Position/Title: Cadet

  • Why are you interested in joining the San Andreas Police Academy? (40 Minimum Words) I want to join back Police Department as, i trained myself to become a good cop to serve the city better as i did before, i want to find back my old colleague and help others when they need someone and reduce the actual criminal count to at least 0 if possible as, right now many criminal are fleeing and cops are missing. I want to serve the city once again, and eventually catch every robbers/killer ect.
  • What is your background and what motivated you to pursue a career as a SAPD officer? (50 Minimum Words) I want to be a cop as i have many experience in Police, i want to pursue my dream to become a police officer, a real one, not cadet i want to pursue criminals and catch them ASAP when someone did a crime, i want the city to be clean, without criminals roaming around i want to serve every person that i can, especially weak people that cant protect themselves, i will serve citizens better and offer a good Police service as  possible.
  • What qualities do you possess that you believe would make you an effective SAPD officer? I'm Fast, and i can catch criminals efficiently, i know most area criminals hide and I know how to aim with Weapons that are heavy/difficult to use

  • Your Ingame Name: [ST]Stiforming
  • Your Ingame Score: 350+
  • Have you ever been banned before? If yes, please provide details:
  • Are you willing to undergo training and follow the guidelines set forth by the SAPD leadership for roleplaying as a police officer?: Yes

  • RP (Roleplay): Is an activity where people assume the roles of characters and act out scenarios, like in real life.
  • PG (Powergame): Powergaming is when we do things that we cant really do in real life like making a car fly and land on wheels without any damage or stealing a plane and landing in a tiny area.
  • MG (Metagame): Metagaming is when we use information that our  in character person didnt obtain but we as player have like "Hi nila!" but the person didnt said his name yet.
  • IC (In-character): "IC" stands for "In-Character." It refers to actions, dialogue, and behavior that a person performs as their fictional character in a Roleplay.
  • OOC (Out of character): OOC or Out of character is when we talk about something that isnt related about the Roleplay.

Oath to join the Department:
I, Alex Davis, solemnly swear to uphold the laws and regulations of the San Andreas Police Department, to serve and protect the citizens of San Andreas with integrity and dedication.


In reference to your application mentioned above, you are requested to attend an interview with the Chief at LSPD and to bring all relevant documents with you. 

Chief of Police
Charles Kettles.


The recruitment board of the San Andreas Police Department has put forth their recommendation for you. You are hereby officially accepted as a Cadet in the San Andreas Police Department.

Chief of Police 
Charles Kettles

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