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smog's Racing Guide

Started by Zach, Apr 21, 2024, 11:19 PM

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The New Racing System

Recently, our developer beckzy has scriped a new racing system.
There are three checkpoints in each city (LV,LS,SF).
In each checkpoints there are a few races created, in order to start playing one you have to head to one of the checkpoints and double-click on the name of the race, then select the option "Start Race"
You can also check each race's leaderboard by double-clicking the race name and heading to the "Leaderboard" option.
The #1 player in each race's leaderboard gets rewarded $10.000.

Down below you can see where the checkpoints are located at.

San Fierro's Checkpoint:
The SF's checkpoint is located at "Downtown". Right next to the Wang's PnS, you can know more about the place down below.

Las Venturas' Checkpoint:
The LV's checkpoint is located at "LV Freight Depot" you can know more about the place down below.

Las Venturas' Airport Checkpoint:
The LV's Airport checkpoint is right by the entrance of the airport you can know more about the place down below.

Los Santos' Checkpoint:
The LS' checkpoint is located at "Little Mexico" right infront of Alhambara Bar, you can know more about the place down below.

How do I finish the race?
Once you spawn with your vehicle you have to start the engine using /e, then you have to follow the given checkpoints all the way to the finish line.
You can also /endrace if you messed up or took a wrong route.

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