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Beginner's Guide

Started by Sael, Mar 27, 2023, 04:40 PM

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Beginner's Guide

Note: This guide is meant to be for beginners who are new to Diverse Gaming[DG], in this guide you'll find the answer to the most common questions you'd have about the server & community.

1. Introduction
2. Server Commands
3. FAQ
4. General Questions
5. Rules
Also other more important stuff you may need to know about.


Diverse[DG] is a SA:MP server, it's mode is Freeroam/Roleplay and that is what you do on the server, Freeroam can be broken down into a lot of parts we'll talk about it further in this guide. Roleplay on the other hand is a simple but important aspect of the server, both freeroam and roleplay must be equally balanced on the server, there's a lot more things to do on DG! but that's what this topic is about what's the server about, play accordingly and you'll enjoy your stay on the server for sure! ;D

Server Commands

There are server commands you can use on our server, they are important; you can also find them In-game just type /Commands so that you can view them in-game but here they are!

Frequently asked Questions

  • How can I get bike/flying/car/weapons licenses?
  • How can I earn money in-game?
  • How can I store my money?
  • How can I buy myself a vehicle?
  • How can I buy items?
  • How can I get more score?
  • How can I buy a house?
  • How can I be a VIP?
  • How can I? (s) will be many more, if you need help with them use /ask to speak to one of our HDO's.

How to get licenses.

Driving License
-if you want to get the Driving License, type /Drivingschool to teleport to the School. Walk into the school and find the red marker, step into it and select "Take test" and start your test, Follow the marker you'll find on your radar and drive below the speed limit of 100MPH and try to do minimal damage to the car.
Bike License
-if you want to get the Bike License, now as you have access to cars hop into a car and drive to Blackfield, Las Venturas. Once there stop by the bike school which will be right next to the stadium. Walk into the school and then into the marker and take the test. Try not to exceed the speed limit of 100MPH and follow the marker.
Pilot License
-if you want to get the Pilot License, head over to Verdant Meadows, Bone County and pull up by the abandoned ACT building. go up by the staircase and walk into the red marker, you need to have 1,500$ to pay for the test and then select "Take test" and fly the plane carefully through all the red circles/corona's in the air. (you may fail in this process so i would recommend you to deposit all your money in a bank first, you can withdraw 1,500$ from the ATM right below the building.)
Weapon License
-if you want to get the Weapon License, you need to level up to 2 Score for it. You then need to go over to an 'ammunation' the gun store and must have 25000$ to pay for the Weapon License, then you walk into the shop and buy the weapons you need. There's no test for this one. ;)

How to earn money in-game.
-you can earn money in a LOT of ways on the server, all from doing jobs,org's,businesses,bank interests,events and many more ways.
However as a beginner we recommend that you earn money by doing Jobs, to view a list of jobs you can do on the server use /Jobs and pick a job that suits you and you can do easily. Each job has it's own difficulty but also increases the money you get after completing them successfully. These are the following jobs you can do on the server:
Some jobs maybe a bit Difficult for you so there is a separate guide linked for you so it can be done with ease.:D

How to deposit your money.
-Banks in game are the way to safely store your money that you earn, banks on the map are marked with a green colored " $ " sign. So head to the nearest bank, walk in, create an account and deposit your money! You can also collect interest's everyday. The bank gives you interest on the money that you store so, more the money more the interest!

How to buy a vehicle.
-if you wish to buy yourself a personal vehicle, you can buy them from either car dealerships or bike dealerships or you can even buy them from VIP members on the server, you can ask them to sell you one or just simply buy your vehicle from a dealership, the Choice is yours.

How to buy items.
-if you wish to purchase important items you can buy them from the nearest 24/7 store that you can find. The 24/7 store is located on the map such as " S " so go to the nearest store and buy yourself important items like; Baseball Bat, Cellphone, Walkie-Talkie, Puncture repair kits, Fuel Cans, Phone Vouchers and many more things!

How to get score.
-Do you wish to get more score and unlock or have access to even greater things!? The score earning mega formula is actually simple.
Play for 1 hour = Have 1 score! as easy as that.

How to buy a property.
-if you wish to own a property, 2 requirements must be met that is $Money$ and Score
money and score requirements depends on what kind of property you wish to buy. Even if you are a beginner, you may find some good deals on different properties. Requirements listed below:-

1) Trailer:To own a trailer you must be at least a level/score of 10.
2) Motel(Small Property) : To own a motel you must be at least a level/score of 15.
3) Hotel/Apartment (Med Property): To own a med property you must be at least a level/score of 50.
4) Large Property : To own a large property you must be at least a level/score of 75.
5) Mansion : To own a mansion you must be at least a level/score of 100

-> To locate a property's icon on the map, open the game's map and press L for legends to appear. Go to the nearest green colored property icon you see to check out the property.

How to be a VIP member.
-if you wish to be a VIP member, there are 2 ways you can actually do it , If you wish to PLAY for it you need to play for 100 hours which would earn you 1 VIP POINT, with that 1 point you can be a Level 1 VIP for 5 months, to Learn more about this subscription use this link - Click me for VIP subscriptions
The other way is a more "time-saving" one for you. If you wish to directly be VIP L4 which is VIP Ultimate you need to make a donation to the server and you will be given the VIP subscription as soon as possible. Here is the link to learn more about the Paid Subscription - Click me for Paid Subscription Info

General Questions

You may have many more queries about features pertaining to the server, here are the answers to some more.

What is Roleplay?
-There is a separate topic made already to explain about this and make you understand. Use /rp to enter Roleplay Mode, however if you can't learn from the topic and need more help we've got you covered. If you wish to learn more about roleplaying you can ask any person that wears the clan tag [DG] or any member of the Helpdesk Operator Team, all these members of the community are here to help you and teach you all about the server's features.!  :)
Link to Roleplay Guide - WIP

What is Freeroam?
-Freeroaming is nothing but the ability to avoid roleplaying and freely explore the server. It can be anything that wouldn't require you to do any form of roleplay, to switch to Freeroam mode you can type /fr and you'll be freeroaming.!

How can i join an Organisation?
*You can access information about organizations on our forums and In-game
*Learn decent roleplay.
-Each organization has it's separate ways of joining, so if you would like to Join the San Andreas Police Department and be a poilce officer, you need to apply on the forums for it.
-If you are interested in joining a gang, you need to roleplay with the Leader or the Co-leaders
-If you are interested in joining a business organization you need to either apply or roleplay with the member recruiting in-game.
> There are conditions and rules for joining an organization, so be sure that you meet the requirements of that organization.

So far i've seen only these questions more as general questions, if you have more to add, either message me on discord or PM me on forums.

Server Rules

There are many server rules that you must follow at all times, breaking any rules would get you punished by an administrator of the server. In-Game you can view rules by typing /rules but there's also many more server rules that is in a separate topic that i'll link here to read for yourself.
Link to Server Rules - Click me for server rules.

I hope this guide may have helped you with the questions you may have had, if you have more questions you can use /Ask while in-game to speak with one of the Helpdesk Operators and they'll help you out with your questions.

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