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Fckboystomper - SAPD Application

Started by Fckboystomper, Jul 06, 2023, 08:53 AM

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In-game Name: Fckboystomper
Age: 15
Country of Residence: India
Timezone: UTC 5:30+
Discord Username: Fckboystomper#6192
Have you ever been banned from the server? If so, why?: No
In-game Score: 1


RP - Roleplay: Roleplaying is simply assuming a role of another character, whether is fictional or non-fictional or the acting out or performance of a regular person ingame. We take a character and expresses their emotions and actions through /me, /do and /ame.

PG - Powergaming: Roleplaying unrealistic things that wouldn't happen in the real world and not allowing others to react to your roleplay.
MG - Metagaming: Mixing Out of character information (OOC) with In Character information (IC).

IC - In-Character: IC means In Character and is when you do something with your character inside the game.
OOC - Out-Of-Character: OOC means Out of Character and is something you do outside the game.

IC Information

Full Name: Sterling Palmer
Date of Birth: 03/04/1997
Place of Birth: Red County
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 148 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Phone Number: 382-8703
Current Address: 2137 Marietta Street, Willowfield, Los Santos.

Questions (In-Character)

What is your background and why did you decide to become a SAPD officer?: Growing up in a small town near Blueberry. I saw the destructive effects of crime on my community. This firsthand experience inspired me to have a great admiration for law enforcement and a strong drive to protect the safety and welfare of my neighbors. As I grew older, I eagerly participated in different community projects. Dedicating my time to volunteering at local shelters and providing tutoring to underprivileged children. Through these experiences I learned the significance of proactive policing establishing genuine connections with the community and employing successful crime prevention measures. I decided to pursue a career in law enforcement, with the ultimate goal of joining the San Andreas Police Department as an officer. I strive to be a positive role model, restoring faith in the criminal justice system, and creating a safer and more inclusive environment for all residents of San Andreas.

What qualities do you possess that would make you a good SAPD officer?: I possess numerous qualities such as Physical fitness, leadership abilities and communication skills.

Do you have any past experience with law enforcement or emergency services? If so, please describe: None.

Why do you want to join the SAPD?: My strong desire to join the Police department stems from my passion for public service and my commitment to making a difference.


By submitting this application, I confirm that I have read and understand the SAPD guidelines and that I am willing to abide by them at all times. I understand that my application may be denied or my membership in the SAPD may be terminated at any time for any reason deemed necessary by the department leadership.

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