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Pizza Job Guide

Started by Strapz, Sep 01, 2022, 12:14 PM

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There are a lot of ways to earn money in DG and one of them is a pizza delivery job. Some of the pizza shops have a bicycle near them named pizza boy and it looks like Faggio but the color and some little things are different. Like the Pizza box behind the bicycle. When you finished the mission you will receive 5000$. I suggest you do the Pizza delivery job in San Fierro (financial). These neighborhood streets are better than others. It has some downhills that make delivery easier and the marked houses that you should bring pizzas there are not so far.

Pizza shop in financal on map.

Enter the pizza boy by pressing (F). To start the mission press (2). Then get into the red place near the pizza shop. After it, you can see some red marks that you should get in them and deliver pizzas there. There are always 5 places that you should deliver pizza there and after that, you should get back to the pizza shop that you started the mission and get into the red. Then you will earn money and if you don't want to continue you can press (2) again.

If you get out of the pizza boy you have 30 seconds to get back to the bike, enter it and continue the delivery. If you hit the bicycle or damaged the bike the money that you receive doesn't reduce. Damaging the bicycle does not affect the money. But beware to don't destroy it because if the pizza boy destroyed you will lose your mission and you should start it again from first.

When you bring pizza to all of the marked locations don't forget to get back to the pizza shop that you start the job from there because you will earn money when you get there.

Canceling mission by pressing (2)

Downhills  near financial neighborhood.

Fastest speed with pizza boy. Pizza boy is not a fast vehicle at all but as I said, the downhills in financial can help you to deliver faster and your speed can get near to 110.

Hope this guide helps you  :)

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