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Forum Rules

Started by Strapz, Sep 01, 2022, 12:06 PM

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● Spamming (including one word replies, quoting without any of your own writing, double posts and pyramids) is disallowed.
● Insulting other forum users is disallowed.
● Discussions about politics, race or religions are disallowed.
● Posting something not related to the topic, thus derailing it, is disallowed.
● Posting forbidden content such as pornography, warez and advertisements is disallowed.
● Bringing back a topic older than 1 month with a reply that's considered spam is disallowed.
● At all times respect the admins' and/or moderators' decisions.
● Signatures exceeding the maximum size (650 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall) are disallowed.
● British English is the only language you are allowed to use on the forums, however Personal Messaging can be used to speak other languages.
● Discussion of modifications to the GTA San Andreas game is disallowed, except for discussions directly related to SA:MP.
● Replying to spam by telling the person not to spam is disallowed. Instead, use the "Report to moderator" link (to be found at the bottom right corner of every post).
● Replying to ban appeals and complaint posts unless your name is mentioned in the topic, is disallowed.
● Racism in any type of form is not allowed.

Basically, stay within the forum's registry agreement.
Punishments will be given by admins as they see fit.

DG admins reserve the right to alter these rules at any time. Any changes will be taken into effect immediately.

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