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Flayko's sapd application

Started by Fareed_TL, Aug 21, 2024, 01:32 PM

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  • Full Name: FAREED
  • Date of Birth: 7/6/2005
  • Gender: male
  • Contact Number:69001295
  • Email Address:
  • Home Address: mulholland
  • City: LOS SANTOS

  • Previous Law Enforcement Agency (if any): NONE
  • Position/Title: none

  • Why are you interested in joining the San Andreas Police Academy? (40 Minimum Words) I am interseted
    because i have to wanted those player who always do crime broke the rules. I have to uphold the law and protect those who is in need and keep justice
  • What is your background and what motivated you to pursue a career as a SAPD officer? (50 Minimum Words)   I have to work in rules and teamwork with my senior and members. And this will prepared me for law enforcement career. I am dedicated to keeping the people safe ensuring justice,and I beleive on SAPD is a perfect place to achieve these goals. 
  • What qualities do you possess that you believe would make you an effective SAPD officer? I possess my qualities such as strong communication skills with my officers and high level integirity i beleive on my self for effective SAPD officers.

  • Your Ingame Name: Flayko
  • Your Ingame Score: 213
  • Have you ever been banned before? If yes, please provide details:
  • Are you willing to undergo training and follow the guidelines set forth by the SAPD leadership for roleplaying as a police officer?: yes

  • RP (Roleplay):  It is living life of character by doing actions based on character life in game.
  • PG (Powergame): Powergaming is the act of using an in-game mechanic,any external information, or roleplay concpet to favour their own character or story.
  • MG (Metagame):A Metagaming includes any additional gameplay outside of more core mechanics of the game which does not take up the majority of the player's time. 
  • IC (In-character):IC is playing a certain character in a virtual world. we use /s to chat interactly with eachother 

Oath to join the Department:
I, [Fareed], solemnly swear to uphold the laws and regulations of the San Andreas Police Department, to serve and protect the citizens of San Andreas with integrity and dedication.
Allah Is Great.


With reference to your application mentioned above, we have noted that the answers provided were inadequate and not well-articulated. However, your application remains under consideration. You are requested to attend an interview with the Chief or Captain at the LSPD and to bring all relevant documents with you.

Chief of Police
Charles Kettles.


Your are declined. You can apply again in 7 days.

Chief of Police
Charles Kettles.

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