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Server Guides / Screen Shot Guide (For Beginne...
Last post by .xPeter_ - Apr 20, 2024, 09:27 AM
Screen Shot Guide

So I've seen a lot of screens, which are either not proper or aren't edited, below that the faction leaders must've been know to how to edit screens as this is one of the important jobs to do to produce you're role-play activities in such form to show the actions with proper message and context for the reader to give a sight on the screens, so this is a Beginner's tutorial of how to edit screens,
Context/Note : The Settings which will be shown is my Prefer's so if you want to change them it's okay but it would be better using the ones I use.

-How to take a Screen Shot via In Game
Many people here either use some sniping tool to take screens, or XBOX Game Screenshots (Windows 10+ users), but the easiest and best way is to Press F7 twice to clear you're Chat so you can take a clean screenshot, secondly without the chat to take screenshot, press F8 once and press F7 again to confirm if the screenshot is taken or not, if it is a chat-log appears at you're screen saying 'Screenshot Taken ~sa-mp(the number of screen shot taken/saved).png
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These Screenshots can be found at Documents < Gta San Andreas User Files < SAMP < screens , saved as samp-(screenshot number), for example 'samp-001'
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-Setting up LSRP+
LSRP+ is a screen editing tutorial made for Sa-mp, FiveM Servers and has basic features to edit screens for a beginner and most recommended to use if you don't for knowledge to edit screens, you can download the LSRP+ from this link : ' LSRP+ Mega Download ', This file is in a zip so just simply open the ZIP file through 7zip or any applications you've gotten to view .ZIP and .RAR files, Simply just click on the .exe file you'll find in the file and paste it on you're desktop.
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Now after that open the application, there would be a pop up to either login/signup or continue as guest, I would recommend to use it as a guest as myself I use it because I don't know if the entire thing is trusted or has a security system, but if someone want's to make an account go ahead but prefer to use it as a guest there's not a big difference in using as logged account or using as guest.
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After that another popup appears with multiple options, 'Friend List (Only for logged users)' 'Financial  Simulator (I don't know the use of that but it seems to make character's or something ignore it) 'Screenshot Editor' 'Chatlog Archiver' 'Chatlog Parser', so we just need to use the 'Screenshot Editor',
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Click on it and two options will appear, 'Edit Screenshot' 'Stitch Screenshot', Select the Edit Screenshot option
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Now a screen will appear and will ask you to open a screen, go to the directory (Documents/Userfiles) where you're SAMP screens are saved and open the one you want to edit
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-Settings for Images
Once your image has loaded, the screen should look like this as default
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Now this is just an example image, you have to use a clean image for role-plays, now click on the option to the left bottom 'Image Size', The default image size is set but for my resolution the most suitable is 1150x600 (my resolution is 1366x678x32, No Widescreen) So I prefer using 1150x600 as you're image size, like this
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After Resizing the image :

-Settings for Chats
Now chats are very Important and play's a vital role in making chat-logs, some people use the default one by cropping and removing the background but I prefer making my own chat-logs with the context I had while role-playing so If there's some additional chat-logs in between my role-play, I don't have to crop them everytime,
To set your chat, click on the option 'Chat Settings and copy the settings I have,

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Now to add chat-logs, click on the option 'Set Chat which would bring you to a screen like this,
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This is the place where you add chat-logs, Now some formats you have to memorise to add you're own chat-logs, Firstly Colors, I don't use the colors which are present in the server so if you prefer using mines here's a list of colors I use with the dialougs :
/s color {ff8000}
/ me color {c2a3da}
/shout color {ff0000}
/do color {800000}

But you can also edit them as you want, there's an option for 'pick color' when you open Set Chat, click on it and add color as you like,
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After Adding the color you have to memorise the formats of how chat-log works/looks, here are some examples
for / me , [Character's_Name][Action], E.G :{c2a3da}Peter Says hi to his friends
for / do , [Action][Character's_Name], E.G :{800000}Walks out of the house (Peter)
for / s , [Character's_Name] says '', E.G :{ff8000}Peter says 'Hello'
for / shout , [Character's_Name] shouts '', E.G :{ff0000}Peter shouts 'Hey You'

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After that, Save the chat and you would find the chat on you're screen top left.
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You can move the chats from left to right or up to down by either pressing 'Enter' for up and down and 'Space Bar for Left to right' in your chat settings to the position you want to fit it in, This isn't a necessary just an option,
Tip : Don't add too many chats in you're screen, just add minimum 5 and maximum 9 lines of chat (important parts), because a screen full of chats looks bad... Keep it clean.

So that's it, how you can make simple looking but good screens for you're role-play, one last thing before exporting make another folder in you're downloads named as 'Samp Screen's and export the screens there named as 'Screen 1/Screen 2/Screen 3' and so on because then it's easy to sort you're screens, and before uploading them on the forums make sure to use the spoiler because it reduces the size of you're thread and makes it look better, and uploading image the size should be set to 1150x600 (1150 as width and 600 as height) on forums aswell, if you do it all right you're screens should look like these samples and what I have for my faction :
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News & Announcements / Re: DG-Server Updates topic
Last post by beckzy - Mar 18, 2024, 11:52 PM
- Fixed selling all of your shares from a business to a new investor not adding the shares to their list of businesses
- Added /asklist for admin Level 4+ to view the latest asks. The ask list will display each ask user, their question, the status of the ask, and the HDO involved (if on-going or completed)
- Changed /loc [playerid] to /loc [playerid] [toggle (0 = disable, 1 = enable)] . When you toggle a wanted players location to on their last reported location will be displayed on your screen (above the radar) after 5 seconds, and will be updated every 10 seconds after that.
- Increased max org pickups to 8
- Parachutes can be used by players who are disallowed weapons
News & Announcements / Re: DG-Server Updates topic
Last post by beckzy - Feb 16, 2024, 05:26 PM
- Fixed mission checkpoints sometimes being unresponsive after leaving & re-entering your mission vehicle
- Made many non-constant read-only arrays into constants
- Using 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 as the camera position/lookat coordinates in /editcctv will keep the coordinates unchanged (it will change only the interior and door)
- In some cases property door IDs can change, so CCTV IDs in /propinfo will now tell you if the CCTV door doesn't match the property door
- Fixed /goto, /get, and /tp not resetting the teleporting player's last registered door (and zone) when moving them from any interior to inteior 0 (causing them to then be unable to enter interiors)
- Fixed /getv not updating the last registered door (and zone) of occupants in the vehicle (sometimes causing them to then be unable to enter interiors)
News & Announcements / Re: DG-Server Updates topic
Last post by beckzy - Feb 09, 2024, 05:58 AM
- Admins can change the reward amount for toy events
- Added "Interior List" to planning department checkpoint
- You will get event top kill death ratio stat if you equal the already top ratio but have more kills than the current holder
News & Announcements / Re: DG-Server Updates topic
Last post by beckzy - Feb 02, 2024, 06:09 AM
- Added Auntie Poulet's house to /interiors
- Added the Air Dealers to /guide
- You can test fly Air Dealer aircraft for 90 seconds
- Increased the streaming distance of the big hangars at LS and SF airports
- Fixed test driving/flying a vehicle and then buying it causing it to respawn when you first leave it
- Added /toggletips to toggle tip messages
- Added /afkmsgs to toggle AFK/back messages
News & Announcements / Re: DG-Server Updates topic
Last post by beckzy - Jan 29, 2024, 11:32 PM
- Added an aircraft dealership (Air Dealers) at Easter Bay Airport. Aircraft available to buy here are Leviathan, Raindance, Beagle, Maverick, Sparrow, Stunt, and Dodo.
News & Announcements / Re: DG-Server Updates topic
Last post by beckzy - Jan 27, 2024, 06:03 AM
- Fixed ban info and ip ban info saying indefinitely banned accounts/ips were automatically unbanned
- Fixed animations/special actions being allowed to apply when a player is crouching
- Newly created property gate model angles are tweaked so that the gate is always facing the admin who created it
- Animations can now be played when crouching if the crouching player isn't cuffed/tied up
- Moved the same chunks of code from /guide, /viewcctv, /viewtag, /spec, /rspec, /aviewcctv, and /aviewtag into a single function PreparePlayerForSpecMode (resulting in more than 2500 fewer total lines)
- Moved some code for stopping SAM missiles, hiding occupied aircraft map icons, and mission ending, which was triggered when players leave their vehicles, from OnPlayerUpdate to OnPlayerStateChange (there was previously inconsistencies/false positives)
- Practically rewrote most of the occupied aircraft map icon handling code
- Fixed being able to change your gaming state to freeroam while wanted at rp school
- Added Auntie Poulet's house interior from VC as an available property interior (for 0.3.DL users)
- Fixed Diaz's mansion, Ocean View hotel, and Phil's caravan property interior safe door positions
News & Announcements / Re: DG SA-MP 0.3.DL inclusive ...
Last post by beckzy - Jan 27, 2024, 06:02 AM

  • Added Auntie Poulet's house interior from VC as an available property interior (for 0.3.DL users)
  • Fixed Diaz's mansion, Ocean View hotel, and Phil's caravan property interior safe door positions

Edit - 02/02/2024:

  • Added Auntie Poulet's house to /interiors
News & Announcements / VIP Ultimate unlimited subscri...
Last post by beckzy - Jan 11, 2024, 04:16 PM
To get VIP Ultimate the easy way, you'll be required to make a donation. Here is a list of various cost & duration amounts:

$3 USD - 4 Months
$4 USD - 6 Months
$5 USD - 8 Months
$10 USD - Unlimited

You can donate by clicking on the Donate button on the homepage. PM beckzy with proof of your transaction along with your in game name and you'll be set ASAP. Here is a list of VIP Ultimate features:

- You keep your personal vehicles when they're destroyed
- You get 100% more when finding an oyster/horeshoe
- You get 100% more when taking a photo op snapsnot
- You can hold 5 fuel cans and 5 puncture repair kits
- You can hold 10 bottles of beer & wine and 10 cans of sprunk
- You can hold 200 dice
- You can own 6 vehicles
- License plates are free
- You can change license plate color
- You get 75% more bank interest
- You can get any melee weapon (Brass Knuckles, Golf Club, Nite Stick, Knife, Baseball Bat, Shovel, Pool Cue, Katana, Dildo, Small Vibrator, Large Vibrator, Vibrator, Flowers, Cane, Spraycan, Fire Extinguisher, Camera, Parachute)
- You can access the RC battlefield interior from Zero's RC shop
- You can change the model of your personal vehicles
- You can change the colors of your personal vehicles
- You can change the paintjob of your personal vehicles
- You can change the model of your cellphone
- You can wear VIP items (Kevlar Vest, Gas Mask, Boxing Glove Left, Boxing Glove Right)
- You can resign from an organization before 7 days
- You keep your armor when you die
- You don't lose money when you die
- You can do taxi missions
- You can enter all RC vehicles
- Phone calls and texts are free
- You can block 50 phone numbers
- Refueling is free
- Your name and level are shown in /vips (you can hide it if you want)
- Your name and level are shown in your stats (you can hide it if you want)
- Skydiving is free
- Sending an advert is free
- VIP chat to chat with other VIP members
- You can change and set your personal skin (including CJ and custom skins)
- You can increase your armor by 50% once every 5 minutes
- You can talk in metallic silver text
- You can use any mod shop (e.g. low riders in Wheel Arch Angels and Transfender, etc)
- You can invest in a total of 400% of shares in any 4 businesses
- You can invest in businesses worth up to $10,000,000
- You can change your name 4 times a day (default limit is 2)
- You can add snow plows and neon tubes to your vehicles
- VIP-U rank and color on forum, with access to the VIP Chat board
- Access to 344 more skins (includes 35 unused skins from San Andreas, 177 skins from Vice City, and 132 skins from Liberty City Stories)
- Can use /jetpack to get a jetpack in /fr mode
- You can increase your health by 50% once every 5 minutes
- You can scratch 20 scratch cards each day
- Access to 4th mod shop type at Doherty garage

If you want any other VIP level you must earn VIP points IG and buy your desired level using /vippoints.
News & Announcements / Re: DG-Server Updates topic
Last post by beckzy - Jan 08, 2024, 10:08 PM
- Reverted code that hides floating properties for 0.3.7 users due to false positives at some locations
- Admins can toggle the restricted area functionality (wanted stars & SAM rockets)
- Added anti-VPN. Players who join with VPN confirmed will be kicked. When VPN is suspected, but not confirmed, an admin warning will be sent
- Admins can ban/unban players from joining organizations
- Fixed viewing your own Stats, Admin Stats, and Mission Stats (using /stats) not showing a "Back" button
- Fixed VIP levels 1 & 2 could change their personal skins to 0 (CJ)
- Fixed viewing an unban log entry giving the ban reason instead of the unban reason
- Fixed nearby aircraft map icons not disappearing after the only remaining vehicle occupant leaves the server
- Added new event type Bounty Hunter. The goal is to kill the bounty target and reach the bounty kill objective. When the bounty target is killed, or otherwise dies, and there is more than 1 player in the event, a new target will be selected. A marker will appear above the target's head for all participants but the target themselves
- Added a 24/7 store to the gas station at Easter Basin
- Fixed your truck positon being set during trucking missions (including entering mod shops) increasing the reward amount upon completion
- Fixed dynamic checkpoints appearing for players who aren't supposed to see them (if they're doing a mission, or...)
- Admins can ban user accounts and ip addresses for a specified number of days. After the number of days have passed the account and/or ip address will be unbanned automatically
- Added Deposit and Withdraw options to organization menus for members to deposit/withdraw weapons, drugs, and materials to/from the organization. (Co)leaders only can withdraw
- In addition to the on screen text a yellow map icon will appear to newly registered players (to guide them to the baggage reclaim exit)
- Fixed race & sumo event vehicle idle time checks. This will solve the issue of randomly losing your vehicle in these events
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