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News & Announcements / Re: DG-Server Updates topic
Last post by beckzy - May 04, 2024, 05:51 AM
- Fixed lowering a player's wanted level using /want not decreasing the wanted stars
- Added stored amount to the materials and explosives store/get dialogs
- Changed accept death key to N
- Added continuation dialogs after boot/safe transactions, allowing you to continue with new transactions without re-triggering the dialog
- Updated our edited version of weapon-config (skinhit) with the latest commits for better support
Server Guides / Mongi's chatlog saver
Last post by Zach - Apr 21, 2024, 11:29 PM
Mongi's Chatlog Saver

It's been 2 years since our community's experienced member and active administrator released his very own program to save samp chatlogs! Yes, you won't lose your chatlogs as soon as you have this app running with your game. Max respect to Mongi for this project.


First of all, when you download the file, you'll have a RAR like this.

Extract your RAR into a folder. Then proceed inside the folder in following way:
ChatLogSaver-SAMP-master >> Bin >> Version 0.3

Don't bother touching "Source" folder if you're not a coder/developer. It's useless. Anyways, move to "Bin" where the actual program is. You now have 3 versions, it's better to use Version 0.3 as it gives you both, Console and No Console options. There is an application named "Main" and a config file named "config.cfg" in both folders (Console and No Console).

Now, the "Main" application saves chatlogs. BUT! Before running the application, edit the "config.cfg" file. You'll see 4 lines like these.

You have to change the first two lines and add your own SAMP path instead of that, to make the program work. Now in my case, I had to edit it to this:

First line is your "SAMP" path and the second line is the folder where your chatlogs will be saved. Just make a folder in your "SAMP" and copy the path, pasting in 2nd line of config.cfg.

Save the config file and now run your "main" application. If you run it in "Console" folder, a console will show up showing that the program is started. If you run it in "No Console" folder, nothing will pop up and your chatlogs will still be saved if you run the game. The same "main" application is actually running in background in this case. You can close it easily from Task Manager.




All credits goes to Mongi for the app. If you have any problem, feel free to PM Mongi here or over Discord (Mongi#9840).
Server Guides / Introduction to Roleplay - Tro...
Last post by Zach - Apr 21, 2024, 11:28 PM
Introduction to Roleplay

When we use the word "Roleplay", we get different answers explaining it. But the most simplest explanation we get is "playing a Role". Now, we'll explain the whole concept of Roleplay to you with the most simplest explanation possible.


Roleplay is defined as "Taking up the role of a character which exists in real life or is imaginary, and playing the role." By Playing we mean explaining all the actions that the character performs or are happening in his surroundings and are influencing the character.
There are three basic commands which are used for Roleplaying.

- /me
- /ame
- /do

Use  of  /me

* Trovixo is used to explain the actions that your character performs. We use /me when we want to describe that what our character is doing. This includes his movements, reactions and actions which he does to affect his surroundings. The trick about /me is that it should be as descriptive as it could be. Which means while using /me you have to explain about the action in such a way that the reader who is looking at your RP, gets a better and clear image of how the scene would be and could feel like he is present there at the place. An example could be given like this :
* Trovixo lowers his right hand towards the door handle, as he pulls it outwards, pushing the door away from him in outward direction, opening it.
In the above example, the action is described clearly and while reading it your mind will be having an image of how the door was opened.

Use  of  /ame

The use of /ame is very similar to that of /me with a difference that /me is shown in the Main Chat as a global message that everyone can see, but the /ame is not global. It is just restricted to a specific range and is shown above the head of player using the command. /ame is also a very important part for RP. It is used to explain the reaction that our character shows but the reaction does not have any effect on the surroundings. To make it clear we'll use an example which is as follow :
/ame raises his eyebrow, looking suspiciously at the man.
In the above example, the action performed does not physically affect the surrounding or the other person but is limited to our character only. Therefor while using /ame we have to keep it in mind that the actions do not affect anyone else and are only limited to our own character.

  Use  of  /do

/do is used to explain the effect of the action our character performed or sometimes explain the observations from surroundings. It is used after the /me and is used to explain that what will be the result of the action we performed, or what does our character observes from the surroundings. This will be more clear to you after this example given below :
/me lowers his right hand towards the door handle, as he pulls it outwards, pushing the door away from him in outward direction, opening it.
/do The push to the door in outwards direction will force it to open.
In the example we RPed opening a door and told that when we pushed the door outwards a reaction came. And we explained the reaction of our action with the help of /do.
As it was mentioned that /do is also used to explain the surroundings. The following example will be aiding to justify the statment.
/me slowly steps forward, pushes the door inwards by his left hand, opening it and entering the shop afterwards, looking around.
/do As i would step inside, the bell above the door would ring and the people inside would look towards me for a while and then get busy with their work again.

By using the /do we explained what would be happening in the surrounding.

Roleplay is just not restricted to these three commands. There is more in Roleplay that is meant to be understood. There are several other terms in Roleplay which includes :

-Out Of Character
-Meta Gaming
-Power Gaming


            As the name explains itself, In-Character is something that we do while remaining in the limitations of our character. This includes the actions our Character perform and the information that out character has. If we are playing the role of any character, we can only use the information that the character knows and not what we know as a player. It is easily understood if we take the example of ourself, we cannot see nametags on each others head, nor we have a Main Chat in our real life that keeps us connected to people. We meet people and enquire them to know who they are. Similarly, your character has to interact with other characters so he might know them. You might see the health bar on your screen, but your character does not knows about it. Further will be informed in upcoming sections.

Out of Character

            This type of information is not related to our character and is what we, as a player, knows. The  Out of Character information includes the Health bar, the Main Chat, the Death log and the information that you obtain from the Main Chat. This information is totally not what your character knows of, and should not be used while you are  In-Character. Using this information to benefit your character or using it to affect the Roleplay scenario is strictly prohibited and comes under the Meta Gaming section, which leads to punishments.


There is a simple definition used to explain Meta-Gaming, which is, "Mixing In-Character (IC) information with Out of Character (OOC) information is called Meta Gaming". As the definition says, Meta-Gaming takes place when we use the information that we as a player know, with the information that our character knows. The example provided will be clarifying the statment.
* Player X is in a scene where he is surrounded by 6 people and is facing Player Y.
* Player Z, who is behind Player X, attempts to hit Player X with a bat.
* Player X looks in the Main Chat that Player Z is trying to hit him from behind and RP's turning back suddenly while he was facing Player Y.

Now, if we take a look into the example carefully, we will see that Player X was facing player Y and was not aware of what is going behind him, In-Characterly. But when Player Z (who was behind Player X) roleplayed hitting him, Player X saw the Roleplay in the Main Chat ( which is OOC) and mixed the Main Chat information with his Character's information hence resulting in Meta Gaming. Which is punishable.


There are 3 definitions used to describe Power-Gaming, these are
Forcing someone to roleplay, or implementing a roleplay scene on other player when he don't wants to be a part of it.
Doing unrealistic things in your Roleplay, which are impossible to be done by a normal human being in real life.
Not giving the other person to respond to your Roleplay.

Definition 1

We'll start with explaining the first definition. As the definition states, Forcing someone to Roleplay or implementing a Roleplay, this clearly explains that when you force someone to roleplay with you while he/she is not intrested or don't want to be a part of your Roleplay is called Power-Gaming. But the question arises in your mind. "How do i know if something is not intrested or i am Powergaming?.
The answer is simple. Let's suppose you are with someone, freeroaming, and then all of sudden you do
* Trovixo kicks Player X in his groin,forcing him to fall on the ground.
Now here, the other player is freeroaming and you forced a Roleplay situation on him when he wasn't intrested to be in it. This is what the first definition of Power-Gaming. When you implement a Roleplay scenario on someone who isn't intrested to Roleplay and is enjoying his freeroam experience.

Definition 2

The second definition is pretty much self explanatory. When we roleplay doing an action by our Roleplay, which is impossible for a normal human being to do is also counted as Power-Gaming. To make it more clear, we'll have a look into the given example.
* Trovixo grabs the car into his right hand, throwing it into mid-air.
* Trovixo punches the man on his face, throwing him far away, flying afterwards.
In these examples, we can see that the actions described are impossible as we cannot throw a car into mid air nor punch someone and throw him far away with just a punch on the face and neither a normal human being can fly. So, if we Roleplay something which is impossible to be done by a normal human being, it'll be counted as Roleplay.

Definition 3

According to the third definition, we do not let the other person respond to our roleplay. We just roleplay something that effects the other person and do not ask him about how will he respond to our roleplay. Example provided will help to make it easier to understand.
* Trovixo takes out his deagle, aiming at the person's head, shooting at him and killing him.
In this example we just roleplayed our part that what we did, but we didn't asked the other person about How will he respond when he will see us taking out a gun. How will he react when you will aim your gun at him.. This is also counted as Power-Gaming and results in punishment.
Question might arise in our mind that how can we minimze the chances of Power-Gaming while roleplaying? Well, the answer is simple. Whenever you Roleplay something by the use of /me, use /do and ask about what will be the reaction of other player about your actions or how will he respond to it.
Server Guides / Hex Color Guide
Last post by Zach - Apr 21, 2024, 11:27 PM
Hex colour ids :

Note : You need to zoom in to see the hex ids on 1st picture
Server Guides / How to roleplay better in gang...
Last post by Zach - Apr 21, 2024, 11:26 PM
Gang Roleplay

Hello, when roleplaying in a gang I have noticed some minor things that can be easily, so today I am gonna do my best on how to RP well in a gang.

Number 1. Guns.
If your gang has org weapons and one of them is an AK, or M4, please /throwweap it or refrain from even collecting org weapons unless it's actually necessary. Having that big M4 or AK-47 on your back and having cops saying /do Is the AK/M4 visible on your back? Is pretty annoying and ruins immersion, not only are most gangs usually in their TEENS and it's harder for them to use such a heavy piece of weaponry, some treat it as toys. Please don't, Assault rifles aren't toys and most gang members would probably hide it in their house or at their go-to stash spot so they wouldn't be arrested for it, because do remember, gang members don't have weapon licenses, even if they did, they'd be considered a cop to others, and most gang members get arrested for illegal posessions of weapons.

Number 2. Ebonics.
As a gang primarily consisting of Hispanic and African-American characters that come from a low to lower-middle class neighborhood, it is important to represent a realistic knowledge of hood-oriented slang and dialect. However, all words should be spelled appropriately to their slang-counterpart.

Example #1
Incorrect: A'yo, whaddup dawg? Sup widdhat shit, mofockah?
Correct: 'Ay, waddup dog? Sup wit that shit, muhfucka?"

Example #2
Incorrect: Aight niggah, kool sheet dough, knawhatimsayin?
Correct: Aight nigga, coo shit doe. Know what I'm sayin?
Also correct: Ight nigga. Coo shit doe, know what I'm sayin?

Example #3
Incorrect:: Ye, I'm gud.
Correct: Yeah, I'm good.
Also correct:Yea, I'm good.
Also correct: Ya, I'm good.

Example #4
Incorrect: Hay doggy, watchu tryin' to do?
Correct: Hey, dawg. What you tryin to do?
Also correct: Ay dog, what you tryna do?
Please, PLEASE, do not use "dawgy" or "doggy". It looks like something a two year old would say.

Number 3. Apostrophes ( ' ) - used to represent ownership or the loss of a letter or to signify a contraction (two words combined into one or a single word, shortened) A special rule, however, designates "it's" should not have an apostrophe when the "s" indicates possession.

Example #1
Incorrect: Johns going in the house with Franks dog.
Correct: John's goin in the house with Frank's dog.

While proper grammar is to add a ' at the end of a word that you took the last letter off of, for roleplay purposes it looks horrible. Think of what you're typing as what you're saying in real life, not what you're reading on a screen.

Example #2
Incorrect: Shit gonna' get real rowdy. I finna' start somethin'.
Correct: Shit's gonna get real rowdy. I'm finna start somethin.
 * Commas ( , )- Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction (and, but, yet, so, or nor, for) when it joins two complete ideas (independent clauses).

Example: #1
I went to the store, then I went to the movies.
Near a small stream at the bottom of the canyon, park rangers discovered a gold mine.

Example: #2
John, who spent the last three days fishing, is back on the job again.
credits for 2 and 3 murder

Number 4. Life

An important aspect to be considered when joining a gang is that you are POOR. You come from a poor income area and that is WHY you get dragged into the life - to make money. Don't come around the hood owning a car at the age of 16. 16 years olds don't have money. As you age you can roleplay getting a job at the local Pizza Stack or something and slowly introduce money into your roleplay, or make money off selling drugs once you get put on by a big homie. DO NOT PULL UP IN A SULTAN OR A HUNTLEY OR A FULLY PIMPED OUT SAVANNA. I don't really care how you roleplay it, but it's stupid either way. Roleplay making your money, being a hustler and all grinding that $$$ - buying your first car is a pretty big milestone in your character's life.
DO NOT USE FIREARMS. Only use firearms once you have been introduced to them IC'ly and initiated into the faction. Your character may have to start packing 24/7 and carrying, but that should be your character's decision to do that after for example being shot up by rival gangs daily. One of the big homies should teach you how to use a gun, but even if you get taught how to use one you shouldn't start using them UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN OFFICIALLY INITIATED INTO THE FACTION OR GAIN PERMISSION. Personally as a Captain in Varrio White Fence 13, when I know someone is about to get initiated and we have to kill someone, I make the outsider take their life and watch how they roleplay the effects of taking a human life. I had an outsider roleplay developing an addiction to nicotine and start chain smoking cigarettes after I made him end the life of a guy who snitched on him and nearly got him arrested. That's the sort of roleplay that is wanted.

There is a BIG difference between carrying a gun, and murdering someone in cold blood.

After hanging around the gang for a while and being introduced to it's many different activities, you will know when you're considered an outsider.
credits paxie

Number 5. Representing.

When a member gets jumped in the gang (affiliated), they are given a bandana, mostly in blood and crip gangs, and they'd hang it on their backpocket. Well, that's the old times.
Nowadays, gang-members rarely colorbang due to police. Think about it, if you were a cop and you see a kid at a blood gang territory and see he has a red bandana hanging out of his pocket? You'd immediately check him out and probably register him as a gang member. Nowadays, gang members don't do that, they do still wear sports wear clothes to show, for example: Eight Tray Gangster Crips wear Texas Rangers caps or shirts, etc due to the big T being their logo, Playboy Sureńos 13 wear Pittsburgh pirates caps or shirts, etc for the big P being the logo, and so on. The main thing is, don't colorbang, unless you are portraying one of the gangs who still do colorbang, which barely any are left.


Gangsters don't commit crime 24/7. They're normal people, just like me and you and do normal people shit like go out and eat, hang out with their friends, play video games, have hobbies. This is very important and brings up another point that I mentioned earlier, that you should become friends with other outsiders and develop relationships with them just as you would in real life. You should often do things with them separately rather than hang out in a huge group.

Number 7. OG mixup.

I constantly see OG's being RPed wrong. OG is an Original Gangster, probably in his early adulthood, 21 or older. They have survived for a while and have earned a lot of respect, because of that, they can calm down. OG's are those who order affiliated members around, locals too, they're the ones who find the plug (someone who can get you drugs or guns or anything else you might need) and supply the drugs and guns to the gang. They aren't seen on robberies, murders, etc. Most way an OG is spotted shooting is if it's against a rival gang.

Number 8. Roleplay activities.

One thing that grinds my gears is when people join an org, they get guns, and all they begin to do is rob stores, houses and people. Don't.
Sure, robberies tend to happen but keep it a minimal, gang member's don't want to get caught, they find other ways on making money, some might even have a job.

Here I am gonna list a few roleplay activities you can easily RP.[/b]

Burglaries, trying to sell the stolen items through roleplay scenarios.
Steal items from vehicles, also may and try to sell them.
Gamble, roll dices.
Initiate a block / houseparty, get drunk / high / whatever with the group.
Weight lifting, you can turn your surroundings into a Disney land with /do, if you're creative enough, there don't always have to be visible objects for it / there are also Gym's nearby.
Modify your vehicle, through detailed roleplay instead of just going to a vehicle garage and /mod, get creative with it. Maybe even get turning parts from other vehicles by stealing and them install them on yours.
Roleplaying a dog for your character or other pets
If your character is still at school, roleplay doing homework
Doing chores at home for your parents
Rap battle eachother, just cause you don't know how to rap IRL, don't mean you shouldn't try it with your character, it's called development.
Play games (video games, dice)
Watch TV
Family issues
Mealing, get together with the homies for a home-cooked meal, maybe even RP cooking it.
Tattooing, instead of just putting tattoos on your body with /appearance, /me's, /ame's or /do's, roleplay tattooing them.
Take drugs
Roleplay an addiction
Social media
Memorials, his could include lots of RP such as buying coronas and pouring half out for homies, or throwing shoes onto telephone lines to signify that someone's died on that street.
BMX tricks at a skate park
Medical issues like mentioned previously in this guide
Play basketball
Music videos, if your character is with the right background, musically, why not RP by doing a music video for it, record it and upload it as a In Character video.
credits paxie

There's a lot more to cover but for now, this is it. Please use this and to everyone thinking: "I don't need to read this, my org is good." Trust me, you should read this.

credits to kermit for the guide and some others which he has mentioned, i didn't even write a single thing, just popping this back up as I have noticed a lot of peopl
Server Guides / Mahun's Tips and Tricks
Last post by Zach - Apr 21, 2024, 11:23 PM
Tips & Tricks
I compiled some tips and tricks, some of you may not know of.

Fast Getaway
When entering a car, holding SHIFT makes you drive off faster. Character will skip closing the door.
Here is an example-
(not synced :/)

Utilizing Cover
When aiming with a gun you screen is positioned to the right, letting you see more around the corner and making you less visible to others.

Aiming from the right                                  Aiming from the left

Higher Bike Jump
Jumping with the bmx/bike is fun but it can be used to reach high places.
All you have to do is when landing is to hold CTRL and when you touch the ground just let go of CTRL and then tap CTRL.
Here is a tutorial video

Weapon Recoil
Using a cleo mod that shows bullet holes. You can see that guns have recoil. When shooting automatic, bullets go in circles

1) Uzi recoil                            2) Deagle recoil

Here is a link to the mod. CLEO needed. ((Not mine))

CBug is what it says, a bug. Which is not allowed to be used to gain an advantage. Use only by yourself.
Anyway, all you have to do is Aim+Shoot+Crouch in quick succession. Here is  First Link Second Link to a tutorial.

Slide Bug
This is also a bug, so use by yourself. All you have to do is Crouch-Sprint+Aim. Here is a link to a tutorial.

Quick Switch
This is another bug, which is forbidden to use. All you do is Switch the weapon back and forth to skip reloading.

Custom Org Skin
Do you hate having 3 org members with same skin? Well just use this tip and you are golden.
Just go /oskin and then press F4 to be able to select new skin and just use /guide, skip it and select your own skin, while keeping the org perks and color.

Lag Ram
The name explains what it is. You lag ram people. What that means is that you don't see yourself hitting them, but the other player gets hit and loses control, while you keep on driving like nothing happened.
The higher your ping(or the other guys) the easier it is to do and the more effect it will have.

Speed Bike
Riding the bike with your nose up gives you a bit of extra speed. All you have to do is hold the down arrow to keep your nose up and spam "W" to pedal quicker.
1) Normal Pedaling                                                                                 2)NoseUp Peadling

120 on the speedometer is the same as 80 "speed" in-game

Will add more, when i come across.
Sorry for bad quality gifs, gyazo makes shitty gifs.
Server Guides / Dani's Streak Mission guide
Last post by Zach - Apr 21, 2024, 11:21 PM
Streak missions is one of the easiest jobs in sanandreas single player/multiplayer. It doesnt need any special knowledge.

Streak mission stations marked on map.

You will get in a streak (train) By pressing enter or F. Then if you want starts the job you should press 2. It will say that you should drive to which station and also in the way you dont need to turn left or right or changing the line and some thing like that you should just go straight and automatically the train will turn and change line. Each time that you arrive to the station that it told you you will earn 3000$. Thats not a lot but this job is fast, very easy and it needs no special knowledge as I  said.

Here there is the stations:

Its near Doherty garage in san fiero.

Its in prickle pine. (Las ventarus)

This one is not a station and you dont need to get there in missions just you can see it in your way. This is the yellow mark in the first picture.(Las ventarus)

This station is near sobell rail yards and its near linden side. (Las ventarus)

You can search unity station on GPS. (Los santos)

Market station is an under ground station near market neighborhood. (Los santos).

Fastest speed with streak

The fastest speed with streak is near 140. You can see the speed in the picture. I suggest you to reduce your speed before you get near to station not when you arrive. because it takes a lot of time to stop especially when your speed is a lot.

Hope this guide helps you. :)
Server Guides / smog's Racing Guide
Last post by Zach - Apr 21, 2024, 11:19 PM

The New Racing System

Recently, our developer beckzy has scriped a new racing system.
There are three checkpoints in each city (LV,LS,SF).
In each checkpoints there are a few races created, in order to start playing one you have to head to one of the checkpoints and double-click on the name of the race, then select the option "Start Race"
You can also check each race's leaderboard by double-clicking the race name and heading to the "Leaderboard" option.
The #1 player in each race's leaderboard gets rewarded $10.000.

Down below you can see where the checkpoints are located at.

San Fierro's Checkpoint:
The SF's checkpoint is located at "Downtown". Right next to the Wang's PnS, you can know more about the place down below.

Las Venturas' Checkpoint:
The LV's checkpoint is located at "LV Freight Depot" you can know more about the place down below.

Las Venturas' Airport Checkpoint:
The LV's Airport checkpoint is right by the entrance of the airport you can know more about the place down below.

Los Santos' Checkpoint:
The LS' checkpoint is located at "Little Mexico" right infront of Alhambara Bar, you can know more about the place down below.

How do I finish the race?
Once you spawn with your vehicle you have to start the engine using /e, then you have to follow the given checkpoints all the way to the finish line.
You can also /endrace if you messed up or took a wrong route.
Server Guides / joanus Screenshot Guide
Last post by Zach - Apr 21, 2024, 11:18 PM

elite Liberal gangsters - Screenshot Guide V2

Hey there. So, as a roleplayer and a leader I have found it necessary to post up screenshots on my own threads, so, given some of the guides you see out there are very difficult to understand, today I have decided to show you the easiest ways you can get to with editing SAMP Roleplay screenshots! There are multiple softwares out there, which need practice to get familiar with. By far the easiest out of all 3 methods I know so far; LSRP+,, Photoshop and Doakes Helper, the last one is the easiest to get going with. So, I will discuss LSRP+ and Doakes Helper in this guide!

Doakes Helper

So, starting with the easiest screenshot editing method, this application is a very simple application with a very user-friendly interface which is simple to get it kicked off with. First off, you need to download the application, I have provided you a download link which redirects you to the download immediately, here you go:-

After you download and extract the application, you need to head over to the folder and run the application named "Doakes LSRP Helper". After you've done that, you are introduced to a very user-friendly interface. After examining the interface you now are familiar with it. Then, you press the Camera button and then, another interface should come up like this:

Personally, I never load Blindfolds with my images. A recommended step from my side is renaming the main screenshot aside from the blindfolds. More or less something like screenshot1.png and blindfold1.png, which makes it easier for you to find when loading them later on. You then proceed to click "Select File" and find the screenshot you want to edit. Then, you can go ahead and click "Start Editing". This will bring you to a brand, new editing interface with many tools. If you don't want many blindfolds to edit with, it is recommended to roleplay after using the command /localcon, which disables messages from people who are away from you. The interface you are going to be editing with looks like this:

Without needing to mess with any of the other tools, it is recommended that you scroll down and click the large T button. This shows all the blindfold screenshots you have selected in the earlier step, but if you are someone like I am, you can click the "Load More Blindfolds" on the top of the right side, where the blindfold screenshots are supposed to be at. It should look something like this:

After you pick out your blindfolds one by one, your right side of the screen should be filled with automatically edited blindfold screenshots. How to apply them to your image you may ask? It is actually very simple! All you need to do to apply the line into the screenshot, you doubleclick the line you want to add. After continuing adding them in order, your screenshot is pretty much finished and you can save it. Now, the final result looks something like this:


So now, we have got the easiest method of editing screenshots out of the way. Stepping the difficulty up by a bit, this is the least recommended editing method as it can be misused in a way. Either way, there isn't too much to explain on this one. The program is called LSRP+ and as the first step, you basically need to download and install the application, here goes the link:-

After you've downloaded and extracted the file from the link above, what you are given is a very simple application. You run the application and it boots up with a login screen. You do not need to sign up or anything, every feature within the application is 100% free so you can go ahead and continue as a guest. Then another interface will popup with multiple options. What you need to click on is the Screenshot Editor tab which leads you to another window with two options: Edit Screenshot and Stitch Screenshots. Personally, I've never used the second one so Edit Screenshot is what you need. After clicking it a window will popup asking you to select the file. After you've done that, it is recommended that you set the image size to the one displayed on the window, as from my experience, there is a white bar on the far right bug which basically ruins a great screenshot edit. What you need to do afterwards is clicking on the Set Chat option and this is where the actual editing happens.

Down below I've listed the Hex colors for eLg, which go as mentioned below:
  • {ff8000} - Hex code of /s.
  • {ffc1e0} - Hex code of /me.
  • {ffcc99} - Hex code of /do.

After you've gotten that out of the way, you now start editing. What you need to avoid is misuse of the application by manipulating a roleplay text to your advantage. Having that one outta your way, you can now start setting the messages via this format:

{hex goes here}Text goes here
After you've done that, save your chat and image, then export it.

Happy editing to all of you who read this guide!
Made by joanus/Razuko

News & Announcements / Re: DG-Server Updates topic
Last post by beckzy - Apr 21, 2024, 08:12 PM
- Fixed a bug with /setleader when a player from the same org is set leader (their name will appear in the members list twice)
- Admins can toggle anti-cbug
- Added /toggles for players to view a list of toggleable settings
- You can store explosives in vehicle boots
- Admins can see a list of businesses extorted by organizations
- The anticbug toggle has no effect on /events. Instead admins can toggle anticbug per /events event
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