A list of our SA-MP 0.3.DL related features/updates:
- Re-added custom pay'n'sprays and lockups. They'll open/close only for 0.3.DL users
- Bomb shops are closed for 0.3.DL users
- Opened the garage from the opening cutscene of mission The Green Sabre for 0.3.DL users
- Added many new interiors from GTA III and VC for 0.3.DL users
- Replaced the old VC mansion doors with the actual doors from the game
- Replacecd LSPD interior with the PD interior from VC. LSPD has been moved to /viewhiddenint
- Player's will be denied entry to organization interiors if the interior is 0.3.DL
- Added the taxi firm interior from VC to /viewhiddenint
- Added 35 new skins for VIP level 3 and 4. Admins can also set players skins to these, as well as set event and org skins as them too. They are not yet supported in the skin changing menu (so by ID only) and only 0.3.DL users will see them. 0.3.7 clients will see other GTA SA skins instead
- Replaced the bar interior in Old Venturas Strip with a bar interior from VC
- Blocked access to the vault in Caligula's casino, and added the Vice City bank vault to the elevators menu list
- "This is a SA-MP 0.3.DL interior." on screen text will appear for 0.3.7 users attempting to enter a 0.3.DL interior
- Newly registered players using 0.3.DL will spawn inside Escobar Internatonal Airport interior where they can then choose their starting city
- Added VC concert hall interior to /viewhiddenint
- Added the custom skins to /changeskin and /dskin (they'll only appear for you if you have access to them)
- Added 177 skins from VC for VIP Level 3, VIP Ultimate, organizations, events, president/vice pres, and set player skin for admins. Only 0.3.DL users can use/see these skins. 0.3.7 clients will see other GTA SA skins instead
- In addition to the 177 VC skins that were added, 132 skins from LCS have also been added
- Added a Pay'n'Spray from GTA III to East Los Santos. It is usable and visible for 0.3.DL players only
- Added the Screw This interior from VC to the hardware store in Montgomery
- Added the open.mp logo to the bottom left corner of the class selection screen (for 0.3.DL users)
- Added Ken Rosenberg's office from Vice City to /viewhiddenint and /interiors
- Lockup pickups are hidden for non 0.3.DL users
- Admins can't view 0.3.DL property and hidden interiors if they're using 0.3.7
- Added two more buildings from III to Whitewood Estates (for 0.3.DL users)
- Added 3 more lockups to the III buildings in Whitewood Estates
- Added Salvatore's mansion from III to Rockshore East for 0.3.DL users
- Properties created higher than the "average" Z coordinate of the X Y position will be hidden for 0.3.7 users
- Added the cargo ship from III to Bayside for 0.3.DL users
- Added the Dirtring interior from Vice City to San Fierro stadium for 0.3.DL users
- Admin level 3+ will see lock-up pickups when using SA-MP 0.3.7 (for reset purposes)
- Fixed /viewhiddenint would allow admins using 0.3.7 to teleport to 0.3.DL interiors
- Added 2 new lockups in Willowfield for 0.3.DL users
- Fixed upside down ramp in Dirtring interior
- Replaced the III cargo ship at Bayside with the other III cargo ship
- Added the "hogans_alley" interior from Vice City to the Ammunation in Ocean Flats
- Added a missing object to Salvatore Leone's mansion
- Added Auntie Poulet's house interior from VC as an available property interior (for 0.3.DL users)
- Fixed Diaz's mansion, Ocean View hotel, and Phil's caravan property interior safe door positions
- Added Auntie Poulet's house to /interiors
- Added some missing details to hogan's alley interior, including some posters and a shooting range
- Added a missing LOD to the cargo ship in Bayside. This fixes an area where players could enter into, getting stuck inside the ship object
- Fixed some disappearing objects and visually one-sided fence objects in the concert hall interior
- Fixed the visually one-sided fence object at Salvatore Leone's mansion
- Fixed the visually one-sided fence of the cargo ship in Bayside
- Fixed falling through the floor when entering Ocean View hotel and re-added it as an available property interior
- Fixed the walls of Auntie Poulet's house interior
- Added the VCS cargo ship interior to the III cargo ship at Bayside. To enter simply walk at the door to the hull on the deck of the cargo ship
- Made the cargo ship objects at Bayside static
- Fixed the visually one-sided platforms, stairs, and fences of the VCS cargo ship interior
- Various improvements to Salvatore's mansion object model (including fixing the invisible underside of the roof and fixing being able to enter down through the chimney and into the object)
- Fixed being able to jump over the fence of the pit inside the cargo ship interior causing you to get stuck
- Added Phil's shooting place interior from VCS to the outdoor shooting range in Bone County
- Moved Ocean View hotel from "Misc" back to "Houses" in /interiors
- Added Phil's shooting range to "Misc" in /interiors
- Added Louise's apartment interior from VCS as an available property interior, and added it to /interiors
- Fixed some transparent objects: Ocean View hotel floor and windows, Diaz mansion marble floor and office glass table, and VC strip club floor
- Fixed being able to enter through the walls at the entrance of Ocean View hotel, subsequently causing you to fall to your death
- Added El Banco Corrupto Grande bank interior from VC as a hidden interior and listed it in /interiors (with the possibility of using it as a working bank interior in the future)
- Made El Banco Corrupto Grande into a working bank. This bank interior replaces the default banks at Come-A-Lot and Ocean Flats
- Changed the bank interior at Downtown Los Santos to El Banco Corrupto Grande
- Added "metal" SFX to the cargo ship object at Bayside, "concrete" SFX to Hogan's ally interior objects, and "wooden" SFX to auntie Poulet's interior object
- Fixed the lighting of auntie Poulet's interior objects
- Added the barracks interior from VCS as a hidden interior (might be useful as an army org interior in the future)
- Added the missing stage roof object to Malibu club interior
- Added the garage from the opening cutscene of mission "The Green Sabre" as a lockup
- Replaced some poorly detailed buildings in Redsands West with higher quality models/textures
- Added green neon lighting above Sweet's garage in Grove Street
- Added a new custom modelled mall opposite the casino in Redsands West and linked North Point Mall interior to it. There are 6 entry points, each corresponding one of the 6 exit points inside the interior. A working Ammunation can be found inside the mall (with more stores to come), and a business has been made at the record store
- Added a cow to the Steakhouse roof in Redsands West
- Added the Screw This interior to inside North Point Mall
- Added Cafe Robina to inside North Point Mall
- Fixed and added the cutscene Angel Pine trailer interior as an available property interior
- Replaced area detection to enter/leave the VCS cargo ship interior with enex markers, and added the interior to /interiors
- Added an anchor map icon at the cargo ship interior entry marker
- Fixed the original Four Dragon Casino manager's office and Caligula's office object models and removed the mapped interiors
- Added the concert hall/back stage interior to the studios in Vinewood
- Fixed the Sumo ring interior and added it to SF stadium for 0.3.DL users
- Added the original III rustship ramp to Bayside
- Added the III import/export garage as a lockup in Spinybed
- Added 8balls bomb shop from Shoreside in III as a working bomb shop in Redsands East
- Added Phil Collins and santa clause skins for 0.3.DL VIP Ultimate users
- Added Freddy Krueger skin for 0.3.DL VIP Ultimate users
- Added Michael Jackson and Shrek skins for 0.3.DL VIP Ultimate users
- - Fixed 0.3.DL VIP Level 3 users being unable to use CJ skin
- The VC bank vault is accessible by entering the elevator area of the El Banco Corrupto Grande interior
- Fixed and added Four Dragons Casino janitor's room interior for 0.3.DL users
- Added Fanny Batter's brothel interior where the crack house used to be in Idlewood, and fixed the furniture for 0.3.DL users (also added it to /interiors)
- Added a heart map icon at Fanny Batter's brothel and /menu will work at the bar
- Added The Big Package Storage Co building from VCS to Ocean Docks (for 0.3.DL users)
- Replaced VC North Point Mall interior for that of VCS
- Added a working open Ammunation to the VCS mall interior. This Ammunation can also be robbed
- Added a robbable open clothes store to the VCS mall interior
- Added Barzini's in VCS mall as a working bar
- Added Man at Ease in VCS mall as a robbable clothes store. This store has two actors; aim at either one of them to start the robbery
- Added Flying Dale's in VCS mall as a robbable clothes store
- Added the Old Amsterdam coffee shop from Flying Dale's in VCS mall as a working diner
- Fixed the baggage reclaim interior for 0.3.DL users. This interior will be skipped for non 0.3.DL users (0.3.7 users will instead spawn outside the airport door)
- Removed the baggage reclaim interior fence/barrier
- Fixed the visually one sided "win this bike" stand and plants in the mall and added a Mountain Bike there
- Removed the glitched VCS mall windows
- Added new images to /itemlist for 0.3.DL users
- Added the White Stallionz interior from VCS at Blueberry and made it a working bar
- Added a warehouse from VC as a lockup at Blueberry next to the new bar
- Moved the White Stallionz bar to the building next door and fixed + added the original sign
- Fixed Sweet's house interior for 0.3.DL users
You can play SA-MP 0.3.DL by using OMP launcher - click here (https://dg-server.net/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;id=42).