- Full Name: Fareed
- Date of Birth: 7/6/2005
- Gender: Male
- Contact Number: 69001295
- Email Address: muhammadshariqkhan969@gmail.com
- Home Address: Mulholland
- City: Los Santos
- Previous Law Enforcement Agency (if any): None
- Position/Title: None
- Why are you interested in joining the San Andreas Police Academy? (40 Minimum Words) I am intersted because i have to wanted those player who have rob something and kill players. I have to uphold the law and protect those who is in need. And i keep justice and law and pations.
- What is your background and what motivated you to pursue a career as a SAPD officer? (50 Minimum Words) I have to worked in roles that and team work with my seniors and helping the new players and others.And which will prepared me well for a career in law enforcement. I am dedicated to keeping the people safe and ensuring justice, and I believe the SAPD is the perfect place to achieve these goals.
- What qualities do you possess that you believe would make you an effective SAPD officer? I possess my qualities such as strong communication skills with my officers and high level intergity i beleive on my self for effective sapd officers.
- Your Ingame Name: Fareed_TL
- Your Ingame Score: 187
- Have you ever been banned before? If yes, please provide details:
- Are you willing to undergo training and follow the guidelines set forth by the SAPD leadership for roleplaying as a police officer?: Yes
- RP (Roleplay): It is living life of a character by doing actions based on charzcter life. In game
we describe our actions using by /me or /do . - PG (Powergame): Powergaming is the the act of using an in-game mechanic, any external information, or a roleplay concept to favor their own character or story, and give them an unfair or unrealistic advantage.
- MG (Metagame): A Metagame includes any additional gameplay outside of the core mechanics of the game which does not take up the majority of the player's time.
- IC (In-character): ic is playing a certain character in a virtual world. we use /s to chat interactly with each other.
- OOC (Out of character): Playing occ is not realted to character. it is out of character.
Oath to join the Department:I, Fareed swear to uphold the laws and regulations of the San Andreas Police Department, to serve and protect the citizens of San Andreas with integrity and dedication.
I, [applicant's full character name], solemnly swear to uphold the laws and regulations of the San Andreas Police Department, to serve and protect the citizens of San Andreas with integrity and dedication.