Since February 2022:
- Added /modv for players to mod their vehicles in or in close proximity to mod shops (useful for Android users who previously couldn't mod their vehicles at all)
- /pm, /reply, /b, /me, /ame, /do, /s, /vs, /shout, and /w have been moved from /commands to /chatcmds
- /starttest, /buycar, and /testdrive have been added to /commands
- Added /buyweap for players to buy weapons in ammunation stores, without using the checkpoint. (useful for Android users)
- Added /paintv and /buyarmor
- Added a Sumo event type. At least two players are required for this event to start. The last person on the platform wins. If you fall before the event starts you'll respawn at the start position
- Decreased max event teams to 3 and increased max event team vehicles to 12
- /eventminmaxvelz changed to /eventteamminmaxvelz to allow a velZ limit to be set per team
- Added /eventtypename for admins to change the type name of events. E.g. 'Sumo' to 'ETS'
- Sumo events no longer require just one team, although still only one player can win the event
- If you die in a sumo event and your team max members is 1 (but there are still other players in a different team), you'll respawn at the event even if the event respawn stat is at hospital (this is to support other event ideas)
- When you respawn in race event (and Sumo if your team max members is 1) you'll spawn in the longest left vehicle
- Event respawn time can now be 0 for instant respawn after death
- Vehicle respawns on death are delayed, they'll respawn when the player respawn (or when they leave the server) . This should fix the freezing that players experience when dying during test driving, and in other scenarios
- Admin godmode doesn't have effect in events
- Removed event type Role-play as it has always been unused
- Fixed /rspec not detecting higher admins and adminid 1 properly
- Gang (co)leaders can start turf wars with other gangs
- Fixed being unable to change an event type to Other
- Added event type Find The Flag
- Added RDM type event team selection
- When an event is won it will re-open
- All players are informed when an admin starts an event
- Admins can set and kick clan members. Clan members can use the clan tag in their names, their clan status will show in their stats, they have access to clan chat - /cc, and they can quit the clan using /quitclan
- Android users can use /events [eventid] [teamid] to join in events
- Fixed /clancmds not showing "Clan Commands"
- /setclanmember will change the specified account name to include the tag
- Reduced jail time by half
- For every 5 minutes that all cops are streamed out your wanted level will decrease by 1
- Added /updown for level 7 admins to change their Z position by a specified difference
- /vexpdat will show an expiry date for VIP Ultimate members if their expiry year is less than 3000
- Fixed non event headshots not killing the target
- Added top kills and top kill:death ratio stats to events
- Fixed the dying timer restarting, instead of killing the player, when finished
- Fixed dying twice if having pressed F4 to return to class selection
- Fixed wanted stars showing at class selection after logging in
- Fixed wanted level not resetting if leaving the server after arrest and before spawn
- Fixed hours AFK resetting after every 24 hours
- /events , for PC users, will show a dialog list of events. When you select an event you'll be taken to the team selection for that event
- Players can join the team selection for disabled and closed events, however they can't spawn while they are disabled/closed. When trying to spawn in a disabled/closed event you will notified and a dialog will ask if you'd like to leave
- For some reason there were two occurances of MAX_PLAYERS in the script: one in IsPlayerConnected2, and one in OnPlayerEnterVehicle - the code that allows swimming players to enter on-sea vehicles as passenger. These have been changed to PLAYERS which is our max player slots, which is currently set at 50
- /events has a Players column
- Materials can be stored in vehicle boots
- Materials are listed in /frisk and /takeitem
- Added Securicar missions to /guide
- Added most laps and fastest lap to race events team selection
- Admins can change the gravity of events
- Added RDM style HUD money amount changed
- Fixed admins' wanted levels not being hidden when admin viewing cctv, org gates, and gang tags
- The event name at the top of the event team selection screen will be displayed in the event color
- The server will auto restart after a period of 6 hours. You'll be automatically notified of this restart 60, 30, and 10 in game clock seconds in advance
- Added /autoexittime for admin levels 6 and 7 to allow the default auto server restart time to be changed. Using this command will reset the already existing timer - it will start again using the new time: hours
- Added /postponeautoexit for levels 4+ to postpone the auto server restart time by the stated hours, minutes, and seconds. Using this command will reset the already existing timer - it will start again using the new time: hours, mins, secs
- The killerid in SendDeathMessageEx and OnPlayerDeath is now the last known damage source issuer
- Updated player data and unoccupied player data exploit fixes, patching additional exploits and fixing some false positives
- If you leave the server in dying mode and with no wanted level you will spawn at the hospital when you relog
- If you leave the server in dying mode and wanted you will spawn in jail when you relog - providing the player that put you into dying mode was an on duty law enforcer
- Added an illegal gun shop interior, as posted on the forum, to East Los Santos
- You no longer need a weapon license to share ammo, receive ammo, sell a weapon, accept a weapon offer, receive ammo from a boot, and recieve ammo from a safe. Instead you must be level 1
- Added new gun shop at the illegal gun shop interior, called Emmet's. Unlike ammunation: it excludes Combat Shotgun and M4, and includes Grenades (level 20 required) and Sniper Rifle (level 100 required). As eLg ammunation weapons cost twice as much as they do by default in Las Venturas Ammunations, I have used two-thirds of these amounts for the new prices in Emmet's
- You must be level 20 to share and sell grenades, and to receive them from a boot or safe
- You must be level 100 to share and sell grenades, and to receive them from a boot or safe
- Added support for /buyweap in Emmet's
- Switched to
- The snow feature is temporarily disabled (no AttachPlayerObjectToPlayer support yet)
- Your attachments will be hidden (for yourself only) when you aim with a sniper rifle, rocket launcher, or camera
- /commands, /propcmds, /buscmds, /vcmds, /phonecmds, /chatcmds, /ccmds, vipcmds, /gcmds, /vpcmds, /pcmds, /clancmds, /rpcmds, /ocmds, and /lcmds are now displayed in dialogs. (help-desk and admin command lists will follow)
- Added /giveitem for players to give their items to other players (excludes cellphone and raffle tickets)
- /hcmds, /acmds, /aocmds, /apropcmds, /eventcmds, /aquestcmds, /atoyeventcmds, and /aracecmds are now displayed in dialogs
- Fixed Capture The Vehicle target vehicle map icon breaking
- Added /rpschool to toggle a global map icon at the rp school
- Removed /drivingschool. Players will still be asked if they'd like to teleport to the driving school when entering a car; and now also bike, flying, boat, and truck schools are included for relevant vehicles
- Added /setallcolor for admins to set the color of all players in a specified radius
- You must lower your Shamal's wheels before entering the checkpoints during pilot missions
- Fixed /payfare for pilot missions
- During pilot missions the passenger will see on screen the distance the pilot is away from arrival / the distance to the destination
- Fixed splatting with a parachute displaying the accept death message
- Moved TotY pickups found from /leaderboard to /stats, and added ATMs robbed to /leaderboard
- Moved the shamal entering code into the gamemode - the shamal2 filterscript is no longer used
- Added an info pickup inside airports that, when entered, will show a dialog explaining how /buyticket works
- Patched GetPlayerVehicleID until build9 when it works properly again
- Fixed /fr not setting on-duty pilot to off-duty, or disabling taxi, limo, and pilot requests & fares
- Fixed /rp not hiding the destinations menu
- Fixed airport security guard actors animations not being reset when the last nearby player streams out
- Added a fire dept map to Verona Beach, Los Santos (thanks Marshmello)
- Added scratch cards to 24/7 stores. Use /itemlist or /scratchcard to use a scratch card. On a scratch card there are 9 places to "scratch" - you get to choose 6, and the aim is to get 3 of the same result
- New players first spawn is inside the baggage reclaim interior of their assigned airport
- Added up/down teleport markers to the elevators in Las Venturas Planning Department. /lockallenexforall will disable these (useful for custom events)
- New prize for scratchcards - X (if you find an X it means nothing. You get nothing for it)
- Added a block for cBug
- Re-added custom pay'n'sprays and lockups. They'll open/close only for 0.3.DL users
- Bomb shops are closed for 0.3.DL users
- Opened the garage from the opening cutscene of mission The Green Sabre for 0.3.DL users
- Added many new interiors from GTA III and VC for 0.3.DL users
- Fixed /postponeautoexit setting any time below 60 seconds to 60 seconds
- Replaced the old VC mansion doors with the actual doors from the game
- Replacecd LSPD interior with the PD interior from VC. LSPD has been moved to /viewhiddenint
- Player's will be denied entry to organization interiors if the interior is 0.3.DL
- Added the taxi firm interior from VC to /viewhiddenint
- Added 35 new skins for VIP level 3 and 4. Admins can also set players skins to these, as well as set event and org skins as them too. They are not yet supported in the skin changing menu (so by ID only) and only 0.3.DL users will see them. 0.3.7 clients will see other GTA SA skins instead
- Replaced the bar interior in Old Venturas Strip with a bar interior from VC
- Blocked access to the vault in Caligula's casino, and added the Vice City bank vault to the elevators menu list
- "This is a SA-MP 0.3.DL interior." on screen text will appear for 0.3.7 users attempting to enter a 0.3.DL interior
- Newly registered players using 0.3.DL will spawn inside Escobar Internatonal Airport interior where they can then choose their starting city
- You can scratch only 15 scratch cards a day
- Admin level 5 can put themselves into vehicle seats
- Removed LSPD from /viewhiddenint as it is accessable at Dillimore PD
- Added VC concert hall interior to /viewhiddenint
- Added the custom skins to /changeskin and /dskin (they'll only appear for you if you have access to them)
- Added 177 skins from VC for VIP Level 3, VIP Ultimate, organizations, events, president/vice pres, and set player skin for admins. Only 0.3.DL users can use/see these skins. 0.3.7 clients will see other GTA SA skins instead
- In addition to the 177 VC skins that were added, 132 skins from LCS have also been added
- Added taxis to each of the 3 major airports
- Updated account password hashing to Whirlpool. To convert your password hash all you must do is login. Upon logging in your Whirlpool hash will be saved and your SHA265 hash (+ salt) will be removed
- Added a Pay'n'Spray from GTA III to East Los Santos. It is usable and visible for 0.3.DL players only
- Fixed server auto restart not saving player stats
- Fixed server auto restart postponement reversing the seconds if hours and minutes are both 0
- Admins can set event client versions. /events and /eventinfo will tell you the client version requirements
- Added the Screw This interior from VC to the hardware store in Montgomery
- Added the logo to the bottom left corner of the class selection screen (for 0.3.DL users)
- Desynced jetpack dropping and allowed them to be used as organization and event pickups
- Organization pickups are hidden to non-org players
- Event team pickups are hidden for non event team players- Vehicle boot weapons, drugs, and materials are saved as and when they are stored/withdrawn, instead of on disconnect
- Added /interiors to view a guide on interiors used in the server
- Closed Doherty garage and added an enex marker to enter it
- Added Ken Rosenberg's office from Vice City to /viewhiddenint and /interiors
- Time played in player stats is now days, hours, minutes format
- Added time played to /leaderboard
- Added Sindacco Abattoir to Misc in /interiors
- Moved the Leviathan at abandoned airstrip slightly further west and added a Maverick in its place
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error when re-entering a flying school Dodo
- Updated account password hashing to bcrypt. To convert your password hash all you must do is login. Upon logging in your bcrypt hash will be saved and your Whirlpool hash will be removed. If you didn't login since we switched to Whirlpool on 20/09/22 you will have lost access to your account. If you are one of these inactive players and your account is affected, you can contact an admin to have your password updated
- Updated /faq to fix a typo and include boat school and truck school locations
- Made starting a race, putting a player in a boot, and typing /admins all require a score of 7+
- Added 'other' means of getting money to /faq
- When attempting to start a bus, securicar, combine, trash, or materials mission without a driving license you will be asked if you'd like to teleport to the driving school. Similarly, when attempting to start a trucking mission without a truck license you'll be asked if you'd like to teleport to the trucking school
- Fixed wanted reasons not updating when wanted level is already the maximum
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error when attempting to use a property safe without having entered the interior through the property door
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error when updating top kills and top KDR text in team deathmatch events
- Fixed spawning with a joint/spliff in your hand and CJ running anims when dying in an exploding flying school dodo or dealership test drive vehicle
- Added the mapped gun shop interior to Misc in /interiors
- Renamed event status "Closed" to "Locked" and status "Disabled" to "Closed"
- Admins can view ban info by selecting an entry in /banlog
- Fixed checking if a player is using Android. Android specific fixes work again
- Added object ID validity checks before handling object related data
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error when leaving the server at event team selection
- Fixed the server not properly connecting you when reconnecting at class selection
- Made map object variants static
- Made the prison cell floor objects static
- Lockup pickups are hidden for non 0.3.DL users
- Added a lockup to Ocean Docks
- Event pickups are hidden for players on event death and will show again on respawn
- floatstr2 uses sscanf
- Fixed mapped objects/interiors not appearing first time in /interiors and at event team selection
- Events will start automatically when total event participants reaches total event team slots devided by 5. The "This event hasn't started yet" text is now per event and will tell you how many more participants are required for the event to start
- Joining an event will no longer remove godmode. Instead godmode will be ineffective during events
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error when DM events are won
- Admins can't view 0.3.DL property and hidden interiors if they're using 0.3.7
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error when winning a CTF or CTV event
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error when Android users event respawn timer reaches 0
- Added two more buildings from III to Whitewood Estates (for 0.3.DL users)
- Fixed TDM, CTF, GTF and CTV scoreboards initially showing "0" after server start
- Re-added paused time to ?[name / ID]
- Added 3 more lockups to the III buildings in Whitewood Estates
- Re-added snowy weather
- Mapped interior floor objects are static dynamic objects instead of global objects
- Fixed /buyarmor not working in Emmet's gun shop
- Fixed being able to buy Combat Shotgun and M4 in Emmet's with /buyweapon
- Added Salvatore's mansion from III to Rockshore East for 0.3.DL users
- Fixed being unable to buy a Shotgun and SMG using /buyweapon
- Properties created higher than the "average" Z coordinate of the X Y position will be hidden for 0.3.7 users
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error when giving a player an item
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error sometimes (rarely) happening when selecting a vehicle component
- Fixed incorrectly formatted string in /askreply
- Adding a new property will updated streamed areas for players, making it impossible to create a property interior inside the property pickup
- Fixed CJ appearing at class selection instead of skin ID 73
- FR players can rob 24/7s, properties, and ammunations. Role-play is no longer a requirement to rob these stores.
- Added actors to clothing stores
- Added 24/7 / clothing store robbery interations - you now aim your weapon at the cashier to start a robbery. They'll hands up, then pass you the money, before cowering. Voila ... the robbery is completed.
- Updated /faq with the new store robbery information
- Added eligibility checks to /events for Android users
- Fixed starting a Securicar mission assigning, then using, a bank ID between 1 and 18 (instead of 0 and 17), resulting in ID 0 never being used and an "Array index out of bounds" error when 18 is used
- The server auto restart time (set by admins) is in days + hours format, and the postponement of the restart timer is in days, hours and minutes
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error when returning to a business options list after having viewed the owner list
- Removed unecessary loops and amended code when returning to a business options list after viewing investing or selling options
- Removed Marco's bistro from /viewhiddenint and closed the back door next to the kitchen; added an entry point to the bistro at Verdant Bluffs, Los Santos
- The Market apartment building and Downtown Zombotech building objects are static
- Fixed new players being required to confirm their password twice since changing to bcrypt password hashing
- /pm and /reply messages include player IDs
- Added /togglepms to (dis)allow PMs from players
- Completely removed Whirlpool
- Fixed not losing half of your money when dying in jail
- Entering a solo race checkpoint will have no effect if the race hasn't started
- Added Daily Achievements. Daily Achievements replace the old Achievements script. There are a total of 12 daily achievements that when each achieved you receive $1000. If you achieve all 12 in the same day you'll receive a bonus $50000
- /leaderboard will show the 1st place leaders of each leader board type in a tab list headers dialog. Clicking on a leader board type will show the top 10 leaders of that type
- You will receive $20000 when taking 1st place of any leader board type
- Replaced Daily Achievement type "Rob a store" with "Open a parachute"
- Level 6+ admins can set an organization manager. If an organization manager is set only the organization manager and Level 6+ admins can use admin organization commands
- Fixed being unable to respond to a flight request if another pilot has offered the passenger a fare
- /respond shows a list of active fare (taxi, limo, or pilot) requests. You can proceed to respond to a fare request simply by clicking on it then entering the fare amount
- Merged /canceltaxi, /cancellimo, and /cancelflight into one command /cancelfare
- /acceptfare and /declinefare show dialog lists of active fare offers (responses) from on duty taxi(or)limo drivers or pilots
- Added "Daily achievements" to /faq as a way of making money
- Added /lb as a shorter command to /leaderboard
- Removed /c as a shorter command for /clear ( /c is also shorter for /close )
- Grouped "Your Stats", "Server Stats", and "Leader Board" into /stats
- Fixed /whois leaving a space before the first entry
- Removed event IDs from /eventinfo, and re-added the use of dialogs to join events, for Android users
- Merged /opengate (/og) and /openlockup (/olu) with /open (/o) , and /closegate (/cg) and /closelockup (/clu) with /close (/c)
- Snow will rotate with your camera instead of keeping to your player rotation
- Fixed all Ammunations eventually having being robbed (lately)
- You must reach level 7 to deposit money into a property safe
- Added the church interior to the Misc category in /interiors
- Properties can have two gates, and they can be linked to operate together
- Removed the Pier 69 warehouse unit garage door
- Changed property 3D text labels to dynamic 3D text labels - this allows them to be individually toggled for different connecting clients, and should solve the issue of there sometimes being floating property 3D text labels without a pickup
- Made /me and /do local with the distance check the same as the server set stream distance 300.0
- Added /gme and /gdo for global me and do
- PMs are automatically toggled on for newly registered players
- Level 5+ admins can edit property positions/costs without having to delete and re-create them
- Renamed /addproppizzacp to /proppizzacp and added 0 as an optional parameter to remove a set pizza checkpoint
- Fixed /me not working during RP school lesson
- Fixed /gme and /gdo not working in jail
- Fixed /gme and /gdo can be used when muted
- Enabled grouping of player object slots
- Fixed /commands showing /forgetfightstyles (should be /forgetfightstyle)
- Added /gangsigns to /commands
- Added /snm and /bj to use SnM and blow job animations (added them to /commands too)
- Re-added /engine and /e as an alternative way to start vehicle engines
- Altered thousands of lines of code to support the latest (official) released version of, and Qawno editor. Our server version is now v1.0 (or RC2)
- Fixed the boat school teleport dialog not appearing when entering a boat without a boat license
- Removed automatic wanted level reduction and added an option to police dept checkpoints to bribe the police. You can bribe the police once every 30 minutes
- Admins can add objects to events. The maximum is 50 objects per event
- Added an option for property owners to add additional furniture to their interior. Currently each furniture item costs $500, and to sell/discard furniture you will get $200 back (per item). Individual furniture item prices might come in the future
- Fixed event objects not being re-created after server restart
- Changed /movefurniture to /myfurniture where you can both edit and sell your furniture
- Law enforcers can start a raid on a property. When a property is under raid the property pickup will turn red and the text label will say "'Organization name': THIS IS A RAID!". During a raid only law enforcers can enter/leave the property, and property actions (buying, selling, renting, etc) will be disabled
- Law enforcers can crack the safes of raided properties
- Fixed level 1 and 2 VIPs being able to /changeskin 0
- Fixed entering a non-raided property sometimes saying the property was being raided
- Fixed entering newly added property interiors saying the property was being raided
- Fixed dying in an exploded test/mission vehicle respawning you twice and with CJ running anims
- Fixed a bug with /resetbus where shares belonging to other owners can become corrupt
- Added object sfse_roadblock5 to South East San Fierro freeway
- Reverted /gme and /gdo back to /me and /do and added /lme and /ldo as local versions
- When in aircraft you will see other occupied aircraft marked on your radar
- The 4 SAM sites at Area 69 now work. Upon entering the restricted area in aircraft, or entering aircraft while in the restricted area, the nearest SAM will rotate to your direction and then fire a missile towards you. The missiles will explode upon reaching your aircraft (or after having travelled a total or more of 300.0 units)
- Organizations can have up to 3 checkpoints
- VIP Ultimate members can use /jetpack to get a jetpack in /fr mode
- Added the cargo ship from III to Bayside for 0.3.DL users
- Admins can remove checkpoints from organizations
- Increased SAM site rotate speed by 20% and increased missile speed by 25%
- Organization interiors, interior vehicles, interior vehicle enter pos, and interior vehicle ext cube areas can all be linked to individual org checkpoints (allowing each checkpoint to have a different interior in a unique world)
- Added on screen text for newly registered players spawning at the baggage reclaim instructing them to press N to leave at the door
- Organization roof teleports can be linked to individual org checkpoints (allowing each checkpoint to have a different roof teleport and /down area)
- Admins can toggle weapons from being/to be purchased at gun stores
- Added a new wanted reason (Terrorism). Terrorism is worth 6 stars and will be set when you detonated explosives
- Added Rustler bomb dropping. You can drop a bomb from a Rustler using the handbrake key. It'll explode on impact on the ground and on players & vehicles
- Removed /orgcat and changed /createorg so that it asks you to select a category before then creating the org
- Fixed your cars/bikes previous owner's name not formatting correctly when selling it at a dealership before the 7 day cooldown period
- Added a new wanted reason (Trespass - Res Area). Trespass - Res Area is worth 6 stars and will be set when you enter Restricted Area. Armed Forces and on-duty Police and SWAT are exempt from becoming wanted
- 5 bombs can be dropped from a Rustler at the same instance
- You can reset your vehicle position to your organization HQ
- Admins can check players' client version
- Admins can start ''Guess The Number''. A number, with a min & max range, a total amount of per-player attempts, and a reward, can be set for players to guess. Type /guess to submit your guess
- Admins can mark players on the map & radar (useful for custom events)
- Anti-cbug is triggered only by Desert Eagle, Shotgun and Sniper Rifle
- Added a 1 second cooldown period in-between dropping Rustler bombs
- Added an optional parameter to /plantbomb make it a timed explosion - /plantbomb [seconds 1 - 20]
- Fixed the explosive object you're planting being left behind when you're put into a vehicle boot
- Updated bcrypt plugin to latest version
- Made it simpler to edit org rank permissions with a an edit completion dialog that, when responded to, will take you back to the list of permissions
- Like the org rank permissions dialogs, a completion dialog has been added to banks which upon clicking will take you back to the main dialog menu
- Removed default export vehicle positions. There will now be at least one of each export vehicle positioned at the random vehicle spawns around the map
- Doubled export vehicle reward costs. They're now double the prices they are in single player
- /asetpass now sets a temporary password to the player's account. Upon logging in with the temporary password the player will be prompted/required to set and confirm a new password
- Changed /questpickup [slot] [clue] to /questpickup [slot] which will show a dialog msg box for the clue to be entered
- Added /exportlocs to view a list of cities where all export vehicles can be found
- Export vehicle reward costs are now 75% of what they are in single player
- /exportlocs tells you how many of each of the vehicles are in each city
- Added an optional parameter for admin ID 1 to /disablecmd to disable a command indefinitely. If a command is disabled indefinitely only admin ID 1 can enable it again
- VIP-U members can use /health to restore their health by half every 5 minutes
- Your gaming state must be Freeroam to use /health and /armor
- VIP-U members can scratch 20 scratch cards each day
- Added a new mod shop at Doherty garage for VIP members. All modable vehicles can be modded here
- /exportlocs will show only the locations of the vehicles from the current export list
- Added the Dirtring interior from Vice City to San Fierro stadium for 0.3.DL users
- Updated Pawn.RakNet plugin to latest version
- Added actors to banks. The actor will appear to players at their active bank checkpoint
- Player bank checkpoints & actors are configured when the actor initially streams in for the player
- Bank actors will hands up when aimed at and cower when shots are fired. When shots are fired the checkpoints are disabled
- Airport guards will handsup when aimed at, and as a result of this the airport gates will open
- Added a priest actor to both church interiors. The priests will also hands up/cower with interacted with
- /unban and /unbanip both have an optional reason parameter
- /baninfo and /ipbaninfo info is shown in a msg box dialog
- /baninfo and /ipbaninfo can both be used on previously banned accounts/ips. If the account/ip was previously banned both the ban info and unban info will be stated
- Added /unbanlog to check the previous 24 logged unbans
- Percent symbol can be used in the chat
- There are now two type of account notes: Action notes, Manual notes. Action notes are automatically logged when a player is muted, kicked, banned, unbanned, warned, or admin jailed. Manual notes are those of /addaccnote. /viewaccnote will give the option to view action notes or manual notes
- The prison exit "cell" door can be bombed with explosives allowing prisoners to escape. All prisoners are informed when/if the door is bombed. The door will re-appear when all prisoners/visitors have left the interior
- Fixed prison exit door bombing being effective when the prison is empty
- All players are informed when the prison exit door is bombed
- When bombing the prison exit door you'll be informed if the prison is empty
- /guide pages are used and are managed all in one dialog
- Added boat school and trucking school to /guide
- Fixed /say, /vsay, and /shout leaving two spaces (instead of one) after "[ID]" and "says/shouts" for admins in Freeroam mode
- Fixed the variable used to remember a player entering a vehicle when using the cellphone not being reset when being put in a boot
- Fixed event "Closed" status red color not formatting correctly for the first listed event in /events and /eventinfo
- Fixed setting vehicle interior incorrectly at Loco Low Co
- Added bike dealers to /guide
- Admin level 3+ will see lock-up pickups when using SA-MP 0.3.7 (for reset purposes)
- Fixed /viewhiddenint would allow admins using 0.3.7 to teleport to 0.3.DL interiors
- Admins can toggle allowing use of weapons for players for a set number of days
- Fixed issues creating/editing roadblocks & cones
- Changed roadblocks back to dynamic objects
- Added some code to kick rapid joining players (bots)
- /gm no longer requires the user to be spawned
- /gm now retains the user's health (they can't be damaged anyway...)
- /gm toggles god mode on/off (instead of just turning it on)
- /sethealth will only disable god mode if the value set is 0
- Added 2 new lockups in Willowfield for 0.3.DL users
- If toggled on during the dying process god mode will be ignored when pressing sprint key to confirm death
- God mode is ignored if the damage reason is unknown (this includes dying in an exploded vehicle)
- Admin level 5+ can see all organization pickups
- /enablecmd and /disablecmd command text parameter must begin with a '/'
- Fixed /orgcar and /repair saying your organization doesn't have any checkpoints
- Fixed some loops not force breaking when shifting admin & hdo IDs
- Fixed /kickadmin checking if there are any admins (there has to be at least one admin if the command is being used!)
- /admins & /kickadmin no longer check for a valid admin status (admin statuss are set when admins are set!)
- Fixed admins hidden status being reset when admin level is increased/decreased
- Fixed creating /rb and /cone saying you've reached the maximum amount
- /admins and /hdos use tablist style dialogs and display offline members too
- Fixed being given a new parachute in events after leaving your spawn point interior when the interior type is skydive
- If the damage reason prior to death is drown, collision, or unknown, the killer will always be invalid
- Fixed /tagsoff always saying "You already have player name tags disabled"
- Added anti vehicle spawning (hacks)
- Added an organization rank permission for /repair
- Fixed sometimes you'd keep your vehicle after /export
- The setting/kicking of co-leaders is now logged (admin note message + server log print)
- Fixed resetting your boat to the nearest docks setting it to the wrong docks
- Fixed PC users' health and armor saving with default values when joining an event
- Non VIP members can own 2 vehicles
- Max player vehicles has been reduced to 6. The number of vehicles a player can own is their VIP level + 2
- Fixed being unable to re-enter the prison interior after being unjailed
- Fixed when buying business shares from a player you were able to own more than the maximum business shares
- Fixed selling all of your shares of a business to another player, who isn't already a shareholder in the business, not resetting the shares amount in your owner slot
- Fixed the wasted player losing half of their money when their event ends as a result of their death
- Added /areply to /commands
- Added a Raindance to the helipad on the tall building in Downtown Los Santos and one on the helipad at Bayside
- Added a completion dialog to dealerships after buying insurance, changing vehicle color, changing license plate, and changing licence plate color, allowing you to return to the main dialog menu
- The sub commands of /actions can be used in jail
- /b can be used in jail
- Added robbing of ATMs to /faq as a way to get money
- /getplayerver will state if a player is using an official/android client
- Owned vehicles clock kilometers . Kilometers travelled show on the speedometer
- Fixed attempting to buy more than $2147483647 worth of mobile vouchers or scratch cards giving you unlimited money
- You can hold only 50 explosives
- An animation is applied to players in vehicles when they start dying
- Dropped IsPlayerConnected2 from IsPlayerUsingAndroid; and added IsPlayerUsingOfficialClient to it to hopefully resolve false positives
- Admins can generate random numbers from within a min and max range. The generated number will be sent in a chat message to all players
- Admins can generate a random player from the player list. The generated player's name will be sent in a chat message to all players
- When reviving a player text will show above both the players' heads (at the position of rp name text). If either player has their rp name enabled, it will be raised slightly higher to assist the revival text
- Added some missing objects to the concert hall interior and fixed some rotations of others
- Fixed being able to buy disabled weapons from gun shops using /buyweap
- Added a Raindance to the helipad at Los Santos International
- Added a Maverick to the helipad at The Emerald Isle
- Added text labels to ATM machines stating which key to press to use them
- Added a stunt race map, by Ford, and created a race event at it
- Added /eventminz which works like min/max velZ detecting but instead checks for min Z
- If you fall below the minZ in a race event your positon will be set back to the last checkpoint you entered
- Fixed a crash in /startevent when an admin starts a race event without being a participant
- Increased rp name and revive text label Z offsets
- Fixed race event fastest lap not updating
- Fixed last man standing events being left locked after all players have left the event
- You can only blow open the prison exit door once in 2 hours
- Fixed business owners selling their shares to fellow owners not updating the fellow owner's shares amount correctly
- You can't rob weapons disabled for purchase using /robammun
- Admins can change the names of solo races
- Added event status type Invite. Admins can lock an event to invitation only and invite players to join it. Event invitations expire when the event is disabled or won
- Increased max events to 20
- Added version 2 of Ford's stunt racing map, and altered the race checkpoints of the event located there
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error in OnVehicleDeath when there's a player in the boot
- If you fall below the minZ during a race event, without being in your team vehicle, you'll be put into another team vehicle (as driver) at your last entered checkpoint
- Fixed being unable to teleport from the basement floor to the top floor using the elevator dialog in Caligula's
- /putin checks that seatid is less than or equal to the max passengers of the vehicle
- seatid in /putin is optional. If seatid isn't specified the first available seat in the vehicle will be found
- GetPlayerSpecialAction2 returns SPECIAL_ACTION_CUFFED if IsPlayerCuffed is true (GetPlayerSpecialAction would otherwise return 0 for cuffed players in vehicles)
- Being revived increases your health to 10 (not 100)
- Fixed buying the remaining shares of your business from another player not updating your shares if the other player is last in the owners list
- Fixed upside down ramp in Dirtring interior
- Replaced the III cargo ship at Bayside with the other III cargo ship
- Added the "hogans_alley" interior from Vice City to the Ammunation in Ocean Flats
- Added a missing object to Salvatore Leone's mansion
- Admins can spectate from in jail
- Fixed unjailing players early if they aren't spawned
- Admins can check players' assets by clicking on the scoreboard or using /checkstats
- Added new job: Sprunk missions. You can start Sprunk missions at the Sprunk factory in Montgomery
- Players can end their current job/mission with /endjob
- Added the 'hogan's alley' interior to /interiors
- Added Sprunk missions to the server guide
- Admins can toggle weapon shot admin note messages (when players fire at other players or at vehicles)
- Dying state & revival apply only to players in Role-play gaming state
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error in /tie and /cuff
- Fixed muted players can talk in /cc
- Admins can check org bank balances
- Stingers can be deployed by org members from their org vehicles if the siren is toggled on for the vehicle. Bicycles, bikes, aircrafts, boats, and RC vehicles are exempt
- Fixed setting an offline player as admin showing them as online in /admins
- Fixed clan members being able to set their name as the clan tag
- Fixed spawning in escobar airport for the first time, then relogging and repeating the process giving you $50000 each time
- Merged admin level 7 with level 6 (other than /setvip and /givevippoints, which are now for admin ID 1)
- Fixed /setgamingstate not cancelling /taxi, /limo, and /buyticket jobs/requests, or removing jetpack when setting to role-play
- You can't change your gaming state when you're wanted
- Tazer effects now last 10 seconds
- Fixed /enter not working as driver when in an organization exterior cube
- Fixed /leave not working as driver when in an organization interior
- The 7 day cooldown for resigning from an organization now applies to everyone
- Fixed the first spawn text "Exit the interior by pressing N at the door" sometimes appearing when it shouldn't, and sometimes not appearing when it should
- Added fence objects and an organization gate to an area in Market, Los Santos
- Fixed Securicar missions not ending if your Securicar is destroyed
- Fixed next sprunk mission checkpoints not appearing if the previous one was in the same interior
- Fixed Caligula's basement sprunk mission checkpoints not appearing
- % symbol shows as # for SA-MP 0.3.7-R1, 0.3.DL-R1, and Android users
- Added a slot parameter to /changeskin and /dskin, allowing VIPs to assign skins to up to 3 slots
- Fixed deleting an account incorrectly checking government stats
- Fixed VIP level 1 name changes resulting in losing VIP stat
- Reverted code that hides floating properties for 0.3.7 users due to false positives at some locations
- Admins can toggle the restricted area functionality (wanted stars & SAM rockets)
- Added anti-VPN. Players who join with VPN confirmed will be kicked. When VPN is suspected, but not confirmed, an admin warning will be sent
- Admins can ban/unban players from joining organizations
- Fixed viewing your own Stats, Admin Stats, and Mission Stats (using /stats) not showing a "Back" button
- Fixed VIP levels 1 & 2 could change their personal skins to 0 (CJ)
- Fixed viewing an unban log entry giving the ban reason instead of the unban reason
- Fixed nearby aircraft map icons not disappearing after the only remaining vehicle occupant leaves the server
- Added new event type Bounty Hunter. The goal is to kill the bounty target and reach the bounty kill objective. When the bounty target is killed, or otherwise dies, and there is more than 1 player in the event, a new target will be selected. A marker will appear above the target's head for all participants but the target themselves
- Added a 24/7 store to the gas station at Easter Basin
- Fixed your truck positon being set during trucking missions (including entering mod shops) increasing the reward amount upon completion
- Fixed dynamic checkpoints appearing for players who aren't supposed to see them (if they're doing a mission, or...)
- Admins can ban user accounts and ip addresses for a specified number of days. After the number of days have passed the account and/or ip address will be unbanned automatically
- Added Deposit and Withdraw options to organization menus for members to deposit/withdraw weapons, drugs, and materials to/from the organization. (Co)leaders only can withdraw
- In addition to the on screen text a yellow map icon will appear to newly registered players (to guide them to the baggage reclaim exit)
- Fixed race & sumo event vehicle idle time checks. This will solve the issue of randomly losing your vehicle in these events
- Fixed ban info and ip ban info saying indefinitely banned accounts/ips were automatically unbanned
- Fixed animations/special actions being allowed to apply when a player is crouching
- Newly created property gate model angles are tweaked so that the gate is always facing the admin who created it
- Animations can now be played when crouching if the crouching player isn't cuffed/tied up
- Moved the same chunks of code from /guide, /viewcctv, /viewtag, /spec, /rspec, /aviewcctv, and /aviewtag into a single function PreparePlayerForSpecMode (resulting in more than 2500 fewer total lines)
- Moved some code for stopping SAM missiles, hiding occupied aircraft map icons, and mission ending, which was triggered when players leave their vehicles, from OnPlayerUpdate to OnPlayerStateChange (there was previously inconsistencies/false positives)
- Practically rewrote most of the occupied aircraft map icon handling code
- Fixed being able to change your gaming state to freeroam while wanted at rp school
- Added Auntie Poulet's house interior from VC as an available property interior (for 0.3.DL users)
- Fixed Diaz's mansion, Ocean View hotel, and Phil's caravan property interior safe door positions
- Added an aircraft dealership (Air Dealers) at Easter Bay Airport. Aircraft available to buy here are Leviathan, Raindance, Beagle, Maverick, Sparrow, Stunt, and Dodo.
- Added Auntie Poulet's house to /interiors
- Added the Air Dealers to /guide
- You can test fly Air Dealer aircraft for 90 seconds
- Increased the streaming distance of the big hangars at LS and SF airports
- Fixed test driving/flying a vehicle and then buying it causing it to respawn when you first leave it
- Added /toggletips to toggle tip messages
- Added /afkmsgs to toggle AFK/back messages
- Admins can change the reward amount for toy events
- Added "Interior List" to planning department checkpoint
- You will get event top kill death ratio stat if you equal the already top ratio but have more kills than the current holder
- Fixed mission checkpoints sometimes being unresponsive after leaving & re-entering your mission vehicle
- Made many non-constant read-only arrays into constants
- Using 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 as the camera position/lookat coordinates in /editcctv will keep the coordinates unchanged (it will change only the interior and door)
- In some cases property door IDs can change, so CCTV IDs in /propinfo will now tell you if the CCTV door doesn't match the property door
- Fixed /goto, /get, and /tp not resetting the teleporting player's last registered door (and zone) when moving them from any interior to inteior 0 (causing them to then be unable to enter interiors)
- Fixed /getv not updating the last registered door (and zone) of occupants in the vehicle (sometimes causing them to then be unable to enter interiors)
- Fixed selling all of your shares from a business to a new investor not adding the shares to their list of businesses
- Added /asklist for admin Level 4+ to view the latest asks. The ask list will display each ask user, their question, the status of the ask, and the HDO involved (if on-going or completed)
- Changed /loc [playerid] to /loc [playerid] [toggle (0 = disable, 1 = enable)] . When you toggle a wanted players location to on their last reported location will be displayed on your screen (above the radar) after 5 seconds, and will be updated every 10 seconds after that.
- Increased max org pickups to 8
- Parachutes can be used by players who are disallowed weapons
- Fixed a bug with /setleader when a player from the same org is set leader (their name will appear in the members list twice)
- Admins can toggle anti-cbug
- Added /toggles for players to view a list of toggleable settings
- You can store explosives in vehicle boots
- Admins can see a list of businesses extorted by organizations
- The anticbug toggle has no effect on /events. Instead admins can toggle anticbug per /events event
- Fixed lowering a player's wanted level using /want not decreasing the wanted stars
- Added stored amount to the materials and explosives store/get dialogs
- Changed accept death key to N
- Added continuation dialogs after boot/safe transactions, allowing you to continue with new transactions without re-triggering the dialog
- Updated our edited version of weapon-config (skinhit) with the latest commits for better support
- Admins can give players a jetpack
- Admins can teleport into organization interiors
- Organization members who view their own organization members list will see the Online/Offline status of each member
- VIP points can be bought with in-game money. The cost is $25mil per point. /vippoints can be used to both use and buy VIP points
- Added the option to /vippoints to sell your VIP points. VIP points can be sold at $5mil per point
- Another fix for race & sumo event vehicle idle time checks. This should solve the issue of randomly losing your vehicle in these events
- Fixed /orgcar not appearing in /ocmds for Gangs
- Added /damagefeed to toggle on-screen damage feed text
- Fixed several potential "Array index out of bounds" errors when using some organization related dialogs
- Players' account IP address info is updated when they try logging into a banned account with a different IP address
- Merged admin commands /enablehs & /disablehs into /togglehs and /enablereg & /disablereg into /togglereg
- Prohibited weapon banning and disallowed weapon disarming are now triggered as the sync packet is received. This greatly improves reliability and essentially means that these methods are (should) be unavoidable
- Client money changes are also amended as the packet is received
- Frozen players don't take damage
- All weapon skill levels in events are set to hitman
- Players can use /suicide to commit suicide. This command can't be used when wanted or frozen by an admin, and can only be used once in 20 minutes
- Admins can teleport to players using a given angle and distance/offset. If the target player isn't in an interior the average map Z coordinate at the calculated positon will be used, otherwise the target's Z coordinate is used. This command doesn't inform the target that they were teleported to
- Fixed on duty law enforcers becoming wanted by using timed explosives
- Fixed non-law organization members not becoming wanted when using /detonate while /oskin'd
- Added some missing details to hogan's alley interior, including some posters and a shooting range
- Added a missing LOD to the cargo ship in Bayside. This fixes an area where players could enter into, getting stuck inside the ship object
- Fixed some disappearing objects and visually one-sided fence objects in the concert hall interior
- Fixed the visually one-sided fence object at Salvatore Leone's mansion
- Fixed event boundries minY always being 0.0
- Fixed the visually one-sided fence of the cargo ship in Bayside
- Fixed falling through the floor when entering Ocean View hotel and re-added it as an available property interior
- Fixed the walls of Auntie Poulet's house interior
- Added the VCS cargo ship interior to the III cargo ship at Bayside. To enter simply walk at the door to the hull on the deck of the cargo ship
- Made the cargo ship objects at Bayside static
- Fixed the visually one-sided platforms, stairs, and fences of the VCS cargo ship interior
- Various improvements to Salvatore's mansion object model (including fixing the invisible underside of the roof and fixing being able to enter down through the chimney and into the object)
- Fixed being able to jump over the fence of the pit inside the cargo ship interior causing you to get stuck
- Added Phil's shooting place interior from VCS to the outdoor shooting range in Bone County
- Moved Ocean View hotel from "Misc" back to "Houses" in /interiors
- Added Phil's shooting range to "Misc" in /interiors
- Added Louise's apartment interior from VCS as an available property interior, and added it to /interiors
- Fixed the bounty target's marker object not being destroyed when they die in Bounty Hunter events
- Moved a lot of repeated code from OnPlayerDeath into a single function, resulting in more than 3000 fewer lines
- Fixed /aocmds not showing all admin organization commands for the organization manager
- All level 5+ admins can use admin organization commands as well the organization manager
- Renamed /setorgmanager to /orgmanager
- Moved /resetbus, /resetbusbyid, /gotobus, /bussearch, /addbus, and /delbus from /acmds to /abuscmds
- Moved /resetlockup and /gotolu from /acmds to /alucmds
- Added /realestatemanager for level 6 admins to set a player as real estate manager. The real estate manager, as well all level 5 and 6 admins, can use admin property/business/lockup commands
- Players can map teleport if their virtual world is that of viewing a property interior (non-admin real estate manager?)
- Fixed some transparent objects: Ocean View hotel floor and windows, Diaz mansion marble floor and office glass table, and VC strip club floor
- Fixed being able to enter through the walls at the entrance of Ocean View hotel, subsequently causing you to fall to your death
- Added El Banco Corrupto Grande bank interior from VC as a hidden interior and listed it in /interiors (with the possibility of using it as a working bank interior in the future)
- Made El Banco Corrupto Grande into a working bank. This bank interior replaces the default banks at Come-A-Lot and Ocean Flats
- Lowered /loc update time to 5 seconds
- Changed the bank interior at Downtown Los Santos to El Banco Corrupto Grande
- The organization manager can use /gotoorg
- You can change your skin (but not to an organization skin) if your organization is engaging in a zone war but you aren't a part of it
- You can't join events, change your gaming state to Freeroam, or enter into spectate mode if you're engaging in a zone war
- Admins can end organization zone wars
- Added the latest commits from weapon-config to our edit (including a fix for the exploit reported here -
- Added "metal" SFX to the cargo ship object at Bayside, "concrete" SFX to Hogan's ally interior objects, and "wooden" SFX to auntie Poulet's interior object
- Fixed the lighting of auntie Poulet's interior objects
- Added the barracks interior from VCS as a hidden interior (might be useful as an army org interior in the future)
- Added the missing stage roof object to Malibu club interior
- Increased lockup rent to $5000 per day
- "Daily achievements completed" and "Events won" have been added to /leaderboard
- Added "Longest time AFK" and "Total time AFK" to /leaderboard
- Categorised /leaderboard. Categories include Time, Jobs, Pickups, Robberies, and Other
- You can only revive the same player once in 5 minutes
- Added the garage from the opening cutscene of mission "The Green Sabre" as a lockup
- Fixed animation libraries "SnM" and "BLOWJOBZ" not being preloaded
- Added North Point Mall from Vice City as a hidden interior, and also in /interiors, for possible future use
- Fixed withdrawn weapons and drugs from boots not always being removed
- You can't request a hit on a player who is in Freeroam state
- You can't change your gaming state to Freeroam if there is a confirmed hit on you. Any unconfirmed hits will be cancelled if you do change your gaming state to Freeroam
- Fixed some organization interior world checks in /orgvintpos, /addorgv, and other places
- Admin level 5+ can toggle anti-VPN. anti-VPN toggle status will appear in /toggles
- Fixed bounty hunter event target objects being created for and attached to the wrong player
- Replaced some poorly detailed buildings in Redsands West with higher quality models/textures
- Added green neon lighting above Sweet's garage in Grove Street
- Added a new custom modelled mall opposite the casino in Redsands West and linked North Point Mall interior to it. There are 6 entry points, each corresponding one of the 6 exit points inside the interior. A working Ammunation can be found inside the mall (with more stores to come), and a business has been made at the record store
- You can't /suicide inside of vehicles
- Added a cow to the Steakhouse roof in Redsands West
- Added the Screw This interior to inside North Point Mall
- Added Cafe Robina to inside North Point Mall
- Fixed selling all of your shares of a business to another investor of the business when neither of you are the highest owner ID
- Re-wrote the anti-cbug code and taken a different approach to blocking it
- Admins, and the org manager, can change org vehicle colors without re-adding the vehicles
- Another anti-cbug approach; it is now triggered when you shoot within 500ms of crouching
- When anti-cbug is triggered the bullet is desynced
- Anti-cbug freeze time decreased to 1000ms
- Fixed leaving an event when you had joined from an interior
- Fixed and added the cutscene Angel Pine trailer interior as an available property interior
- Fixed /exportlocs reporting incorrect locations for vehicles that aren't from local zones
- Fixed flight missions not properly completing if the fare has been paid
- If a pilot enters the destination checkpoint and the passenger hasn't paid the fare, the pilot will be warned and asked if they want to proceed to complete the trip
- Fixed "You are already requesting a flight" appearing when you attempt to buy a ticket after the pilot went off duty
- Fixed "Driver distance from you" always being 0.1 when waiting for a flight
- Renamed "Driver distance from you" to "Pilot distance from you"
- Fixed using /buyticket in RP state in Las Venturas airport showing options "San Fierro" & "Las Venturas" instead of "Los Santos" & "San Fierro"
- Replaced area detection to enter/leave the VCS cargo ship interior with enex markers, and added the interior to /interiors
- Added an anchor map icon at the cargo ship interior entry marker
- When you view an interior using /interiors the dynamic area of the door is disabled until you press "Back" and spawn again
- Added a new category to /interiors called Barber/Hair, which includes the 3 hair salon interiors
- Added the Tattoo shop, Zero's RC Shop, and the Sex Shop to the Misc category in /interiors
- Added a reason option to /afk
- Added /brb which is similar to /afk but will say "Player will BRB."
- Fixed the original Four Dragon Casino manager's office and Caligula's office object models and removed the mapped interiors
- A clan manager can now be set. The clan manager, along with level 4+ admins, can set and kick clan members
- The colors of solo race vehicles can be changed
- Added some weapon-config fixes (most notably for the sniper rifle)
- Added /retrievebombs to retrieve your planted bombs and /retrievelastbomb to retrieve the last bomb that you planted
- Fixed tenants not being reset when properties are sold/reset when no longer to-let
- Fixed /jail, /ajail, /aajail, /get, and /tp failing sometimes if the target/teleporting player is in a bank
- CTF and GTF events display the flag model next to the number instead of "flags returned" and "flags retained"
- CTV events display the target vehicle models (in color) next to the number instead of "vehicles returned"
- Fixed CTF, GTF and CTV score texts not displaying correctly after server start
- Increased max event objects to 200
- Increased stream distance and draw distance of event objects
- Admins can disarm players who haven't yet spawned (since connecting)
- Added the concert hall/back stage interior to the studios in Vinewood
- Added a command for police officers to toggle the taser (silenced 9mm). /taser will replace your current pistol ammo with unlimited silenced 9mm ammo and will show "TASER" on your HUD. Using the command again will holster the taser and restore your previous pistol ammo. You must be on-duty to use the taser
- Fixed the Sumo ring interior and added it to SF stadium for 0.3.DL users
- Added the original III rustship ramp to Bayside
- Your health and armor are restored when you level up in Arsenal events
- Increased max event rcps to 32
- If you leave a Last Man Standing or Sumo event as the only remaining participant the event will stop and re-open
- /event and /eventinfo will show the events list in random order
- Added the III import/export garage as a lockup in Spinybed
- Added 8balls bomb shop from Shoreside in III as a working bomb shop in Redsands East
- You can mount the exercise equipment in the gyms (the equipment does nothing else currently)
- You can go slower/faster on gym bikes and treadmills by pressing the left/right arrow keys. If you go too fast on the treadmill you will fall off
- Upon server restart, previously locked events will be set as Open
- Admins can change the end status of events. This is the status the event will be set to when the event is won. The default setting is Open
- Fixed /changeskin and /setskin selection menus showing blank pages if you don't have access to all skins
- Added Phil Collins and santa clause skins for 0.3.DL VIP Ultimate users
- Added Freddy Krueger skin for 0.3.DL VIP Ultimate users
- You can lift the weights on the gym benches by pressing LMB
- Removed gym checkpoints and allowed /fightstyle and /forgetfightstyle to be used anywhere in the gyms
- When you enter a gym for the first time an information dialog will appear
- Added Michael Jackson and Shrek skins for 0.3.DL VIP Ultimate users
- You can enter race event checkpoints on foot
- Admins can change the size of race event checkpoints. If the size is unset, or set to 0, the previously used sizes will be default
- Increased max property gates to 3
- Made the exercise equipment in Madd Dogg's mansion and at Verona Beach usable
- Fixed Madd Dogg's east entrance putting you in a different world to the west entrance (if player A entered through the west door and player B entered through the east door, they previously wouldn't have seen each other inside)
- Admins, and the org manager, can change the spawn position of org vehicles
- Added "Gym bench repetitions" to the leader board
- Race events can have 0 vehicles (for parkour style events)
- Admins can remove event team vehicles without specifying colors and a respawn delay
- Fixed 0.3.DL VIP Level 3 users being unable to use CJ skin
- Added "Time played (inc. AFK)" to the leader board
- Closed the original Caligula's casino vault and added it to the casino elevator menus (in place of the previous VC vault)
- The VC bank vault is accessible by entering the elevator area of the El Banco Corrupto Grande interior
- /commands and /cmds will show a list of command categories. Simply select a category to view the commands of that type
- Total pilot fares completed increases when entering the finish checkpoint (instead of when the fares are paid)
- Fixed pilot missions only completing properly for the last passenger to pay the fare (if there were multiple passengers)
- Fixed "Distance to destination" stopping updating after you've paid the fare
- Fixed and added Four Dragons Casino janitor's room interior for 0.3.DL users
- You can play MP3 files from our forum gallery using /playmp3 . An input example is 155-917- . Use /mp3stop to stop the audio
- Added playlists. You can create your own playlists and add mp3s from our forum gallery to them. The new commands are /playlists, /createplaylist, /deleteplaylist, /playlistname, /addtoplaylist, /delfromplaylist . Using '/playlists' alone will show a list of your own playlists, where as '/playlists [name]' will show the playlists of the specified user. Simply select a track from a playlist to play it. You can have up to 32 tracks on each playlist, and 5 playlists in total
- Added new /commands category "Audio" which includes /playmp3, /mp3stop, and all of the new playlist commands
- You can sell to players a maximum of 4 vehicles per day
- Added Fanny Batter's brothel interior where the crack house used to be in Idlewood, and fixed the furniture for 0.3.DL users (also added it to /interiors)
- Added a heart map icon at Fanny Batter's brothel and /menu will work at the bar
- /plantbomb and /detonate no longer require Roleplay gaming state
- Moved /vips online VIP list into a dialog list
- Moved /leos online LEO list into a dialog list
- Added /extortlocs for (co)leaders to view a list of businesses their organization is extorting from, and their locations
- Admins can set event objects to move
- Added LS and LV stadium map icons and checkpoints (the latest client mod release removes them)
- Added /eventplayers to view a list of players in events. The list will show player names, their event names, and their team names
- You can use /playlists in jail
- You can no longer sell VIP points
- Reduced daily business profit from (cost / 7500 * shares) to (cost / 10000 * shares)
- VIP Level 3/Ultimate members can sell only their original vehicle model (i.e. can't /changecar then sell)
- Businesses can't cost more than $10,000,000
- Players can't invest in businesses worth more than $5,000,000 ($10,000,000 for VIP Ultimate members)
- Added The Big Package Storage Co building from VCS to Ocean Docks (for 0.3.DL users)
- Removed all RP aspects from the script (/me, /do, /lme, /ldo, and /ame will stay and will use your player name instead of RP name)
- You can no longer put players in vehicle boots
- /buyticket will work as it used to in /fr state unless there's an active pilot online. If there is a pilot active then /buyticket will use pilot missions
- You can't use /jetpack while using your organization skins
- You can put players in boots again at the cost of 3 wanted stars. The wanted reason will be Kidnap
- Made the exercise bike in the hospital interior and the weight benches in the prison interior usable
- Removed the hitman org type. Now any player can confirm a hit on another player
- Added new commands category "Bounty/Hit" for commands /hit, /cancelhit, /confirmhit, /hits, /uchits, /trace
- Fixed being unable to confirm a hit during first 10 minutes of server start
- Changed /confirmhit to show a list of unconfirmed hits that you can select to confirm
- Removed /uchits (/confirm now shows a list of unconfirmed hits)
- Removed the hitman's name when confirming a hit if the hit has already been confirmed
- /hits will show your confirmed hits in a dialog list
- Added "Playlists" to player stats options list
- Replaced VC North Point Mall interior for that of VCS
- You can have only one confirmed hit on each player per day
- Added a working open Ammunation to the VCS mall interior. This Ammunation can also be robbed
- Added a robbable open clothes store to the VCS mall interior
- Added Barzini's in VCS mall as a working bar
- Added Man at Ease in VCS mall as a robbable clothes store. This store has two actors; aim at either one of them to start the robbery
- Added Flying Dale's in VCS mall as a robbable clothes store
- Added the Old Amsterdam coffee shop from Flying Dale's in VCS mall as a working diner
- Fixed the baggage reclaim interior for 0.3.DL users. This interior will be skipped for non 0.3.DL users (0.3.7 users will instead spawn outside the airport door)
- Removed the baggage reclaim interior fence/barrier
- You'll receive damage when frozen because of cbugging
- Actors will cower when weapons are fired only if the shooting player is within a distance of 50.0
- Moved /help to a dialog box
- Fixed the visually one sided "win this bike" stand and plants in the mall and added a Mountain Bike there
- Vehicle health updates are now handled as the packet is received. This greatly improves efficiency and should improve performance too
- /vrespawn issuer is stored as an account ID instead of player ID (meaning admins can set a vrespawn timer and disconnect without the timer being killed)
- Added a missing cellphone model to /changecellphone
- Fixed being unable to discard medikits from /itemlist
- Added a new style /itemlist with selectable images and text
- Reduced the size of the playing card in /itemlist (it's no longer full sized)
- /itemlist will display your set cellphone model
- Added item quantities to /itemlist
- Removed the glitched VCS mall windows
- Added new images to /itemlist for 0.3.DL users
- Added the White Stallionz interior from VCS at Blueberry and made it a working bar
- Added a warehouse from VC as a lockup at Blueberry next to the new bar
- Moved the White Stallionz bar to the building next door and fixed + added the original sign
- Added the /itemlist style menu to 24/7 stores
- /editpropgate and /editeventobject will allow you to select objects if no slotid is specified
- Added /hitlist for admins to check confirmed hits
- Removed /extortlocs as /stopextort does the same
- /jail time in minutes is now equal to the wanted level of the jailed player
- Fixed Sweet's house interior for 0.3.DL users
- Players can operate from multiple dynamic areas at once (e.g. /menu when in a diner/bar and also at an enex marker, pressing N when in an enex marker and next to an ATM machine, using an ATM machine that is next to a property pickup, etc)
Since the last update entry:
- Moved the shamal entering code into the gamemode - the shamal2 filterscript is no longer used
- Added an info pickup inside airports that, when entered, will show a dialog explaining how /buyticket works
- Patched GetPlayerVehicleID until build9 when it works properly again
- Fixed /fr not setting on-duty pilot to off-duty, or disabling taxi, limo, and pilot requests & fares
- Fixed /rp not hiding the destinations menu
- Fixed airport security guard actors animations not being reset when the last nearby player streams out
- Added a fire dept map to Verona Beach, Los Santos (thanks Marshmello)
- Added scratch cards to 24/7 stores. Use /itemlist or /scratchcard to use a scratch card. On a scratch card there are 9 places to "scratch" - you get to choose 6, and the aim is to get 3 of the same result
- New players first spawn is inside the baggage reclaim interior of their assigned airport
- Added up/down teleport markers to the elevators in Las Venturas Planning Department. /lockallenexforall will disable these (useful for custom events)
- New prize for scratchcards - X (if you find an X it means nothing. You get nothing for it)
- Added a block for cBug
- Re-added custom pay'n'sprays and lockups. They'll open/close only for 0.3.DL users
- Bomb shops are closed for 0.3.DL users
- Opened the garage from the opening cutscene of mission The Green Sabre for 0.3.DL users
- Added many new interiors from GTA III and VC for 0.3.DL users
- Fixed /postponeautoexit setting any time below 60 seconds to 60 seconds
- Replaced the old VC mansion doors with the actual doors from the game
- Replacecd LSPD interior with the PD interior from VC. LSPD has been moved to /viewhiddenint
- Player's will be denied entry to organization interiors if the interior is 0.3.DL
- Added the taxi firm interior from VC to /viewhiddenint
- Added 35 new skins for VIP level 3 and 4. Admins can also set players skins to these, as well as set event and org skins as them too. They are not yet supported in the skin changing menu (so by ID only) and only 0.3.DL users will see them. 0.3.7 clients will see other GTA SA skins instead
- Replaced the bar interior in Old Venturas Strip with a bar interior from VC
- Blocked access to the vault in Caligula's casino, and added the Vice City bank vault to the elevators menu list
- "This is a SA-MP 0.3.DL interior." on screen text will appear for 0.3.7 users attempting to enter a 0.3.DL interior
- Newly registered players using 0.3.DL will spawn inside Escobar Internatonal Airport interior where they can then choose their starting city
- You can scratch only 15 scratch cards a day
- Admin level 5 can put themselves into vehicle seats
- Removed LSPD from /viewhiddenint as it is accessable at Dillimore PD
- Added VC concert hall interior to /viewhiddenint
- Added the custom skins to /changeskin and /dskin (they'll only appear for you if you have access to them)
- Added 177 skins from VC for VIP Level 3, VIP Ultimate, organizations, events, president/vice pres, and set player skin for admins. Only 0.3.DL users can use/see these skins. 0.3.7 clients will see other GTA SA skins instead
- In addition to the 177 VC skins that were added, 132 skins from LCS have also been added
- Added taxis to each of the 3 major airports
- Updated account password hashing to Whirlpool. To convert your password hash all you must do is login. Upon logging in your Whirlpool hash will be saved and your SHA265 hash (+ salt) will be removed
- Added a Pay'n'Spray from GTA III to East Los Santos. It is usable and visible for 0.3.DL players only
- Fixed server auto restart not saving player stats
- Fixed server auto restart postponement reversing the seconds if hours and minutes are both 0
- Admins can set event client versions. /events and /eventinfo will tell you the client version requirements
- Added the Screw This interior from VC to the hardware store in Montgomery
- Added the logo to the bottom left corner of the class selection screen (for 0.3.DL users)
- Desynced jetpack dropping and allowed them to be used as organization and event pickups
- Organization pickups are hidden to non-org players
- Event team pickups are hidden for non event team players
- Vehicle boot weapons, drugs, and materials are saved as and when they are stored/withdrawn, instead of on disconnect
- Added /interiors to view a guide on interiors used in the server
- Closed Doherty garage and added an enex marker to enter it
- Added Ken Rosenberg's office from Vice City to /viewhiddenint and /interiors
- Time played in player stats is now days, hours, minutes format
- Added time played to /leaderboard
- Added Sindacco Abattoir to Misc in /interiors
- Moved the Leviathan at abandoned airstrip slightly further west and added a Maverick in its place
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error when re-entering a flying school Dodo
- Updated account password hashing to bcrypt. To convert your password hash all you must do is login. Upon logging in your bcrypt hash will be saved and your Whirlpool hash will be removed. If you didn't login since we switched to Whirlpool on 20/09/22 you will have lost access to your account. If you are one of these inactive players and your account is affected, you can contact an admin to have your password updated
- Updated /faq to fix a typo and include boat school and truck school locations
- Made starting a race, putting a player in a boot, and typing /admins all require a score of 7+
- Added 'other' means of getting money to /faq
- When attempting to start a bus, securicar, combine, trash, or materials mission without a driving license you will be asked if you'd like to teleport to the driving school. Similarly, when attempting to start a trucking mission without a truck license you'll be asked if you'd like to teleport to the trucking school
- Fixed wanted reasons not updating when wanted level is already the maximum
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error when attempting to use a property safe without having entered the interior through the property door
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error when updating top kills and top KDR text in team deathmatch events
- Fixed spawning with a joint/spliff in your hand and CJ running anims when dying in an exploding flying school dodo or dealership test drive vehicle
- Added the mapped gun shop interior to Misc in /interiors
- Renamed event status "Closed" to "Locked" and status "Disabled" to "Closed"
- Admins can view ban info by selecting an entry in /banlog
- Fixed checking if a player is using Android. Android specific fixes work again
- Added object ID validity checks before handling object related data
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error when leaving the server at event team selection
- Fixed the server not properly connecting you when reconnecting at class selection
- Made map object variants static
- Made the prison cell floor objects static
- Lockup pickups are hidden for non 0.3.DL users
- Added a lockup to Ocean Docks
- Event pickups are hidden for players on event death and will show again on respawn
- floatstr2 uses sscanf
- Fixed mapped objects/interiors not appearing first time in /interiors and at event team selection
- Events will start automatically when total event participants reaches total event team slots devided by 5. The "This event hasn't started yet" text is now per event and will tell you how many more participants are required for the event to start
- Joining an event will no longer remove godmode. Instead godmode will be ineffective during events
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error when DM events are won
- Admins can't view 0.3.DL property and hidden interiors if they're using 0.3.7
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error when winning a CTF or CTV event
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error when Android users event respawn timer reaches 0
- Added two more buildings from III to Whitewood Estates (for 0.3.DL users)
- Fixed TDM, CTF, GTF and CTV scoreboards initially showing "0" after server start
- Re-added paused time to ?[name / ID]
- Added 3 more lockups to the III buildings in Whitewood Estates
- Re-added snowy weather
- Mapped interior floor objects are static dynamic objects instead of global objects
- Fixed /buyarmor not working in Emmet's gun shop
- Fixed being able to buy Combat Shotgun and M4 in Emmet's with /buyweapon
- Added Salvatore's mansion from III to Rockshore East for 0.3.DL users
- Fixed being unable to buy a Shotgun and SMG using /buyweapon
- Properties created higher than the "average" Z coordinate of the X Y position will be hidden for 0.3.7 users
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error when giving a player an item
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error sometimes (rarely) happening when selecting a vehicle component
- Fixed incorrectly formatted string in /askreply
- Adding a new property will updated streamed areas for players, making it impossible to create a property interior inside the property pickup
- Fixed CJ appearing at class selection instead of skin ID 73
- FR players can rob 24/7s, properties, and ammunations. Role-play is no longer a requirement to rob these stores.
- Added actors to clothing stores
- Added 24/7 / clothing store robbery interations - you now aim your weapon at the cashier to start a robbery. They'll hands up, then pass you the money, before cowering. Voila ... the robbery is completed.
- Updated /faq with the new store robbery information
- Added eligibility checks to /events for Android users
- Fixed starting a Securicar mission assigning, then using, a bank ID between 1 and 18 (instead of 0 and 17), resulting in ID 0 never being used and an "Array index out of bounds" error when 18 is used
- The server auto restart time (set by admins) is in days + hours format, and the postponement of the restart timer is in days, hours and minutes
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error when returning to a business options list after having viewed the owner list
- Removed unecessary loops and amended code when returning to a business options list after viewing investing or selling options
- Removed Marco's bistro from /viewhiddenint and closed the back door next to the kitchen; added an entry point to the bistro at Verdant Bluffs, Los Santos
- The Market apartment building and Downtown Zombotech building objects are static
- Fixed new players being required to confirm their password twice since changing to bcrypt password hashing
- /pm and /reply messages include player IDs
- Added /togglepms to (dis)allow PMs from players
- Completely removed Whirlpool
- Fixed not losing half of your money when dying in jail
- Entering a solo race checkpoint will have no effect if the race hasn't started
- Added Daily Achievements. Daily Achievements replace the old Achievements script. There are a total of 12 daily achievements that when each achieved you receive $1000. If you achieve all 12 in the same day you'll receive a bonus $50000
- /leaderboard will show the 1st place leaders of each leader board type in a tab list headers dialog. Clicking on a leader board type will show the top 10 leaders of that type
- You will receive $20000 when taking 1st place of any leader board type
- Replaced Daily Achievement type "Rob a store" with "Open a parachute"
- Level 6+ admins can set an organization manager. If an organization manager is set only the organization manager and Level 6+ admins can use admin organization commands
- Fixed being unable to respond to a flight request if another pilot has offered the passenger a fare
- /respond shows a list of active fare (taxi, limo, or pilot) requests. You can proceed to respond to a fare request simply by clicking on it then entering the fare amount
- Merged /canceltaxi, /cancellimo, and /cancelflight into one command /cancelfare
- /acceptfare and /declinefare show dialog lists of active fare offers (responses) from on duty taxi(or)limo drivers or pilots
- Added "Daily achievements" to /faq as a way of making money
- Added /lb as a shorter command to /leaderboard
- Removed /c as a shorter command for /clear ( /c is also shorter for /close )
- Grouped "Your Stats", "Server Stats", and "Leader Board" into /stats
- Fixed /whois leaving a space before the first entry
- Removed event IDs from /eventinfo, and re-added the use of dialogs to join events, for Android users
- Merged /opengate (/og) and /openlockup (/olu) with /open (/o) , and /closegate (/cg) and /closelockup (/clu) with /close (/c)
- Snow will rotate with your camera instead of keeping to your player rotation
- Fixed all Ammunations eventually having being robbed (lately)
- You must reach level 7 to deposit money into a property safe
- Added the church interior to the Misc category in /interiors
- Properties can have two gates, and they can be linked to operate together
- Removed the Pier 69 warehouse unit garage door
- Changed property 3D text labels to dynamic 3D text labels - this allows them to be individually toggled for different connecting clients, and should solve the issue of there sometimes being floating property 3D text labels without a pickup
- Made /me and /do local with the distance check the same as the server set stream distance 300.0
- Added /gme and /gdo for global me and do
- PMs are automatically toggled on for newly registered players
- Level 5+ admins can edit property positions/costs without having to delete and re-create them
- Renamed /addproppizzacp to /proppizzacp and added 0 as an optional parameter to remove a set pizza checkpoint
- Fixed /me not working during RP school lesson
- Fixed /gme and /gdo not working in jail
- Fixed /gme and /gdo can be used when muted
- Enabled grouping of player object slots
- Fixed /commands showing /forgetfightstyles (should be /forgetfightstyle)
- Added /gangsigns to /commands
- Added /snm and /bj to use SnM and blow job animations (added them to /commands too)
- Re-added /engine and /e as an alternative way to start vehicle engines
- Altered thousands of lines of code to support the latest (official) released version of, and Qawno editor. Our server version is now v1.0 (or RC2)
- Fixed the boat school teleport dialog not appearing when entering a boat without a boat license
- Removed automatic wanted level reduction and added an option to police dept checkpoints to bribe the police. You can bribe the police once every 30 minutes
- Admins can add objects to events. The maximum is 50 objects per event
- Added an option for property owners to add additional furniture to their interior. Currently each furniture item costs $500, and to sell/discard furniture you will get $200 back (per item). Individual furniture item prices might come in the future
- Fixed event objects not being re-created after server restart
- Changed /movefurniture to /myfurniture where you can both edit and sell your furniture
- Law enforcers can start a raid on a property. When a property is under raid the property pickup will turn red and the text label will say "'Organization name': THIS IS A RAID!". During a raid only law enforcers can enter/leave the property, and property actions (buying, selling, renting, etc) will be disabled
- Law enforcers can crack the safes of raided properties
- Fixed level 1 and 2 VIPs being able to /changeskin 0
- Fixed entering a non-raided property sometimes saying the property was being raided
- Fixed entering newly added property interiors saying the property was being raided
- Fixed dying in an exploded test/mission vehicle respawning you twice and with CJ running anims
- Fixed a bug with /resetbus where shares belonging to other owners can become corrupt
- Added object sfse_roadblock5 to South East San Fierro freeway
- Reverted /gme and /gdo back to /me and /do and added /lme and /ldo as local versions
- When in aircraft you will see other occupied aircraft marked on your radar
- The 4 SAM sites at Area 69 now work. Upon entering the restricted area in aircraft, or entering aircraft while in the restricted area, the nearest SAM will rotate to your direction and then fire a missile towards you. The missiles will explode upon reaching your aircraft (or after having travelled a total or more of 300.0 units)
- Organizations can have up to 3 checkpoints
- VIP Ultimate members can use /jetpack to get a jetpack in /fr mode
- Added the cargo ship from III to Bayside for 0.3.DL users
- Admins can remove checkpoints from organizations
- Increased SAM site rotate speed by 20% and increased missile speed by 25%
- Organization interiors, interior vehicles, interior vehicle enter pos, and interior vehicle ext cube areas can all be linked to individual org checkpoints (allowing each checkpoint to have a different interior in a unique world)
- Added on screen text for newly registered players spawning at the baggage reclaim instructing them to press N to leave at the door
- Organization roof teleports can be linked to individual org checkpoints (allowing each checkpoint to have a different roof teleport and /down area)
- Admins can toggle weapons from being/to be purchased at gun stores
- Added a new wanted reason (Terrorism). Terrorism is worth 6 stars and will be set when you detonated explosives
- Added Rustler bomb dropping. You can drop a bomb from a Rustler using the handbrake key. It'll explode on impact on the ground and on players & vehicles
- Removed /orgcat and changed /createorg so that it asks you to select a category before then creating the org
- Fixed your cars/bikes previous owner's name not formatting correctly when selling it at a dealership before the 7 day cooldown period
- Added a new wanted reason (Trespass - Res Area). Trespass - Res Area is worth 6 stars and will be set when you enter Restricted Area. Armed Forces and on-duty Police and SWAT are exempt from becoming wanted
- 5 bombs can be dropped from a Rustler at the same instance
- You can reset your vehicle position to your organization HQ
- Admins can check players' client version
- Admins can start ''Guess The Number''. A number, with a min & max range, a total amount of per-player attempts, and a reward, can be set for players to guess. Type /guess to submit your guess
- Admins can mark players on the map & radar (useful for custom events)
- Anti-cbug is triggered only by Desert Eagle, Shotgun and Sniper Rifle
- Added a 1 second cooldown period in-between dropping Rustler bombs
- Added an optional parameter to /plantbomb make it a timed explosion - /plantbomb [seconds 1 - 20]
- Fixed the explosive object you're planting being left behind when you're put into a vehicle boot
- Updated bcrypt plugin to latest version
- Made it simpler to edit org rank permissions with a an edit completion dialog that, when responded to, will take you back to the list of permissions
- Like the org rank permissions dialogs, a completion dialog has been added to banks which upon clicking will take you back to the main dialog menu
- Removed default export vehicle positions. There will now be at least one of each export vehicle positioned at the random vehicle spawns around the map
- Doubled export vehicle reward costs. They're now double the prices they are in single player
- /asetpass now sets a temporary password to the player's account. Upon logging in with the temporary password the player will be prompted/required to set and confirm a new password
- Changed /questpickup [slot] [clue] to /questpickup [slot] which will show a dialog msg box for the clue to be entered
- Added /exportlocs to view a list of cities where all export vehicles can be found
- Export vehicle reward costs are now 75% of what they are in single player
- /exportlocs tells you how many of each of the vehicles are in each city
- Added an optional parameter for admin ID 1 to /disablecmd to disable a command indefinitely. If a command is disabled indefinitely only admin ID 1 can enable it again
- VIP-U members can use /health to restore their health by half every 5 minutes
- Your gaming state must be Freeroam to use /health and /armor
- VIP-U members can scratch 20 scratch cards each day
- Added a new mod shop at Doherty garage for VIP members. All modable vehicles can be modded here
- /exportlocs will show only the locations of the vehicles from the current export list
- Added the Dirtring interior from Vice City to San Fierro stadium for 0.3.DL users
- Updated Pawn.RakNet plugin to latest version
- Added actors to banks. The actor will appear to players at their active bank checkpoint
- Player bank checkpoints & actors are configured when the actor initially streams in for the player
- Bank actors will hands up when aimed at and cower when shots are fired. When shots are fired the checkpoints are disabled
- Airport guards will handsup when aimed at, and as a result of this the airport gates will open
- Added a priest actor to both church interiors. The priests will also hands up/cower with interacted with
- /unban and /unbanip both have an optional reason parameter
- /baninfo and /ipbaninfo info is shown in a msg box dialog
- /baninfo and /ipbaninfo can both be used on previously banned accounts/ips. If the account/ip was previously banned both the ban info and unban info will be stated
- Added /unbanlog to check the previous 24 logged unbans
- Percent symbol can be used in the chat
- There are now two type of account notes: Action notes, Manual notes. Action notes are automatically logged when a player is muted, kicked, banned, unbanned, warned, or admin jailed. Manual notes are those of /addaccnote. /viewaccnote will give the option to view action notes or manual notes
- The prison exit "cell" door can be bombed with explosives allowing prisoners to escape. All prisoners are informed when/if the door is bombed. The door will re-appear when all prisoners/visitors have left the interior
- Fixed prison exit door bombing being effective when the prison is empty
- All players are informed when the prison exit door is bombed
- When bombing the prison exit door you'll be informed if the prison is empty
- /guide pages are used and are managed all in one dialog
- Added boat school and trucking school to /guide
- Fixed /say, /vsay, and /shout leaving two spaces (instead of one) after "[ID]" and "says/shouts" for admins in Freeroam mode
- Fixed the variable used to remember a player entering a vehicle when using the cellphone not being reset when being put in a boot
- Fixed event "Closed" status red color not formatting correctly for the first listed event in /events and /eventinfo
- Fixed setting vehicle interior incorrectly at Loco Low Co
- Added bike dealers to /guide
- Admin level 3+ will see lock-up pickups when using SA-MP 0.3.7 (for reset purposes)
- Fixed /viewhiddenint would allow admins using 0.3.7 to teleport to 0.3.DL interiors
- Admins can toggle allowing use of weapons for players for a set number of days
- Fixed issues creating/editing roadblocks & cones
- Changed roadblocks back to dynamic objects
- Added some code to kick rapid joining players (bots)
- /gm no longer requires the user to be spawned
- /gm now retains the user's health (they can't be damaged anyway...)
- /gm toggles god mode on/off (instead of just turning it on)
- /sethealth will only disable god mode if the value set is 0
- Added 2 new lockups in Willowfield for 0.3.DL users
- If toggled on during the dying process god mode will be ignored when pressing sprint key to confirm death
- God mode is ignored if the damage reason is unknown (this includes dying in an exploded vehicle)
- Admin level 5+ can see all organization pickups
- /enablecmd and /disablecmd command text parameter must begin with a '/'
- Fixed /orgcar and /repair saying your organization doesn't have any checkpoints
- Fixed some loops not force breaking when shifting admin & hdo IDs
- Fixed /kickadmin checking if there are any admins (there has to be at least one admin if the command is being used!)
- /admins & /kickadmin no longer check for a valid admin status (admin statuss are set when admins are set!)
- Fixed admins hidden status being reset when admin level is increased/decreased
- Fixed creating /rb and /cone saying you've reached the maximum amount
- /admins and /hdos use tablist style dialogs and display offline members too
- Fixed being given a new parachute in events after leaving your spawn point interior when the interior type is skydive
- If the damage reason prior to death is drown, collision, or unknown, the killer will always be invalid
- Fixed /tagsoff always saying "You already have player name tags disabled"
- Added anti vehicle spawning (hacks)
- Added an organization rank permission for /repair
- Fixed sometimes you'd keep your vehicle after /export
- The setting/kicking of co-leaders is now logged (admin note message + server log print)
- Fixed resetting your boat to the nearest docks setting it to the wrong docks
- Fixed PC users' health and armor saving with default values when joining an event
- Non VIP members can own 2 vehicles
- Max player vehicles has been reduced to 6. The number of vehicles a player can own is their VIP level + 2
- Fixed being unable to re-enter the prison interior after being unjailed
- Fixed when buying business shares from a player you were able to own more than the maximum business shares
- Fixed selling all of your shares of a business to another player, who isn't already a shareholder in the business, not resetting the shares amount in your owner slot
- Fixed the wasted player losing half of their money when their event ends as a result of their death
- Added /areply to /commands
- Added a Raindance to the helipad on the tall building in Downtown Los Santos and one on the helipad at Bayside
- Added a completion dialog to dealerships after buying insurance, changing vehicle color, changing license plate, and changing licence plate color, allowing you to return to the main dialog menu
- The sub commands of /actions can be used in jail
- /b can be used in jail
- Added robbing of ATMs to /faq as a way to get money
- /getplayerver will state if a player is using an official/android client
- Owned vehicles clock kilometers . Kilometers travelled show on the speedometer
- Fixed attempting to buy more than $2147483647 worth of mobile vouchers or scratch cards giving you unlimited money
- You can hold only 50 explosives
- An animation is applied to players in vehicles when they start dying
- Dropped IsPlayerConnected2 from IsPlayerUsingAndroid; and added IsPlayerUsingOfficialClient to it to hopefully resolve false positives
- Admins can generate random numbers from within a min and max range. The generated number will be sent in a chat message to all players
- Admins can generate a random player from the player list. The generated player's name will be sent in a chat message to all players
- When reviving a player text will show above both the players' heads (at the position of rp name text). If either player has their rp name enabled, it will be raised slightly higher to assist the revival text
- Added some missing objects to the concert hall interior and fixed some rotations of others
- Fixed being able to buy disabled weapons from gun shops using /buyweap
- Added a Raindance to the helipad at Los Santos International
- Added a Maverick to the helipad at The Emerald Isle
- Added text labels to ATM machines stating which key to press to use them
- Added a stunt race map, by Ford, and created a race event at it
- Added /eventminz which works like min/max velZ detecting but instead checks for min Z
- If you fall below the minZ in a race event your positon will be set back to the last checkpoint you entered
- Fixed a crash in /startevent when an admin starts a race event without being a participant
- Increased rp name and revive text label Z offsets
- Fixed race event fastest lap not updating
- Fixed last man standing events being left locked after all players have left the event
- You can only blow open the prison exit door once in 2 hours
- Fixed business owners selling their shares to fellow owners not updating the fellow owner's shares amount correctly
- You can't rob weapons disabled for purchase using /robammun
- Admins can change the names of solo races
- Added event status type Invite. Admins can lock an event to invitation only and invite players to join it. Event invitations expire when the event is disabled or won
- Increased max events to 20
- Added version 2 of Ford's stunt racing map, and altered the race checkpoints of the event located there
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error in OnVehicleDeath when there's a player in the boot
- If you fall below the minZ during a race event, without being in your team vehicle, you'll be put into another team vehicle (as driver) at your last entered checkpoint
- Fixed being unable to teleport from the basement floor to the top floor using the elevator dialog in Caligula's
- /putin checks that seatid is less than or equal to the max passengers of the vehicle
- seatid in /putin is optional. If seatid isn't specified the first available seat in the vehicle will be found
- GetPlayerSpecialAction2 returns SPECIAL_ACTION_CUFFED if IsPlayerCuffed is true (GetPlayerSpecialAction would otherwise return 0 for cuffed players in vehicles)
- Being revived increases your health to 10 (not 100)
- Fixed buying the remaining shares of your business from another player not updating your shares if the other player is last in the owners list
- Fixed upside down ramp in Dirtring interior
- Replaced the III cargo ship at Bayside with the other III cargo ship
- Added the "hogans_alley" interior from Vice City to the Ammunation in Ocean Flats
- Added a missing object to Salvatore Leone's mansion
- Admins can spectate from in jail
- Fixed unjailing players early if they aren't spawned
- Admins can check players' assets by clicking on the scoreboard or using /checkstats
- Added new job: Sprunk missions. You can start Sprunk missions at the Sprunk factory in Montgomery
- Players can end their current job/mission with /endjob
- Added the 'hogan's alley' interior to /interiors
- Added Sprunk missions to the server guide
- Admins can toggle weapon shot admin note messages (when players fire at other players or at vehicles)
- Dying state & revival apply only to players in Role-play gaming state
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error in /tie and /cuff
- Fixed muted players can talk in /cc
- Admins can check org bank balances
- Stingers can be deployed by org members from their org vehicles if the siren is toggled on for the vehicle. Bicycles, bikes, aircrafts, boats, and RC vehicles are exempt
- Fixed setting an offline player as admin showing them as online in /admins
- Fixed clan members being able to set their name as the clan tag
- Fixed spawning in escobar airport for the first time, then relogging and repeating the process giving you $50000 each time
- Merged admin level 7 with level 6 (other than /setvip and /givevippoints, which are now for admin ID 1)
- Fixed /setgamingstate not cancelling /taxi, /limo, and /buyticket jobs/requests, or removing jetpack when setting to role-play
- You can't change your gaming state when you're wanted
- Tazer effects now last 10 seconds
- Fixed /enter not working as driver when in an organization exterior cube
- Fixed /leave not working as driver when in an organization interior
- The 7 day cooldown for resigning from an organization now applies to everyone
- Fixed the first spawn text "Exit the interior by pressing N at the door" sometimes appearing when it shouldn't, and sometimes not appearing when it should
- Added fence objects and an organization gate to an area in Market, Los Santos
- Fixed Securicar missions not ending if your Securicar is destroyed
- Fixed next sprunk mission checkpoints not appearing if the previous one was in the same interior
- Fixed Caligula's basement sprunk mission checkpoints not appearing
- % symbol shows as # for SA-MP 0.3.7-R1, 0.3.DL-R1, and Android users
- Added a slot parameter to /changeskin and /dskin, allowing VIPs to assign skins to up to 3 slots
- Fixed deleting an account incorrectly checking government stats
- Fixed VIP level 1 name changes resulting in losing VIP stat
- Reverted code that hides floating properties for 0.3.7 users due to false positives at some locations
- Admins can toggle the restricted area functionality (wanted stars & SAM rockets)
- Added anti-VPN. Players who join with VPN confirmed will be kicked. When VPN is suspected, but not confirmed, an admin warning will be sent
- Admins can ban/unban players from joining organizations
- Fixed viewing your own Stats, Admin Stats, and Mission Stats (using /stats) not showing a "Back" button
- Fixed VIP levels 1 & 2 could change their personal skins to 0 (CJ)
- Fixed viewing an unban log entry giving the ban reason instead of the unban reason
- Fixed nearby aircraft map icons not disappearing after the only remaining vehicle occupant leaves the server
- Added new event type Bounty Hunter. The goal is to kill the bounty target and reach the bounty kill objective. When the bounty target is killed, or otherwise dies, and there is more than 1 player in the event, a new target will be selected. A marker will appear above the target's head for all participants but the target themselves
- Added a 24/7 store to the gas station at Easter Basin
- Fixed your truck positon being set during trucking missions (including entering mod shops) increasing the reward amount upon completion
- Fixed dynamic checkpoints appearing for players who aren't supposed to see them (if they're doing a mission, or...)
- Admins can ban user accounts and ip addresses for a specified number of days. After the number of days have passed the account and/or ip address will be unbanned automatically
- Added Deposit and Withdraw options to organization menus for members to deposit/withdraw weapons, drugs, and materials to/from the organization. (Co)leaders only can withdraw
- In addition to the on screen text a yellow map icon will appear to newly registered players (to guide them to the baggage reclaim exit)
- Fixed race & sumo event vehicle idle time checks. This will solve the issue of randomly losing your vehicle in these events
- Fixed ban info and ip ban info saying indefinitely banned accounts/ips were automatically unbanned
- Fixed animations/special actions being allowed to apply when a player is crouching
- Newly created property gate model angles are tweaked so that the gate is always facing the admin who created it
- Animations can now be played when crouching if the crouching player isn't cuffed/tied up
- Moved the same chunks of code from /guide, /viewcctv, /viewtag, /spec, /rspec, /aviewcctv, and /aviewtag into a single function PreparePlayerForSpecMode (resulting in more than 2500 fewer total lines)
- Moved some code for stopping SAM missiles, hiding occupied aircraft map icons, and mission ending, which was triggered when players leave their vehicles, from OnPlayerUpdate to OnPlayerStateChange (there was previously inconsistencies/false positives)
- Practically rewrote most of the occupied aircraft map icon handling code
- Fixed being able to change your gaming state to freeroam while wanted at rp school
- Added Auntie Poulet's house interior from VC as an available property interior (for 0.3.DL users)
- Fixed Diaz's mansion, Ocean View hotel, and Phil's caravan property interior safe door positions
- Added an aircraft dealership (Air Dealers) at Easter Bay Airport. Aircraft available to buy here are Leviathan, Raindance, Beagle, Maverick, Sparrow, Stunt, and Dodo.
- Added Auntie Poulet's house to /interiors
- Added the Air Dealers to /guide
- You can test fly Air Dealer aircraft for 90 seconds
- Increased the streaming distance of the big hangars at LS and SF airports
- Fixed test driving/flying a vehicle and then buying it causing it to respawn when you first leave it
- Added /toggletips to toggle tip messages
- Added /afkmsgs to toggle AFK/back messages
- Admins can change the reward amount for toy events
- Added "Interior List" to planning department checkpoint
- You will get event top kill death ratio stat if you equal the already top ratio but have more kills than the current holder
- Fixed mission checkpoints sometimes being unresponsive after leaving & re-entering your mission vehicle
- Made many non-constant read-only arrays into constants
- Using 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 as the camera position/lookat coordinates in /editcctv will keep the coordinates unchanged (it will change only the interior and door)
- In some cases property door IDs can change, so CCTV IDs in /propinfo will now tell you if the CCTV door doesn't match the property door
- Fixed /goto, /get, and /tp not resetting the teleporting player's last registered door (and zone) when moving them from any interior to inteior 0 (causing them to then be unable to enter interiors)
- Fixed /getv not updating the last registered door (and zone) of occupants in the vehicle (sometimes causing them to then be unable to enter interiors)
- Fixed selling all of your shares from a business to a new investor not adding the shares to their list of businesses
- Added /asklist for admin Level 4+ to view the latest asks. The ask list will display each ask user, their question, the status of the ask, and the HDO involved (if on-going or completed)
- Changed /loc [playerid] to /loc [playerid] [toggle (0 = disable, 1 = enable)] . When you toggle a wanted players location to on their last reported location will be displayed on your screen (above the radar) after 5 seconds, and will be updated every 10 seconds after that.
- Increased max org pickups to 8
- Parachutes can be used by players who are disallowed weapons
- Fixed a bug with /setleader when a player from the same org is set leader (their name will appear in the members list twice)
- Admins can toggle anti-cbug
- Added /toggles for players to view a list of toggleable settings
- You can store explosives in vehicle boots
- Admins can see a list of businesses extorted by organizations
- The anticbug toggle has no effect on /events. Instead admins can toggle anticbug per /events event
- Fixed lowering a player's wanted level using /want not decreasing the wanted stars
- Added stored amount to the materials and explosives store/get dialogs
- Changed accept death key to N
- Added continuation dialogs after boot/safe transactions, allowing you to continue with new transactions without re-triggering the dialog
- Updated our edited version of weapon-config (skinhit) with the latest commits for better support
- Admins can give players a jetpack
- Admins can teleport into organization interiors
- Organization members who view their own organization members list will see the Online/Offline status of each member
- VIP points can be bought with in-game money. The cost is $25mil per point. /vippoints can be used to both use and buy VIP points
- Added the option to /vippoints to sell your VIP points. VIP points can be sold at $5mil per point
- Another fix for race & sumo event vehicle idle time checks. This should solve the issue of randomly losing your vehicle in these events
- Fixed /orgcar not appearing in /ocmds for Gangs
- Added /damagefeed to toggle on-screen damage feed text
- Fixed several potential "Array index out of bounds" errors when using some organization related dialogs
- Players' account IP address info is updated when they try logging into a banned account with a different IP address
- Merged admin commands /enablehs & /disablehs into /togglehs and /enablereg & /disablereg into /togglereg
- Prohibited weapon banning and disallowed weapon disarming are now triggered as the sync packet is received. This greatly improves reliability and essentially means that these methods are (should) be unavoidable
- Client money changes are also amended as the packet is received
- Frozen players don't take damage
- All weapon skill levels in events are set to hitman
- Players can use /suicide to commit suicide. This command can't be used when wanted or frozen by an admin, and can only be used once in 20 minutes
- Admins can teleport to players using a given angle and distance/offset. If the target player isn't in an interior the average map Z coordinate at the calculated positon will be used, otherwise the target's Z coordinate is used. This command doesn't inform the target that they were teleported to
- Fixed on duty law enforcers becoming wanted by using timed explosives
- Fixed non-law organization members not becoming wanted when using /detonate while /oskin'd
- Added some missing details to hogan's alley interior, including some posters and a shooting range
- Added a missing LOD to the cargo ship in Bayside. This fixes an area where players could enter into, getting stuck inside the ship object
- Fixed some disappearing objects and visually one-sided fence objects in the concert hall interior
- Fixed the visually one-sided fence object at Salvatore Leone's mansion
- Fixed event boundries minY always being 0.0
- Fixed the visually one-sided fence of the cargo ship in Bayside
- Fixed falling through the floor when entering Ocean View hotel and re-added it as an available property interior
- Fixed the walls of Auntie Poulet's house interior
- Added the VCS cargo ship interior to the III cargo ship at Bayside. To enter simply walk at the door to the hull on the deck of the cargo ship
- Made the cargo ship objects at Bayside static
- Fixed the visually one-sided platforms, stairs, and fences of the VCS cargo ship interior
- Various improvements to Salvatore's mansion object model (including fixing the invisible underside of the roof and fixing being able to enter down through the chimney and into the object)
- Fixed being able to jump over the fence of the pit inside the cargo ship interior causing you to get stuck
- Added Phil's shooting place interior from VCS to the outdoor shooting range in Bone County
- Moved Ocean View hotel from "Misc" back to "Houses" in /interiors
- Added Phil's shooting range to "Misc" in /interiors
- Added Louise's apartment interior from VCS as an available property interior, and added it to /interiors
- Fixed the bounty target's marker object not being destroyed when they die in Bounty Hunter events
- Moved a lot of repeated code from OnPlayerDeath into a single function, resulting in more than 3000 fewer lines
- Fixed /aocmds not showing all admin organization commands for the organization manager
- All level 5+ admins can use admin organization commands as well the organization manager
- Renamed /setorgmanager to /orgmanager
- Moved /resetbus, /resetbusbyid, /gotobus, /bussearch, /addbus, and /delbus from /acmds to /abuscmds
- Moved /resetlockup and /gotolu from /acmds to /alucmds
- Added /realestatemanager for level 6 admins to set a player as real estate manager. The real estate manager, as well all level 5 and 6 admins, can use admin property/business/lockup commands
- Players can map teleport if their virtual world is that of viewing a property interior (non-admin real estate manager?)
- Fixed some transparent objects: Ocean View hotel floor and windows, Diaz mansion marble floor and office glass table, and VC strip club floor
- Fixed being able to enter through the walls at the entrance of Ocean View hotel, subsequently causing you to fall to your death
- Added El Banco Corrupto Grande bank interior from VC as a hidden interior and listed it in /interiors (with the possibility of using it as a working bank interior in the future)
- Made El Banco Corrupto Grande into a working bank. This bank interior replaces the default banks at Come-A-Lot and Ocean Flats
- Lowered /loc update time to 5 seconds
- Changed the bank interior at Downtown Los Santos to El Banco Corrupto Grande
- The organization manager can use /gotoorg
- You can change your skin (but not to an organization skin) if your organization is engaging in a zone war but you aren't a part of it
- You can't join events, change your gaming state to Freeroam, or enter into spectate mode if you're engaging in a zone war
- Admins can end organization zone wars
- Added the latest commits from weapon-config to our edit (including a fix for the exploit reported here -
- Added "metal" SFX to the cargo ship object at Bayside, "concrete" SFX to Hogan's ally interior objects, and "wooden" SFX to auntie Poulet's interior object
- Fixed the lighting of auntie Poulet's interior objects
- Added the barracks interior from VCS as a hidden interior (might be useful as an army org interior in the future)
- Added the missing stage roof object to Malibu club interior
- Increased lockup rent to $5000 per day
- "Daily achievements completed" and "Events won" have been added to /leaderboard
- Added "Longest time AFK" and "Total time AFK" to /leaderboard
- Categorised /leaderboard. Categories include Time, Jobs, Pickups, Robberies, and Other
- You can only revive the same player once in 5 minutes
- Added the garage from the opening cutscene of mission "The Green Sabre" as a lockup
- Fixed animation libraries "SnM" and "BLOWJOBZ" not being preloaded
- Added North Point Mall from Vice City as a hidden interior, and also in /interiors, for possible future use
- Fixed withdrawn weapons and drugs from boots not always being removed
- You can't request a hit on a player who is in Freeroam state
- You can't change your gaming state to Freeroam if there is a confirmed hit on you. Any unconfirmed hits will be cancelled if you do change your gaming state to Freeroam
- Fixed some organization interior world checks in /orgvintpos, /addorgv, and other places
- Admin level 5+ can toggle anti-VPN. anti-VPN toggle status will appear in /toggles
- Fixed bounty hunter event target objects being created for and attached to the wrong player
- Replaced some poorly detailed buildings in Redsands West with higher quality models/textures
- Added green neon lighting above Sweet's garage in Grove Street
- Added a new custom modelled mall opposite the casino in Redsands West and linked North Point Mall interior to it. There are 6 entry points, each corresponding one of the 6 exit points inside the interior. A working Ammunation can be found inside the mall (with more stores to come), and a business has been made at the record store
- You can't /suicide inside of vehicles
- Added a cow to the Steakhouse roof in Redsands West
- Added the Screw This interior to inside North Point Mall
- Added Cafe Robina to inside North Point Mall
- Fixed selling all of your shares of a business to another investor of the business when neither of you are the highest owner ID
- Re-wrote the anti-cbug code and taken a different approach to blocking it
- Admins, and the org manager, can change org vehicle colors without re-adding the vehicles
- Another anti-cbug approach; it is now triggered when you shoot within 500ms of crouching
- When anti-cbug is triggered the bullet is desynced
- Anti-cbug freeze time decreased to 1000ms
- Fixed leaving an event when you had joined from an interior
- Fixed and added the cutscene Angel Pine trailer interior as an available property interior
- Fixed /exportlocs reporting incorrect locations for vehicles that aren't from local zones
- Fixed flight missions not properly completing if the fare has been paid
- If a pilot enters the destination checkpoint and the passenger hasn't paid the fare, the pilot will be warned and asked if they want to proceed to complete the trip
- Fixed "You are already requesting a flight" appearing when you attempt to buy a ticket after the pilot went off duty
- Fixed "Driver distance from you" always being 0.1 when waiting for a flight
- Renamed "Driver distance from you" to "Pilot distance from you"
- Fixed using /buyticket in RP state in Las Venturas airport showing options "San Fierro" & "Las Venturas" instead of "Los Santos" & "San Fierro"
- Replaced area detection to enter/leave the VCS cargo ship interior with enex markers, and added the interior to /interiors
- Added an anchor map icon at the cargo ship interior entry marker
- When you view an interior using /interiors the dynamic area of the door is disabled until you press "Back" and spawn again
- Added a new category to /interiors called Barber/Hair, which includes the 3 hair salon interiors
- Added the Tattoo shop, Zero's RC Shop, and the Sex Shop to the Misc category in /interiors
- Added a reason option to /afk
- Added /brb which is similar to /afk but will say "Player will BRB."
- Fixed the original Four Dragon Casino manager's office and Caligula's office object models and removed the mapped interiors
- A clan manager can now be set. The clan manager, along with level 4+ admins, can set and kick clan members
- The colors of solo race vehicles can be changed
- Added some weapon-config fixes (most notably for the sniper rifle)
- Added /retrievebombs to retrieve your planted bombs and /retrievelastbomb to retrieve the last bomb that you planted
- Fixed tenants not being reset when properties are sold/reset when no longer to-let
- Fixed /jail, /ajail, /aajail, /get, and /tp failing sometimes if the target/teleporting player is in a bank
- CTF and GTF events display the flag model next to the number instead of "flags returned" and "flags retained"
- CTV events display the target vehicle models (in color) next to the number instead of "vehicles returned"
- Fixed CTF, GTF and CTV score texts not displaying correctly after server start
- Increased max event objects to 200
- Increased stream distance and draw distance of event objects
- Admins can disarm players who haven't yet spawned (since connecting)
- Added the concert hall/back stage interior to the studios in Vinewood
- Added a command for police officers to toggle the taser (silenced 9mm). /taser will replace your current pistol ammo with unlimited silenced 9mm ammo and will show "TASER" on your HUD. Using the command again will holster the taser and restore your previous pistol ammo. You must be on-duty to use the taser
- Fixed the Sumo ring interior and added it to SF stadium for 0.3.DL users
- Added the original III rustship ramp to Bayside
- Your health and armor are restored when you level up in Arsenal events
- Increased max event rcps to 32
- If you leave a Last Man Standing or Sumo event as the only remaining participant the event will stop and re-open
- /event and /eventinfo will show the events list in random order
- Added the III import/export garage as a lockup in Spinybed
- Added 8balls bomb shop from Shoreside in III as a working bomb shop in Redsands East
- You can mount the exercise equipment in the gyms (the equipment does nothing else currently)
- You can go slower/faster on gym bikes and treadmills by pressing the left/right arrow keys. If you go too fast on the treadmill you will fall off
- Upon server restart, previously locked events will be set as Open
- Admins can change the end status of events. This is the status the event will be set to when the event is won. The default setting is Open
- Fixed /changeskin and /setskin selection menus showing blank pages if you don't have access to all skins
- Added Phil Collins and santa clause skins for 0.3.DL VIP Ultimate users
- Added Freddy Krueger skin for 0.3.DL VIP Ultimate users
- You can lift the weights on the gym benches by pressing LMB
- Removed gym checkpoints and allowed /fightstyle and /forgetfightstyle to be used anywhere in the gyms
- When you enter a gym for the first time an information dialog will appear
- Added Michael Jackson and Shrek skins for 0.3.DL VIP Ultimate users
- You can enter race event checkpoints on foot
- Admins can change the size of race event checkpoints. If the size is unset, or set to 0, the previously used sizes will be default
- Increased max property gates to 3
- Made the exercise equipment in Madd Dogg's mansion and at Verona Beach usable
- Fixed Madd Dogg's east entrance putting you in a different world to the west entrance (if player A entered through the west door and player B entered through the east door, they previously wouldn't have seen each other inside)
- Admins, and the org manager, can change the spawn position of org vehicles
- Added "Gym bench repetitions" to the leader board
- Race events can have 0 vehicles (for parkour style events)
- Admins can remove event team vehicles without specifying colors and a respawn delay
- Fixed 0.3.DL VIP Level 3 users being unable to use CJ skin
- Added "Time played (inc. AFK)" to the leader board
- Closed the original Caligula's casino vault and added it to the casino elevator menus (in place of the previous VC vault)
- The VC bank vault is accessible by entering the elevator area of the El Banco Corrupto Grande interior
- /commands and /cmds will show a list of command categories. Simply select a category to view the commands of that type
- Total pilot fares completed increases when entering the finish checkpoint (instead of when the fares are paid)
- Fixed pilot missions only completing properly for the last passenger to pay the fare (if there were multiple passengers)
- Fixed "Distance to destination" stopping updating after you've paid the fare
- Fixed and added Four Dragons Casino janitor's room interior for 0.3.DL users
- You can play MP3 files from our forum gallery using /playmp3 . An input example is 155-917- . Use /mp3stop to stop the audio
- Added playlists. You can create your own playlists and add mp3s from our forum gallery to them. The new commands are /playlists, /createplaylist, /deleteplaylist, /playlistname, /addtoplaylist, /delfromplaylist . Using '/playlists' alone will show a list of your own playlists, where as '/playlists [name]' will show the playlists of the specified user. Simply select a track from a playlist to play it. You can have up to 32 tracks on each playlist, and 5 playlists in total
- Added new /commands category "Audio" which includes /playmp3, /mp3stop, and all of the new playlist commands
- You can sell to players a maximum of 4 vehicles per day
- Added Fanny Batter's brothel interior where the crack house used to be in Idlewood, and fixed the furniture for 0.3.DL users (also added it to /interiors)
- Added a heart map icon at Fanny Batter's brothel and /menu will work at the bar
- /plantbomb and /detonate no longer require Roleplay gaming state
- Moved /vips online VIP list into a dialog list
- Moved /leos online LEO list into a dialog list
- Added /extortlocs for (co)leaders to view a list of businesses their organization is extorting from, and their locations
- Admins can set event objects to move
- Added LS and LV stadium map icons and checkpoints (the latest client mod release removes them)
- Added /eventplayers to view a list of players in events. The list will show player names, their event names, and their team names
- You can use /playlists in jail
- You can no longer sell VIP points
- Reduced daily business profit from (cost / 7500 * shares) to (cost / 10000 * shares)
- VIP Level 3/Ultimate members can sell only their original vehicle model (i.e. can't /changecar then sell)
- Businesses can't cost more than $10,000,000
- Players can't invest in businesses worth more than $5,000,000 ($10,000,000 for VIP Ultimate members)
- Added The Big Package Storage Co building from VCS to Ocean Docks (for 0.3.DL users)
- Removed all RP aspects from the script (/me, /do, /lme, /ldo, and /ame will stay and will use your player name instead of RP name)
- You can no longer put players in vehicle boots
- /buyticket will work as it used to in /fr state unless there's an active pilot online. If there is a pilot active then /buyticket will use pilot missions
- You can't use /jetpack while using your organization skins
- You can put players in boots again at the cost of 3 wanted stars. The wanted reason will be Kidnap
- Made the exercise bike in the hospital interior and the weight benches in the prison interior usable
- Removed the hitman org type. Now any player can confirm a hit on another player
- Added new commands category "Bounty/Hit" for commands /hit, /cancelhit, /confirmhit, /hits, /uchits, /trace
- Fixed being unable to confirm a hit during first 10 minutes of server start
- Changed /confirmhit to show a list of unconfirmed hits that you can select to confirm
- Removed /uchits (/confirm now shows a list of unconfirmed hits)
- Removed the hitman's name when confirming a hit if the hit has already been confirmed
- /hits will show your confirmed hits in a dialog list
- Added "Playlists" to player stats options list
- Replaced VC North Point Mall interior for that of VCS
- You can have only one confirmed hit on each player per day
- Added a working open Ammunation to the VCS mall interior. This Ammunation can also be robbed
- Added a robbable open clothes store to the VCS mall interior
- Added Barzini's in VCS mall as a working bar
- Added Man at Ease in VCS mall as a robbable clothes store. This store has two actors; aim at either one of them to start the robbery
- Added Flying Dale's in VCS mall as a robbable clothes store
- Added the Old Amsterdam coffee shop from Flying Dale's in VCS mall as a working diner
- Fixed the baggage reclaim interior for 0.3.DL users. This interior will be skipped for non 0.3.DL users (0.3.7 users will instead spawn outside the airport door)
- Removed the baggage reclaim interior fence/barrier
- You'll receive damage when frozen because of cbugging
- Actors will cower when weapons are fired only if the shooting player is within a distance of 50.0
- Moved /help to a dialog box
- Fixed the visually one sided "win this bike" stand and plants in the mall and added a Mountain Bike there
- Vehicle health updates are now handled as the packet is received. This greatly improves efficiency and should improve performance too
- /vrespawn issuer is stored as an account ID instead of player ID (meaning admins can set a vrespawn timer and disconnect without the timer being killed)
- Added a missing cellphone model to /changecellphone
- Fixed being unable to discard medikits from /itemlist
- Added a new style /itemlist with selectable images and text
- Reduced the size of the playing card in /itemlist (it's no longer full sized)
- /itemlist will display your set cellphone model
- Added item quantities to /itemlist
- Removed the glitched VCS mall windows
- Added new images to /itemlist for 0.3.DL users
- Added the White Stallionz interior from VCS at Blueberry and made it a working bar
- Added a warehouse from VC as a lockup at Blueberry next to the new bar
- Moved the White Stallionz bar to the building next door and fixed + added the original sign
- Added the /itemlist style menu to 24/7 stores
- /editpropgate and /editeventobject will allow you to select objects if no slotid is specified
- Added /hitlist for admins to check confirmed hits
- Removed /extortlocs as /stopextort does the same
- /jail time in minutes is now equal to the wanted level of the jailed player
- Fixed Sweet's house interior for 0.3.DL users
- Players can operate from multiple dynamic areas at once (e.g. /menu when in a diner/bar and also at an enex marker, pressing N when in an enex marker and next to an ATM machine, using an ATM machine that is next to a property pickup, etc)