Diverse Gaming Rules - Updated

Started by Zach, Apr 10, 2024, 12:47 PM

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1 - Spamming (including flooding, unnecessary use of capital letters, and manually coloring text) is disallowed.
Max punishment
2 - Use of a tool, modification, or hack that alters the game's performance unless supported by either Rockstar Games, Rockstar North, the SA:MP team, or DG administration team is disallowed.
Max punishment
Ban, ∞ days

3 - Insulting and/or provoking other players, religious groups, races, or other kind of groupings to get a negative response is disallowed.
Max punishment
Ban, 5 days

4 - Deathmatching is not allowed, including, but not limited to, randomly killing (or attempting to thus) another player, (attempting to) kill a vehicle, revenge killing, or kill-on-sight situations. Exceptions listed in appendix A.
Max punishment
Ban, 5 days

5A - At all times, follow the admins' instructions.
Max punishment

5B - Never reveal an admin's identity.
Max punishment
Mute, 30 minutes

6 - Do not abuse any bugs in-game (such as cbug, driver-side driveby, glitches, etc.). Instead, report any bugs you find in the Bug Reports section.
Ban, 5 days

7 - Evading a freeze, Mute, wanted level or jail is disallowed, no matter the method.
Max punishment
Ban, 5 days

8 - Do not use any other method of reporting a rule violator than the /report command, this means spamming chat.
Max punishment
Mute, 10 minutes

9 - Posting the IP address(es) or URL(s) to any other internet resource than the DG forums (dg-server.net) or DG's Discord is forbidden.
Max punishment
Ban, ∞ days

10 - Imitating server messages such as the connection lost, nick changed or player Banned texts is illegal.
Max punishment
Mute, 10 minutes

11 - Improper use of server commands is disallowed (Abusing the commands).
Max punishment
Ban, a day

12 - Tricking, convincing or misleading players, especially new players into doing something for their disadvantage is not allowed.
Max punishment
Ban, 3 days

13 - Being on the roof of a moving vehicle whilst shooting (or showing clear indications of intending to shoot) or occupying a passenger seat of an otherwise empty vehicle while shooting is disallowed. Exceptions listed in appendix B.
Max punishment
Ban, 5 days

14 - Only one account per person. The act of buying, selling, trading, or attempting to do so, is strictly forbidden.
Max punishment
Ban, ∞ days

15 - Any kind of proxy or VPN (IP changer) is proscribed from use. ~ Please notify an administrator before using, and you will be whitelisted.
Max punishment
Ban, ∞ days

16 - Misguiding or misleading admins in any possible way is not allowed, that includes lying to admins, hiding a Ban evader, a mod user, or a hacker.
Max punishment
Ban, 5 days

17 - Impersonating another player's username is illegal.
Max punishment
Ban, 2 days

18 - Other languages than English are not tolerated in the main chat, VIP chat, or the Helpdesk chat.
Max punishment
Mute, 10 minutes

19 - Discussions about politics, race, religions, or other GTA San Andreas communities (clans) are disallowed.
Max punishment
Mute, 30 minutes

20 - Whilst RPing, please follow these rules:
20A - No powergaming.
Max punishment
Ban, 4 days

20B - No bunnyhopping (Jumping while sprinting/jogging several times consecutively / jumping several times consecutively with a BMX)
Max punishment
Ban, 4 days

20C - Picking up health, armor, or guns, or in any other way getting these during roleplay is disallowed unless the other party agrees and it is done realistically.
Max punishment
Ban, 4 days

20D - No metagaming - using information your character did not obtain but you hold as a player.
Max punishment
Ban, 4 days

21 - Do not interfere in a roleplay situation your character or player is not related to in an unrealistic/unrp way.
Max punishment

21A - Do not interfere in another player's freeroaming. You cannot force other players to roleplay. Exceptions listed in appendix C.
Max punishment

22 - Hydra, Hunter and SeaSparrow can be only used for suspects that are airborne or on sea. You are allowed to shoot players using a parachute, but only while they are in the air. You are not allowed to take action with these vehicles if the suspect is swimming.
Max punishment
Ban, 4 days

23 - When killed, the killed person must do their utmost to avoid the other players involved in the shootout, and other players roleplaying, - and vice versa - for Five minutes after the kill.
Max punishment
Ban, 5 days

24 - When robbing a store, property, and or a Bank, you need to roleplay the whole scene. When robbing, you will need to use at least ten lines of RP Lines into the scene, unless you're in freeroam mode. When robbing a store, a property, and or a Bank with an/another player (s); your lines of roleplay with both contribute towards the ten lines. It is not allowed to use a keybinder for this.
Max punishment
Ban, 4 days

25 - Being in a locked interior while wanted is not allowed. This could be your organization's interior or property.
Max punishment

26 - Whilst /oskin, you are not allowed to drive any vehicle other than an organizational vehicle or use non-realistic weapons, unless they are obtained by realistic roleplay. (For Example: Frisking and taking control over a law enforcer's weapon).
Max punishment
Ban, 5 days

27 - Whilst /civil, you are not allowed to use unachievable organization weapons (Grenades, Snipers, etc).
Max punishment
Ban, 5 days

28 - Cops 'n' robbers is prohibited.
Cops 'n' robbers classify as:
Joining a situation in which your character is not linked simply to fight off the police.
Max punishment
Ban, 5 days

29 - When turning yourself in while wanted you need at least 10 lines of roleplay in advance.
Max punishment
Ban, 4 days

30 - Law organizations are not allowed to unjail or unwant people without proper reason.
Max punishment
Ban, 24 hours

31 - You are not allowed to use your organization's unachievable weapons for out of org use, this includes roleplay, CnR ...
Max punishment
Ban, 5 Days

32 - When in Roleplay state, you must roleplay at least 5 realistic lines when using explosives. (/me grabs explosives, /me places etc are not realistic roleplay). You must also take screenshots if you are using /lme or /ame to avoid confusion. You are not required to roleplay explosives when you are in Freeroam state.
Max punishment
Ban, 4 days

33 - The use of Desert-Eagle Drive-By is strictly disallowed.
Max punishment
Ban, 4 days


● Whilst training, you may disregard this rule, though this requires that the following demands are met:
● No more than three (3) players may be involved in the training
● The maximum player count during the training may not exceed ten (10) at any point.
● Training must be conducted in a deserted area, and thus must be aborted if someone else shows up.
● If an admin is online at the time, he/she must be asked before the training starts.
● If these criteria are not met, it is not considered a training session.

This rule does not apply for incidents between players with a wanted level and on-duty law enforcement players.

● You're only allowed to roof shoot from these types of vehicles; Picador, Yosemite, Sadler, Walton or Bobcat.
● You're only allowed to roof shoot with these weapons; 9mm, 9mm Silenced, Tec9, and Micro SMG/Uzi.
● Only 1 player is allowed to be on top of the moving vehicle whilst roof shooting.
● Only 1 player is allowed to roof shoot from each vehicle listed above.

● A player's freeroaming may be interfered by a LEO if the player is wanted.

DG admins reserve the right to alter these rules at any time. Any changes will be taken into effect immediately. Maximum punishment may extend if the rule has been broken several times consecutively, or by the choice of the admin.


Updated 04/01/2025:

Adjusted the following rule:

32 - When in Roleplay state, you must roleplay at least 5 realistic lines when using explosives. (/me grabs explosives, /me places etc are not realistic roleplay). You must also take screenshots if you are using /lme or /ame to avoid confusion. You are not required to roleplay explosives when you are in Freeroam state.
Max punishment
Ban, 4 days

Old rule:
Spoiler: ShowHide

32 - In Roleplay state, to use explosives you need to roleplay at least 5 realistic lines, not /me grabs explosives, /me places, also take screens if you're using /lme or /ame in order to avoid confusion
Max punishment
Ban, 4 days

head lead admin - bus org enthusiast

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