DG-Server Updates topic

Started by Strapz, Sep 01, 2022, 11:42 AM

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- Changed the bank interior at Downtown Los Santos to El Banco Corrupto Grande
- The organization manager can use /gotoorg
- You can change your skin (but not to an organization skin) if your organization is engaging in a zone war but you aren't a part of it
- You can't join events, change your gaming state to Freeroam, or enter into spectate mode if you're engaging in a zone war
- Admins can end organization zone wars
- Added the latest commits from weapon-config to our edit (including a fix for the exploit reported here - https://github.com/oscar-broman/samp-weapon-config/pull/292)
- Added "metal" SFX to the cargo ship object at Bayside, "concrete" SFX to Hogan's ally interior objects, and "wooden" SFX to auntie Poulet's interior object
- Fixed the lighting of auntie Poulet's interior objects
- Added the barracks interior from VCS as a hidden interior (might be useful as an army org interior in the future)
- Added the missing stage roof object to Malibu club interior
- Increased lockup rent to $5000 per day
- "Daily achievements completed" and "Events won" have been added to /leaderboard
- Added "Longest time AFK" and "Total time AFK" to /leaderboard
- Categorised /leaderboard. Categories include Time, Jobs, Pickups, Robberies, and Other
- You can only revive the same player once in 5 minutes
- Added the garage from the opening cutscene of mission "The Green Sabre" as a lockup
- Fixed animation libraries "SnM" and "BLOWJOBZ" not being preloaded
- Added North Point Mall from Vice City as a hidden interior, and also in /interiors, for possible future use
- Fixed withdrawn weapons and drugs from boots not always being removed
- You can't request a hit on a player who is in Freeroam state
- You can't change your gaming state to Freeroam if there is a confirmed hit on you. Any unconfirmed hits will be cancelled if you do change your gaming state to Freeroam
- Fixed some organization interior world checks in /orgvintpos, /addorgv, and other places
- Admin level 5+ can toggle anti-VPN. anti-VPN toggle status will appear in /toggles
- Fixed bounty hunter event target objects being created for and attached to the wrong player
- Replaced some poorly detailed buildings in Redsands West with higher quality models/textures
- Added green neon lighting above Sweet's garage in Grove Street
- Added a new custom modelled mall opposite the casino in Redsands West and linked North Point Mall interior to it. There are 6 entry points, each corresponding one of the 6 exit points inside the interior. A working Ammunation can be found inside the mall (with more stores to come), and a business has been made at the record store



- You can't /suicide inside of vehicles
- Added a cow to the Steakhouse roof in Redsands West
- Added the Screw This interior to inside North Point Mall
- Added Cafe Robina to inside North Point Mall
- Fixed selling all of your shares of a business to another investor of the business when neither of you are the highest owner ID
- Re-wrote the anti-cbug code and taken a different approach to blocking it
- Admins, and the org manager, can change org vehicle colors without re-adding the vehicles
- Another anti-cbug approach; it is now triggered when you shoot within 500ms of crouching
- When anti-cbug is triggered the bullet is desynced
- Anti-cbug freeze time decreased to 1000ms



- Fixed leaving an event when you had joined from an interior
- Fixed and added the cutscene Angel Pine trailer interior as an available property interior
- Fixed /exportlocs reporting incorrect locations for vehicles that aren't from local zones
- Fixed flight missions not properly completing if the fare has been paid
- If a pilot enters the destination checkpoint and the passenger hasn't paid the fare, the pilot will be warned and asked if they want to proceed to complete the trip
- Fixed "You are already requesting a flight" appearing when you attempt to buy a ticket after the pilot went off duty
- Fixed "Driver distance from you" always being 0.1 when waiting for a flight
- Renamed "Driver distance from you" to "Pilot distance from you"
- Fixed using /buyticket in RP state in Las Venturas airport showing options "San Fierro" & "Las Venturas" instead of "Los Santos" & "San Fierro"
- Replaced area detection to enter/leave the VCS cargo ship interior with enex markers, and added the interior to /interiors
- Added an anchor map icon at the cargo ship interior entry marker
- When you view an interior using /interiors the dynamic area of the door is disabled until you press "Back" and spawn again
- Added a new category to /interiors called Barber/Hair, which includes the 3 hair salon interiors
- Added the Tattoo shop, Zero's RC Shop, and the Sex Shop to the Misc category in /interiors
- Added a reason option to /afk
- Added /brb which is similar to /afk but will say "Player will BRB."
- Fixed the original Four Dragon Casino manager's office and Caligula's office object models and removed the mapped interiors
- A clan manager can now be set. The clan manager, along with level 4+ admins, can set and kick clan members
- The colors of solo race vehicles can be changed
- Added some weapon-config fixes (most notably for the sniper rifle)
- Added /retrievebombs to retrieve your planted bombs and /retrievelastbomb to retrieve the last bomb that you planted
- Fixed tenants not being reset when properties are sold/reset when no longer to-let
- Fixed /jail, /ajail, /aajail, /get, and /tp failing sometimes if the target/teleporting player is in a bank
- CTF and GTF events display the flag model next to the number instead of "flags returned" and "flags retained"
- CTV events display the target vehicle models (in color) next to the number instead of "vehicles returned"
- Fixed CTF, GTF and CTV score texts not displaying correctly after server start
- Increased max event objects to 200
- Increased stream distance and draw distance of event objects
- Admins can disarm players who haven't yet spawned (since connecting)



- Added the concert hall/back stage interior to the studios in Vinewood
- Added a command for police officers to toggle the taser (silenced 9mm). /taser will replace your current pistol ammo with unlimited silenced 9mm ammo and will show "TASER" on your HUD. Using the command again will holster the taser and restore your previous pistol ammo. You must be on-duty to use the taser
- Fixed the Sumo ring interior and added it to SF stadium for 0.3.DL users
- Added the original III rustship ramp to Bayside
- Your health and armor are restored when you level up in Arsenal events
- Increased max event rcps to 32
- If you leave a Last Man Standing or Sumo event as the only remaining participant the event will stop and re-open
- /event and /eventinfo will show the events list in random order
- Added the III import/export garage as a lockup in Spinybed
- Added 8balls bomb shop from Shoreside in III as a working bomb shop in Redsands East
- You can mount the exercise equipment in the gyms (the equipment does nothing else currently)
- You can go slower/faster on gym bikes and treadmills by pressing the left/right arrow keys. If you go too fast on the treadmill you will fall off
- Upon server restart, previously locked events will be set as Open
- Admins can change the end status of events. This is the status the event will be set to when the event is won. The default setting is Open
- Fixed /changeskin and /setskin selection menus showing blank pages if you don't have access to all skins
- Added Phil Collins and santa clause skins for 0.3.DL VIP Ultimate users
- Added Freddy Krueger skin for 0.3.DL VIP Ultimate users



- You can lift the weights on the gym benches by pressing LMB
- Removed gym checkpoints and allowed /fightstyle and /forgetfightstyle to be used anywhere in the gyms
- When you enter a gym for the first time an information dialog will appear
- Added Michael Jackson and Shrek skins for 0.3.DL VIP Ultimate users
- You can enter race event checkpoints on foot
- Admins can change the size of race event checkpoints. If the size is unset, or set to 0, the previously used sizes will be default
- Increased max property gates to 3
- Made the exercise equipment in Madd Dogg's mansion and at Verona Beach usable
- Fixed Madd Dogg's east entrance putting you in a different world to the west entrance (if player A entered through the west door and player B entered through the east door, they previously wouldn't have seen each other inside)
- Admins, and the org manager, can change the spawn position of org vehicles
- Added "Gym bench repetitions" to the leader board
- Race events can have 0 vehicles (for parkour style events)
- Admins can remove event team vehicles without specifying colors and a respawn delay
- Fixed 0.3.DL VIP Level 3 users being unable to use CJ skin
- Added "Time played (inc. AFK)" to the leader board
- Closed the original Caligula's casino vault and added it to the casino elevator menus (in place of the previous VC vault)
- The VC bank vault is accessible by entering the elevator area of the El Banco Corrupto Grande interior
- /commands and /cmds will show a list of command categories. Simply select a category to view the commands of that type
- Total pilot fares completed increases when entering the finish checkpoint (instead of when the fares are paid)
- Fixed pilot missions only completing properly for the last passenger to pay the fare (if there were multiple passengers)
- Fixed "Distance to destination" stopping updating after you've paid the fare
- Fixed and added Four Dragons Casino janitor's room interior for 0.3.DL users
- You can play MP3 files from our forum gallery using /playmp3 . An input example is 155-917- . Use /mp3stop to stop the audio
- Added playlists. You can create your own playlists and add mp3s from our forum gallery to them. The new commands are /playlists, /createplaylist, /deleteplaylist, /playlistname, /addtoplaylist, /delfromplaylist . Using '/playlists' alone will show a list of your own playlists, where as '/playlists [name]' will show the playlists of the specified user. Simply select a track from a playlist to play it. You can have up to 32 tracks on each playlist, and 5 playlists in total
- Added new /commands category "Audio" which includes /playmp3, /mp3stop, and all of the new playlist commands
- You can sell to players a maximum of 4 vehicles per day



- Added Fanny Batter's brothel interior where the crack house used to be in Idlewood, and fixed the furniture for 0.3.DL users (also added it to /interiors)
- Added a heart map icon at Fanny Batter's brothel and /menu will work at the bar
- /plantbomb and /detonate no longer require Roleplay gaming state
- Moved /vips online VIP list into a dialog list
- Moved /leos online LEO list into a dialog list
- Added /extortlocs for (co)leaders to view a list of businesses their organization is extorting from, and their locations
- Admins can set event objects to move
- Added LS and LV stadium map icons and checkpoints (the latest open.mp client mod release removes them)
- Added /eventplayers to view a list of players in events. The list will show player names, their event names, and their team names
- You can use /playlists in jail
- You can no longer sell VIP points
- Reduced daily business profit from (cost / 7500 * shares) to (cost / 10000 * shares)
- VIP Level 3/Ultimate members can sell only their original vehicle model (i.e. can't /changecar then sell)
- Businesses can't cost more than $10,000,000
- Players can't invest in businesses worth more than $5,000,000 ($10,000,000 for VIP Ultimate members)
- Added The Big Package Storage Co building from VCS to Ocean Docks (for 0.3.DL users)



- Removed all RP aspects from the script (/me, /do, /lme, /ldo, and /ame will stay and will use your player name instead of RP name)
- You can no longer put players in vehicle boots
- /buyticket will work as it used to in /fr state unless there's an active pilot online. If there is a pilot active then /buyticket will use pilot missions
- You can't use /jetpack while using your organization skins
- You can put players in boots again at the cost of 3 wanted stars. The wanted reason will be Kidnap
- Made the exercise bike in the hospital interior and the weight benches in the prison interior usable
- Removed the hitman org type. Now any player can confirm a hit on another player
- Added new commands category "Bounty/Hit" for commands /hit, /cancelhit, /confirmhit, /hits, /uchits, /trace
- Fixed being unable to confirm a hit during first 10 minutes of server start
- Changed /confirmhit to show a list of unconfirmed hits that you can select to confirm
- Removed /uchits (/confirm now shows a list of unconfirmed hits)
- Removed the hitman's name when confirming a hit if the hit has already been confirmed
- /hits will show your confirmed hits in a dialog list
- Added "Playlists" to player stats options list
- Replaced VC North Point Mall interior for that of VCS
- You can have only one confirmed hit on each player per day
- Added a working open Ammunation to the VCS mall interior. This Ammunation can also be robbed
- Added a robbable open clothes store to the VCS mall interior
- Added Barzini's in VCS mall as a working bar
- Added Man at Ease in VCS mall as a robbable clothes store. This store has two actors; aim at either one of them to start the robbery
- Added Flying Dale's in VCS mall as a robbable clothes store
- Added the Old Amsterdam coffee shop from Flying Dale's in VCS mall as a working diner
- Fixed the baggage reclaim interior for 0.3.DL users. This interior will be skipped for non 0.3.DL users (0.3.7 users will instead spawn outside the airport door)
- Removed the baggage reclaim interior fence/barrier
- You'll receive damage when frozen because of cbugging
- Actors will cower when weapons are fired only if the shooting player is within a distance of 50.0
- Moved /help to a dialog box
- Fixed the visually one sided "win this bike" stand and plants in the mall and added a Mountain Bike there
- Vehicle health updates are now handled as the packet is received. This greatly improves efficiency and should improve performance too
- /vrespawn issuer is stored as an account ID instead of player ID (meaning admins can set a vrespawn timer and disconnect without the timer being killed)
- Added a missing cellphone model to /changecellphone
- Fixed being unable to discard medikits from /itemlist
- Added a new style /itemlist with selectable images and text
- Reduced the size of the playing card in /itemlist (it's no longer full sized)
- /itemlist will display your set cellphone model
- Added item quantities to /itemlist
- Removed the glitched VCS mall windows
- Added new images to /itemlist for 0.3.DL users
- Added the White Stallionz interior from VCS at Blueberry and made it a working bar
- Added a warehouse from VC as a lockup at Blueberry next to the new bar
- Moved the White Stallionz bar to the building next door and fixed + added the original sign
- Added the /itemlist style menu to 24/7 stores
- /editpropgate and /editeventobject will allow you to select objects if no slotid is specified
- Added /hitlist for admins to check confirmed hits
- Removed /extortlocs as /stopextort does the same
- /jail time in minutes is now equal to the wanted level of the jailed player
- Fixed Sweet's house interior for 0.3.DL users
- Players can operate from multiple dynamic areas at once (e.g. /menu when in a diner/bar and also at an enex marker, pressing N when in an enex marker and next to an ATM machine, using an ATM machine that is next to a property pickup, etc)


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